Weinstein Lawyer: Sex To Advance Film Career "Not Rape"

Weinstein Lawyer: Sex To Advance Film Career "Not Rape"

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Actresses who willingly have sex with Hollywood producers have made a "conscious decision" to advance their careers, according to Harvey Weinstein's lawyer Ben Brafman.

"If a woman decides that she needs to have sex with a Hollywood producer to advance her career and actually does it and finds the whole thing offensive, that's not rape," Brafman told a British newspaper on the eve of the Oscars. 

Over 100 women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct spanning four decades, however Brafman argues that no criminal behavior took place. 

"You made a conscious decision that you're willing to do something that is personally offensive in order to advance your career," he added. Weinstein, who is reportedly undergoing sex addiction therapy, denies having non-consensual sex. He is currently being investigated by police in the UK and US. 

Of course - that's not exactly how things went down according to several women. Celebrities including Rose McGowen, Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman and Salma Hayek have accused Weinstein of various improprieties, from unwanted advances to flat out rape. 

"It was such a bat to the head. He pushed me down. He tried to shove himself on me. He tried to expose himself. He did all kinds of unpleasant things." -Uma Thurman

Actress Salma Hayek told the New York Times that Weinstein threatened to kill her in a terrifying "attack of fury." 

"...with every refusal came Harvey’s Machiavellian rage.

I don’t think he hated anything more than the word “no.” The absurdity of his demands went from getting a furious call in the middle of the night asking me to fire my agent for a fight he was having with him about a different movie with a different client to physically dragging me out of the opening gala of the Venice Film Festival, which was in honor of “Frida,” so I could hang out at his private party with him and some women I thought were models but I was told later were high-priced prostitutes.

The range of his persuasion tactics went from sweet-talking me to that one time when, in an attack of fury, he said the terrifying words, “I will kill you, don’t think I can’t.”

Last November, NBC New York reported that the Manhattan District Attorney had enough evidence to indict Weinstein, which was followed by a December probe into hush money settlements with his accusers. 

Those allegations include claims by Lucia Evans, then a college student, that Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex on him inside his Tribeca office in 2004, and claims by “Boardwalk Empire” actress Paz de la Huerta that Weinstein raped her on two occasions in 2010.

The DA’s Office is also investigating whether Weinstein misappropriated money from The Weinstein Company — which fired him in October — or his former company, Miramax, to buy his accusers’ silence, sources said. -NY Post

De la Huerta told CBS News in an November interview she was first raped in October 2010 after Weinstein gave her a ride home from a party - after which the Hollywood mogul insisted on having a drink in her apartment when he forced himself on her. She said he raped her again in December 2010 after coming to her apartment. She had been drinking and was not in a condition to give consent, the actress told CBS News.

In February, the New York Attorney General's office filed a bombshell civil rights lawsuit on Sunday against Harvey Weinstein and the co-founders of the Weinstein Co. for "egregious violations of New York's civil rights, human rights and business laws," pointing to a corporate culture which failed to protect employees from abusive behavior. 

The 38-page filing by the NY AG details a series of abuses by co-founder and CEO Harvey Weinstein - facilitated by several Weinstein & Co. employees.

Schneiderman’s complaint details Harvey Weinstein issuing threats to TWC employees and the fact that the company had “a group of female employees whose primary job it was to accompany HW (sic) to events and to facilitate HW’s sexual conquests.” The complaint further states: “One of the members of this entourage was flown from London to New York to teach HW’s assistants how to dress and smell more attractive to HW.” -Variety

"The Weinstein Co. repeatedly broke New York law by failing to protect its employees from pervasive sexual harassment, intimidation, and discrimination," said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in a statement. "Any sale of The Weinstein Co. must ensure that victims will be compensated, employees will be protected going forward, and that neither perpetrators nor enablers will be unjustly enriched. Every New Yorker has a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment, intimidation and fear."

The complaint also cites instances in which Weinstein Co. senior managers failed to respond to employee complaints about Harvey Weinstein’s behavior. The complaint cites TWC’s “COO” but does not cite David Glasser by name. The four-month probe included “an exhaustive review of company records and emails,” according to the Attorney General.  -Variety

Damage control, Mossad style

Journalist Ronan Farrow detailed how Weinstein used a network of attorneys, private detectives and a firm run by former Israeli Mossad agents in a failed attempt to silence his accusers and prevent The New York Times and The New Yorker from publishing allegations of sexual harassment, assault and rape.

One of the firms employed by Weinstein, referred to him by Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, was UK based Black Cube – which promotes itself as “a select group of veterans from the Israeli elite intelligence units,” set up a fake London wealth management firm and sent a female ex-Mossad agent posing as women’s rights advocate “Diana Filip” to befriend and spy on actress Rose McGowan.

“I took her to the Venice boardwalk and we had ice cream while we strolled,” McGowan told Farrow, adding that Filip was “very kind."

Via The New Yorker:

When I sent McGowan photos of the Black Cube agent, she recognized her instantly. “Oh my God,” she wrote back. “Reuben Capital. Diana Filip. No fucking way.”

The same female agent from Black Cube posed as a different woman with a possible allegation against Weinstein in an attempt to trick various journalists working on unflattering Weinstein reports into revealing information about other accusers, according to Farrow’s report.

Black Cube, founded in 2010 by former Mossad agents, operates out of London, Paris and Tel Aviv. Their international advisory board was headed by Meir Dagan [deceased, 2012] – former head of Mossad. Other advisory board members include Major General Giora Eiland – former head of the Israeli National Security Council who headed the IDF’s Operation Branch and IDF’s Planning Branch, Itiel Maayan – member of Microsoft’s Customer Advisory Board (?), Professor Asher Tishler – President of the College of Management Academic Studies, Paul Reyniers – former partner at Price Waterhouse, Colonel Ephy Yerushalmy – former head of Unit 504, IDF Humint Division, and Doron Arbelli – former director of the Israeli Tax Authority.

Of course, why pay out millions to accusers and hire former Mossad agents to silence and intimidate victims and journalists if it's not rape? 

Perhaps Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Donna Karan or Oliver Stone know the answer - since all of them defended Weinstein after the accusations began to fly. 

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Comment by Parrhesia on March 7, 2018 at 7:02pm

Hollywood is nothing but an evil web of Luciferian Cult worshipers and, yes the Black Cube represents Saturn (Satan) worship.  At Mecca, a black cube called Kaaba is circled in an counter-clockwise motion. (Kaaba - name of cube that represents Saturn + Allah - god = kabbalah - Saturn god) 

Notice all the pyramids in the award shows, the Oscar statute looks like King Tut,  Ishtar Gate (Hollywood) The back entrance to the Kodak Theatre where the *oscars* are handed out. The Babylonian gate.
Nimrod with and without Eagle head over gate in Hollywood.

They constantly shove it in our face, but we don't notice.

Comment by DTOM on March 7, 2018 at 4:58pm

Anyone else think there is more to this...?

'Black Cube' and 'BC Strategy Ltd' - occult Saturn worship symbolism and intention given in plain sight...or just a co-incidence, nothing to worry about.

Comment by DTOM on March 7, 2018 at 4:38pm

Black Cube?!! - oh this is getting interesting...


Via Archived Source: http://archive.is/oU8hU

Investigating the investigators

03/02/2014, 17:59
Efrat Peretz

Who are Black Cube, the firm probing Moti Ben-Moshe's affairs for Nochi Dankner?

Do you think that your rival knows everything about you? That incidents and secrets from your past are suddenly reported in the media? If the answer is yes, you were probably targeted by a business intelligence firm.
In the global business world, no private or public company operates in a vacuum, and money that changes hands always leaves some kind of trail. Moti Ben-Moshe, the new co-controlling shareholder of IDB Holding Corp. Ltd. (TASE:IDBH), who was until recently an unknown private businessman, has personally experienced this lately, following the investigation into his business affairs by IDB's previous controlling shareholder, Nochi Dankner.
Dankner hired the services of business intelligence firm Black Cube Ltd. and Barlev Investigative Auditing, reportedly paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for several weeks of work. The main points were filed with the court last week as part of Dankner's motion to cancel the decision to take IDB away from him. Dankner also requested to lift the confidentiality of the report by the Tel Aviv District Court-appointed team that examined the sources of Ben-Moshe's money.
Yehudah Barlev CPA has been a familiar name in the Israeli market for years, as the owner of a leading investigative auditing firm, especially regarding the accounting aspects of audits, and the location and quantification of fraud, money laundering, and even the funding of terrorism. In contrast, Black Cube was basically revealed to the Israeli capital market when Dankner filed his motion with the court.
The motion included a 13-page affidavit signed by one of Black Cube's two partners and VP Avi Yanus. The affidavit details the findings of Black Cube's investigation, which raises serious claims against Ben-Moshe, raises doubts about his statements that he is the sole owner of Extra Holding GmbH, raises suspicion of financial fraud through a pyramid scheme, and raises many other questions about taxes and VAT fraud.
Who doesn’t need business intelligence?
Black Cube is a registered trademark (in Israel, the UK, and the US), which is owned by BC Strategy Ltd., which was founded in 2011 by Dan Zorella and his partner Yanus, who are both in their 30s. The main shareholder in the company is Zorella, a veteran of IDF Military Intelligence, whom an associate calls a "brilliant guy with a quick grasp and sharp analytical ability."
Yanus's affidavit states that Black Cube "is based on a select group of veterans of the Israeli intelligence community, legal and financial experts." The company has more than 50 investigators, including lawyers, economists, and financial experts, with extensive professional experience and who speak several languages.
Black Cube's main business is litigation support, where it brings to legal hearings intelligence which helps its clients and aid in tracing assets, evidence collection, analysis of conflicts of interest, and knowledge of the legal systems in other countries.
Mining the web and working in the field
The first case that put Black Cube on the media radar was a legal dispute involving British real estate tycoon and international playboy Vincent Tchenguiz (formerly Khadouri). In March 2011, police raided his home and offices, and arrested him on suspicion of corrupt relations with Icelandic bank Kaupthing. Tchenguiz had hired Black Cube to help him gather business intelligence on the investigation. But when the time came to pay, the parties fell out and filed lawsuits against each other. Black Cube sued Tchenguiz for £330,000. In April 2013, the parties reached a settlement, the details of which are confidential.
Dankner personally hired Black Cube a month ago, the day Tel Aviv District Court Judge Eitan Orenstin decided to transfer control of IDB to Ben-Moshe and Eduardo Elsztain (who won against the Dankner-Alexander Granovsky group).
At the height of the investigation into Ben-Moshe, Black Cube operated a team of more than ten operatives, not including external experts who gathered intelligence for it. While Black Cube was responsible for the gathering of intelligence, Barlev served as the expert and writer of the investigation's report.

The Black Cube's investigators initially carried out an online search of Ben-Moshe's businesses in an attempt to map his business and social ties. The team then sought Ben-Moshe's current and former employees, ranging from secretaries to accountants. Because Ben-Moshe has a complex structure of scores of companies, the task involved dozens of people who had to be checked in a short period of time.
Sources close to the investigation said that Black Cube uncovered Ben-Moshe's pattern of operation: every year, he would fire scores of employees, some of whom claim that they had not been paid in months. Black Cube found people embittered by Ben-Moshe's treatment and who were prepared to cooperate.
Apparently, this activity is behind reports that, in the early 2000s, Ben-Moshe was behind a German company called MM International Advertising, which, among other things, operated a website with offensive sexual content and was mentioned in a report by the German child welfare authorities. Ben-Moshe's spokesman said in response that everything was a lie, and that the website was an online platform for the sale of ringtones and logos, and nothing more, and that Ben-Moshe was not responsible for the content.
The next stage of Black Cube's investigation involved foreign trips to some of the scores of companies belonging to Ben-Moshe's complex holdings tree, and scheduled and unscheduled meetings with former employees. For example, the investigative teams visited a company in Cyprus. The registered address was in an almost empty building, with an elderly guard at the entrance. Dozens of companies were registered at the address, but there were no signs on the doors mentioning their names. The same thing happened at another Ben-Moshe company in Luxembourg.
Ben-Moshe has made several comments about Dankner's activity through Black Cube, which he has called a campaign of lies and a witch hunt, and even implied that the methods of the investigation against him were illegal.
It seems that Black Cube, which has already completed the bulk of its work for Dankner, has come out ahead in the case, at least as far as the media exposure it has garnered is concerned. The company is still working for Dankner, albeit less extensively than before. IDB is a flagship case for Black Cube and success in it could open many doors in the Israeli and foreign capital markets, and possibly even turn its young owners into millionaires in their own right.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on February 3, 2014
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2014

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