When a Political Party Ceases to be Viable and Becomes the Enemy

Image result for 1954 Congress mass shooting by Puerto Ricans

With the 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech Americans have long cherished this form of expression, but until recent years the Democrats and the left have sought to cancel any speech they deem in conflict with their own interests. Iranian advisor to the Obama's Valerie Jarrett said in 1976 that she would use freedom of speech in the United States against our country in order to establish Islam in America. With the 5 major social media platforms refusing to host conservative talk shows or live streams, the First Amendment has become an extinct right only available to those who hate American exceptionalism. Why are our enemies allowed to use our laws against us? But, it gets worse. How are the Democrats consistently allowed to break the law, support domestic terrorism, and even allow convicted killers to walk?

PHOTOS] Valerie Jarrett — PICS – Hollywood Life

Mass shooters freed

In 1954 radical Puerto Rican Nationalists quietly seated themselves in the Congressional chambers as business was being conducted. Suddenly, one woman and four male gunmen began shooting all over the interior bullets striking several Congressional members while a Puerto Rican flag was unfurled! In 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted their sentences even though they had brazenly wounded several people in a bold show of hatred for American occupation of their land. Today, we have more than 60 patriotic Americans languishing in the cruelest of conditions detained without their Constitutional rights for simply walking into the Capitol Building, not even carrying weapons or causing injuries.

Image result for weather underground attack on DC 1971

Weather Underground spared?

March 1, 1971 a bombing devastated the GOP side of the Capitol Building causing 350 thousand dollars in damages. The Weather Underground headed by William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn led the planned attack. Their ultimate objective was to cause a national overthrow of America, leading the way to occupation by our Communist enemies and then to liquidate through mass executions millions of conservatives and Christians who would never succumb to Marxist indoctrination. Thanks to Democrat prosecutors, charges against them were dropped even after ten years as fugitives from justice. Why? Today they both teach college as professors. Bill Ayers became Obama's mentor!

Image result for 1993 wtc bombing

Arab murderers set free thanks to Hillary

In February of 1993 the first World Trade Center bombing shook America as 6 people including a young pregnant woman were killed, a thousand were injured, and 50 thousand people were evacuated from a truck bomb used by Islamic terrorists. In the months that followed Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder acting as defense counsel got all defendants acquitted even though the evidence was clear and unarguable. Why? How could such an atrocity be allowed to go unpunished?

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Controversial Oklahoma City bombing

April 19, 1995 the Alfred P. Murrah federal building was devastated by a supposed truck bomb made from fertilizer. 168 people died as half of the building collapsed leaving the other half still standing. A US Army Colonel and explosives expert said that the blast could not have been from a single truck bomb made from ammonium nitrate fertilizer, but of course his concerns were quickly drowned out by the media. Even though Timothy Mcveigh and his partner Terry Nichols carried out the attack, were later captured, and despite Nichols having close ties and travel records that took him to the Middle East, the federal government targeted militia groups.

Image result for Nichols and McVeigh

Another excuse

Congress with people like Joe Biden as part of the investigative panel drafted a national anti terrorism program centering around legalizing the invasion of people's privacy and indefinite detainment of those suspected of terrorist activity, but rather than investigate Islamic pro-terrorist groups operating even in Washington DC, Christian militia groups and veterans became suspect while the general public lost many of their Constitutional rights. When the defense team motioned for examination of the partially collapsed building for bomb blast evidence, demolition crews made short work of the rest of the standing building despite need for discovery. Incriminating records of the Clintons as well as evidence of the cause of Gulf War Disease were alleged to have been stored in the Murrah Building forever destroyed and removed by the demolition contractor. Mcveigh and Nicholls were quickly tried and executed!

Image result for nidal hasan ft hood

Just another Islamic mass shooting

When Nidal Hasan pulled out a 9 millimeter pistol at Ft. Hood in 2009 in Texas and began firing at unarmed soldiers and civilians there screaming, " Allahu Akbar!". 13 people died as a result of a shooting spree by an Army Major who served as a psychiatrist. Having been allowed a long period of medical treatment for his wounds, Hasan was convicted and sentenced to death, but to this day, has not been executed. Once again a Democrat dominated administration refrained from carrying out the sentence of a traitor and terrorist with the FBI labeling the horrific act "Workplace Violence". Once again the Islamic assailant was spared while Americans died!

Image result for Images of idiot Democrats

The true enemy?

Does anyone see a pattern here? Our supposed Democrat Political Party consistently supports murder committed upon Americans by our foreign radical enemies, and instead obsessively seeks out the much demonized "White Supremacist" "Racist" "White Nationalist" "White Militia" these, we are told over and over again, are the true terrorists as ANTIFA and BLM burn down US cities supported by the Democrats who never speak out against the violence they cause! It is the Democrats that saw to it that the southern border of the US was left open and unguarded with a half million illegal unvetted aliens from all over the world now within our midsts!

Image result for Images of ANTIFA

In other parts of the world

If the Democrats were true terrorists they could do no better and be no more destructive to America than the Biden and Obama regimes have attempted to be! They are involved in the methodical destruction of our society under the guise of an opposing political faction! Where did the US Constitution ever say that a political party had the right to support the downfall of the nation? They have no right. They have no allegiance to our country. Their interests do not serve We the People! In any other country such a party would be shot on site, purged, and driven out of the country or into mass graves! Yet, they are busy doing this to us!

Image result for Images of Communist leaders hanged

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Comment by Doc Vega on June 25, 2021 at 4:21pm

Chris, I always thought a lot about the Aussies as energetic if not impulsive and refreshing, but they have really caved to the Corona virus scam and their government might as well be the KGB. Sad.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on June 17, 2021 at 8:04pm
The constitution prohibited creation of political parties, as did Australian. Long standing treason case....

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