Congressman Paul Broun
may be the gun owner's BEST FRIEND in Congress and he has a message you
really need to hear about what Barack Obama plans for your gun rights.
Just click the image below to listen.
your help, NAGR and Congressman Broun will defeat H.R. 45, Barack
Obama’s National Gun Registration and Citizen Disarmament Act, and
preserve our liberties for the next generation.
Click here to listen to this urgent message from U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, and please take all the actions he requests.
In Liberty,
Dudley Brown Executive Director National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. H.R. 45 is the most draconian gun control measure of recent memory, and it's only the beginning.
Obama's reign could last another seven years, and the anti-gun lobbies
in Congress won't relent any time soon.
Help NAGR fight for your right to keep and bear arms. Please listen to Congressman Broun’s message, and take all the actions he requests.
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Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!.
Call me cynical, but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I've come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.
Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .
. . . Or track us.
Well, after years of watching our illegal immigration problem grow steadily worse -- and watching our elected officials refuse to lift a finger in response -- the politicians' "fix" is finally in.
It's a new Federal Biometric ID card.
That's right. Instead of controlling our borders, the politicians want to control you and me. They want to give amnesty to illegal immigrants and make us prove we're not criminals!
And President Barack Obama, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are all working hand in glove to ram this new scheme into law as part of their new "comprehensive immigration reform" package.
That's why it's vital you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators IMMEDIATELY.
If passed, the Federal Biometric ID card included in the new amnesty bill will:
* Include a "unique biometric identifier" -- like fingerprints, retinal scans or even a scan of the veins on the back of your hand; and,
* Allow bureaucrats to watch your every move, as the Federal Biometric ID card will almost certainly be produced with RFID tracking technology; and,
* Include virtually unlimited amounts of personal information about you -- like what guns you own, for instance.
And this new Federal Biometric ID would be required for any person wishing to hold a job legally in the United States.
So I guess the welfare recipients don't have to get one.
I don't know about you, but I'm outraged.
It seems that whenever politicians are using terrorism, crime, illegal immigration or something else as their excuse, it's really you and me in their crosshairs.
Just remember those Department of Homeland Security memos listing pro-gun, pro-constitution activists as "domestic extremists."
How would you like to be told you can't board a plane because your new Federal Biometric ID Card told a TSA agent you supported some political candidate the new anti-gun regime thinks is too "pro-constitution?"
Even if you place complete 100% trust in the intentions of all federal government bureaucrats, what if there's some "accident?"
After all, you and I have heard the news stories of government officials "losing" laptops chockfull of hundreds of thousands of records including folks' names, social security numbers, addresses and birthdates.
And, of course, you and I cannot ignore the fact that since ID cards are required to purchase a firearm, the Federal Biometric ID scheme will likely create a de facto national gun registry.
That's why it's so important you click here to sign the petition IMMEDIATELY.
Unfortunately, this fight will not be easy -- just take a look at the makeup of Congress.
Anti-gun, anti-freedom Speaker Nancy Pelosi has an enormous House majority.
Throwing party labels aside in the Senate and counting EVERY anti-gun Senator leaves you and me with a steep hill to climb.
And, of course, we can't forget about President Obama.
He's already come out publicly in favor of Senator Lindsey Graham's and Chuck Schumer's "bipartisan" bill -- so you and I must expect he'll do whatever it takes to enact the Federal Biometric ID scheme.
There's no doubt about it -- our backs are against the wall.
But there is good news.
Coming on the heels of the Healthcare fight -- and all the lies, smoky backroom deals and outright bribery employed to ram the bill into law -- there's not a real cozy feeling of "bipartisanship" right now in the U.S. Senate.
That's a HUGE plus.
It could be that with the exception of Senator Graham and perhaps a couple of others, you and I may not have as much difficulty in keeping even marginally pro-gun Republican U.S. Senators in our fold as we would normally.
Also, many key Democrat Senators come from states that have recently REFUSED to comply with the original DANGEROUS ID Bill.
As we move deeper into this election year, many of these Democrats are going to grow even more nervous about voting AGAINST their state legislatures to pass the similar new Federal Biometric ID Scheme.
That means we can win this fight, but it won't be easy.
The anti-gun politicians believe their best shot at passing the Federal Biometric ID scheme is to move FAST.
That's why your IMMEDIATE help is so vital.
So in addition to your signed petitions, I hope you'll consider making a generous contribution, as well.
You see, I've already prepared a massive targeted mail, phone and e-mail program that I'm ready to launch as soon as I can pay the up-front costs.
And then if I can raise the resources, I'd like to run hard-hitting radio, TV and newspaper ads, as well.
The goal is to start a grassroots fire against a new Federal Biometric ID scheme in the states represented by key Republican and Democrat Senators.
We'll point out that there's an overwhelming majority of citizens in their states who are opposed to a Federal Biometric ID card.
We'll also mention these voters are ALL watching these Senators' votes very carefully this election year.
Believe me, these Senators WILL get the message.
But I can't do any of this without your help.
That's why I hope you'll rush me your most generous contribution TODAY.
I know I'm asking a lot from you. But this could be it.
This could be the major, knock-down, drag-out fight we've been waiting for ever since President Obama was elected.
Until now, we've beaten the gun-control crowd to the punch -- publicizing and mobilizing a firestorm of grassroots opposition to the gun-grabbers radical schemes before they could even get them off the ground.
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 23, 2010 at 9:12pm
Right on PH, thank you!
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 23, 2010 at 5:53pm
Amen Byron! And thank you for sending it to me.
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 23, 2010 at 3:49pm
ATF Tries to Revoke "Montana Made"
State Sovereignty Laws
We all predicted this would happen.
In a move typical for that fear-mongering organization with an ever-swelling acronym, the BATFE has written gun dealers in the states of Montana and Tennessee to let them know the BATFE will be disregarding the states' sovereign gun laws.
The "Montana Made" law, just like Tennessee's Firearms Freedom Act, is very simple.
Much of the claimed federal authority to regulate firearm sales and transfers stems from a liberal interpretation of every American tyrant's favorite subterfuge, the "interstate commerce" clause. In essence, this is what gives the BATFE its nasty teeth.
With this in mind, Montana correctly understood that any weapon made in Montana by Montana residents and sold in Montana to Montana residents is Montana's business and Montana's business alone.
Montana thus sought to take charge of its firearms industry with the application of a simple truism:
Any gun made in Montana by Montana residents and sold in Montana to Montana residents is intrastate commerce, not "interstate commerce," and thus does not fall under the purview of the federal government.
Potentially, the state would be able to say goodbye to NICS checks; Brady background checks; NFA taxes, bans and NFA databases -- and most importantly, federal "assault weapons" bans, which Montana and Tennessee rightly anticipated.
In effect, the "Montana Made" law would have permitted Montana gun companies to manufacture any kind of weapon banned by federal law -- including so-called "assault weapons" -- and sell them to fellow Montana residents.
Moreover, in this scenario, no one -- neither the manufacturer nor the dealer nor the buyer -- would have to kowtow to the BATFE by paying them a $200 tax and surrendering one's privacy to their notoriously inaccurate and oft-abused National Firearms Registry.
It was a new day for freedom -- and other states besides Tennessee were thinking of following suit: Alaska, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas.
Well, the BATFE -- never one to have its power downplayed (or acronym belittled)-- has written letters to both Montana and Tennessee gun dealers letting them know that they proceed at their own risk.
We can only guess what new horrors those words portend -- probably more dead housewives and children as disgruntled ATF thugs shoot-to-kill anyone suspected of perhaps owning a firearm not properly taxed and regulated by Washington, D.C., power brokers.
What else would be new.
A few of our members expressed interest in contacting the BATFE to vent some righteous anger -- the same thing we did when the Department of Defense said they were going to ban all once-fired military brass for resale.
Remember how the DoD reneged on that commitment after just a few days due to the widespread backlash from gun owners and law enforcement?
Well, this is a bit different. Writing the ATF and providing them with your information is akin to giving thieves your home address and the hours you won't be home.
We're going to take a different, less dangerous approach.
We've been talking to state officials from both Montana and Tennessee today to try to figure out the best way we can help these state laws succeed.
Please stay tuned to updates on this supremely important issue in our future emails.
For now, click here to read Luke's commentary on his blog and leave a comment as this development unfolds.
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 23, 2010 at 12:40am
Yes, thats what it was (above). Yep, you are so right.
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 22, 2010 at 11:55pm
Yes they can Byron. In case anyone doesnt know about it, "The County Sheriff America's Last Hope" by Sheriff Richard Mack is a book ALL of our sheriffs need to own. Got one for mine.
Comment by Sweettina2 on August 22, 2010 at 11:15pm
oh, and do yourself a favor. Buy an AK, they r better, especially if u r a revolutionary. Much less maintanance. Get it wet, smother it w/ mud, run it over and still.... keep fighting back.
when guns are outlawed only outlaws will own guns..... and i plan on being 1 of them. The only thing keeping us from being stong enough to fight the NWO and their plans is the racial divide that OBAMA has widened. The lower his popularity poles go the bigger the rift gets.
Eventually it's going to get to the point where you pick your side (the 1 u were born w/ ) That is their divide and conquer plan.
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