Whatever Happened to the Balanced Budget Amemndment and Why was it Ever Proposed

Image result for Treasure Bill boondoggle

Ever since the entrance of one Barack Obama into the oval office and his method of deficit spending never before had such wasteful and dangerous federal government liquidation of the US dollar ever witnessed. By 2011, just three years into the Obama White House the US government was already 15.4 trillion in deficit as the US sold off more than 900 billion to the Communist Chinese in Treasury Bills. If you can imagine a more destructive way to deal with the future of the US I can't think of one. This would mean the self assured destruction of the US economy on a gradually but growing path causing out of control inflation.

Image result for Obama 15.4 trillion in dficit

15.4 trillion was the amount spent by every administration that had ever existed from Washington all the way to the just before the Clinton White House! 15.4 trillion exceeded for the first time the total gross output of the total US private industry or the private sector ,as many call it, which is the largest economy of any nation in the world, but and governance and fiscal irresponsibility quickly turned that into fond memory. Today, the Democrat stained federal government uses new tools so as not to make the growing dollar failure less scary by refusing to consider the cost of food and electricity to the consumer not measured as cost of living, and by also considering future stock market gain taxation as part of a tax income whether collected yet or not. These methods are not only part of a blatant cover-up, but are also the methods of s desperate lying bureaucratic core that does not want the people to know just how badly their confiscated tax dollar is being squandered! Today that figure has risen to roughly 34 trillion! 

Image result for IRS corruption

What other ways has the government misrepresented taxes, collections, and who actually gets the money. For one thing, IRS collected income taxes are not the only source of revenue the government used to pay the bills  for running the the show. When speaking about entitlements Social Security is not an entitlement though you will hear it referred as an entitlement. People have paid into their social security since they began working in their youth and got less out of it than any insurance or investment group could ever have offered and gotten away with under criminal charges for being such a poor yield of investment.

Image result for Al Gore;s dumbass

Still, you might ask just who in the hell came up with the idea of taxing social security income after we Americans retire? Congress of course! They decide how much tax will be wrung from the neck of the bird and in what way form or fashion. So, who cast the deciding vote on whether or not to tax retirement income that has already been taxed all those years the payer was employed?? Why, good old Al Gore, a man who never had to suffer for money or social stature in his life! Congress sits back as people suffer the difficulties of making ends meet, loss of spending power, and the choices that have to be made by people of fading hopes and dreams as the economy is being destroyed by the privileged few.

Image result for public suffers at the hands of government spending

Balancing the budget, is the act of a fiscally responsible government paying all expenses due from the revenues they have generated through taxation or other methods so that the people of that land will not be burdened by the corrupt over spending that puts no limits on the how the books are kept, what methods of collection are used, or how all this impacts the currency of the people so that they can have full faith and trust in that money for future investment and use. That's not what's happening in the US folks! There is only one way that Congress would have any interest in balancing the budget and with the lack of enthusiasm it's members have in cleaning up the corruption of the Internal Revenue Service, we know that's not happening either. The feds would only balance the budget using massive taxation of the already weary American population! No cut backs on their outrageous fraternity of overpaid employees, no cutting and sell offs of the myriad of non-functioning facilities the federal government maintains for, god only knows reasons, all of the squandered payments made for goods and services the people should be made aware of, as clearly the waste and hidden mismanagement are huge factors in all this.

Image result for corrupt DC foreign spending

Foreign Aid? All over the world American's pay their hard earned money to that our government finances transgenders in Pakistan, sex re-assignment surgery for US armed servicemen caught committing treason, secret deals in the Middle East that benefit foreign countries and not the American citizen. In Communist China who threatens to invade Taiwan, our major ally, Our federal government allowed 9 million illegal aliens over our borders as easily as a child crossed your yard when chasing a ball they dropped and without so much as a medical test for disease of a background check!  China gets to maintain a huge trade deficit against the importation of all American products such as cars, electronics, furniture, appliances, as well as even parts for our military jet fighters while America companies are greatly restricted from competing in that foreign market! Why is this allowed to go on and on? This one of many such issued President Trump dealt with and improved as well as once of the first things Joe Biden who sighed 44 Executive Orders during his first days in office after the 2020 election jut as the dictator he really is! 

Image result for senile Biden signing Executive orders

Is their anything the federal government could do under a brainless President Biden that a terrorist Manchurian Candidate wouldn't do to overturn the country? NOPE!!!!

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