What Emotion Do all Election and Other Causes Depend Upon? Hatred

Image result for Cruifixion of Christ


All propagandists, election campaign strategists, PR specialists, social engineers, and even religious proliferators have a common denominator-a go to strategy when it comes to developing a manner in which to invoke strong emotional opinion in favor of their cause. Hitler used it to make the Jews into convenient scapegoats! The Prohibition Act succeeded and liquor was banned and put into the hand of the black market as a result. Jesus Christ (God among Us) was crucified thanks to this deadly common denominator Hatred stoked by the Pharisees and Satan!  It is probably the most easily provoked emotion and driving force in politics and it’s HATRED!

How to vilify the good

Hatred, can drive people to not only conduct terrible atrocities, but even to unthinkingly achieve feats of unparalleled self-destruction! The very hardship they would never wish upon themselves they can be persuaded to accept by being triggered into rationalizing hatred! Hatred can be instilled in voters who have been indoctrinated against an opposing political party or candidate, and as a result may be voting for their own downfall! Take the case of the unprecedented hatred for Donald J. Trump, whose leadership, much like Ronald Reagan, brought America back into prosperity, after 8 years under the controversial and rocky Barack Obama Administration. Why? Why would voters have a negative opinion of a president who brought them stability and economic growth without foreign wars? Because the US media, the Democrat mouthpiece told them to hate Trump, encouraged them to hate Trump, lied endlessly to get them to hate Trump. The media and Democrat propaganda ignited a demonic mob hatred for the former president.

Image result for burning effigies of Sarah Palin

Destroying political careers

Just as with Sarah Palin, whom it took no time for the Democrats RINO’s and media to produce crowds of haters practically frothing at the mouth and burning effigies for a mother, former governor of Alaska, and Christian who prayed for answers while in office, became a target for hatred. Her run as Vice President Hopeful for the Republican ticket was a short run indeed and even followed her back to Alaska where she attempted to seek office again, but there even the GOP establishment along with Democrats ensured the hatred needed to prevent her from succeeding again. Hatred is a very cheap commodity for the race baiters, the agitators who use mob violence on our college campuses, and those who even oppose the US Constitution and want to overturn it, use their strategically placed hate mongering as an effective tool to enlist the participation of the young and old. The inexperienced, the self-indulgent, the liars, and all so called leaders who simply cannot have people with free will and of critical thinking to be free.

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History of the blind hate and resulting death

Stalin, Lennon, Mao Zedong, Idi Amin of Uganda, all of these men had one main power that utilized the very force of human nature to ignite hatred for a race of people, hatred for a political opponent, hatred for western culture, hatred for a race of people, and even hatred for those who had aided and abetted them with goodwill in the past. Stalin achieved his own people hating any other form of government but hard line Communism cutting off flown in food and supplies as a result of the Marshall Plan in post WWII Europe and doomed millions of indoctrinated Eastern Bloc Europeans to starvation and death! Mao Zedong capitalized on his personal hatred for those who would not accept Communism during his bloody cultural revolution and had 60 million Chinese killed as a result even using parent’s children to inform on their own mother and fathers. Hatred is a powerful emotion that blinds the myopic human mind! Hatred has become a toll here in America at a time when the nation is at a crossroads between the Constitutional Republic it once was and a third world mediocre regime that Democrats would love to see it descend into!

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Target rich environment

Hatred for Christians, hatred for Caucasians, hatred for conservatives, hatred for MAGA Trump supporters, hatred for those who choose to speak out against the madness! Hatred for America and the propagandized past that Democrats and leftists have used to promote hatred for their own country as our young foolish college aged people are persuaded to burn down campuses just because a conservative speaker is scheduled to appear. The insanity of this single emotion has been used to fuel literally the downfall of humanity. It is simple, economical, and convenient for this tool to be used. If your party cannot win an election based upon their poor performance on issues they never solve just get the people at hate your opponent using every possible media resource, and you are likely to win, not do anything for the people you’re supposed to represent, and succeed again and again using hatred of your voting base just as the Democrats have managed to do as they fail in all categories as political and moral leaders! Will America fall for it again?

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Human nature is as flawed as it can be. Isn’t it sadly a reality that just one destructive emotion can result in a blood history of repeated pogroms, lynching, violent protests, and government planned false flags to justify hatred and even wars! Going back to World War I and World War II nationalities came under assault as Admiral “Bull” Halsey was once quoted in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack, “My job is to kill Japs kill Japs kill Japs!” Perhaps it was excusable in a time when the horrors of war had been visited upon a nation that did not want to have to liberate the world again, but, never the less, hatred raises its ugly head in human affairs quite regularly.

Image result for anti Japanese war posters

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