"Who are WE"? Where would we be today as a culture, if when we were children, we'd been taught morality, and to recognize the difference between actions that caused harm, actions that did not cause harm, and thought for ourselves?

Where would we be today if we'd been taught to question, instead of obey?

Where would we be today if we'd been taught that each and every one of us is a being capable of determining for ourselves, just what in our lives, held the greatest joy, and were unrestrained in terms of following our dreams, because all of us respected our equality, our planet, and our own individual freedom?

Would we have this culture of violence? Do you think our world would reflect what we see today, if "WE" were Moral People?

If "WE the PEOPLE" were Moral, what do you think we'd do once we'd uncovered the undeniable facts that a very small group with unlimited funds, were poisoning our skies, our water, our food, our children, and using us as pawns in war, as they depopulated, yet because we'd been blinded by their propaganda and the religion of "Authority", we only realized NOW, late in the game, what was at stake, and that "WE" were our own worst enemy?

If "WE the PEOPLE" were Moral, would we simply ignore and belittle those of us who'd seen the truth, without actually researching for ourselves in order to uncover it? If we'd been told that in order for this plan to succeed, each one of us would have to abdicate our own sense of moral and immoral actions, and simply be taught to "obey" for some greater cause, part of which involved the murder of innocents and the destruction of our oceans, earth and sky?

What would "WE the PEOPLE" do, if we understood that no matter how much we tried to abdicate the responsibility of our own actions to someone else, because it was "our job", ultimately, in the greater picture, we ALL were individually responsible, and could not, through the underlying greater principle's of "Natural, Spiritual Law", ever escape the effect of the damage we'd caused?

What would our world look like today, if "WE the PEOPLE" woke up to these facts?

What would we do in order to avoid the consequences of our own compliance once we really understood that "WE the PEOPLE" were OUR OWN WORST ENEMY, simply because we chose to "Obey", with the full knowledge of the suffering, pain, torture, and death to others, paid for with OUR money, and inflicted upon others by those in uniforms who willingly, wantingly, continued to obey, regardless of harm???

This is the TRUTH, and no matter how hard we try to avoid it, no matter how much cognitive dissonance we embrace, until and unless we are willing to face the ugliness, we will continue to live Immoral, unfulfilling lives of Obedience and Pain.

Our last resort at resolving this as peacefully as possible, is through Economic Non-Compliance. We must restrict the life blood of the corporatocracy who value profit over people at every turn. We are under "legal, economic conquest", over 7 billion of us, held hostage to the monopoly of corporate profit and malfeasance at the highest levels imaginable, from bought and sold politicians and religious so called "leaders", who's vested self interest ignores the damage they enable, to the policeman on the street beating peaceful protestors.

We've been so successfully taught to "OBEY AUTHORITY" that we've been blinded to the fact that the authority of governments has been responsible for billions of deaths world wide, in its march toward total debt enslavement and control through the unlimited funding of the military industrial complex, who continue to experiment upon us daily, without our knowledge or consent.

What would a Moral People do once they woke up to this nightmare?

They would REFUSE to OBEY orders that cause harm, and REFUSE to work to fund the madness, as well as REFUSE to send their children to the revisionist indoctrination centers called "Public Education Schools", and then they'd narrow their scrutiny down to their own lives in order to determine for themselves, individually, whether or not they'd been compartmentalized into being part of the problem.

Nurses and Doctors would question medications that brought side affects, and the reasoning behind ignoring good food, in their quest for health. Military and Police would question their own individual involvement in causing harm to their fellow men, simply due to "following orders". Wall Street gamblers would face the immorality of stealing money while people starved, politicians would become TRUTHER'S.

We as a "MORAL People", would follow the money and also determine for ourselves, that poverty ONLY exists because of the money policies government enables.

In short, we'd grow up.

And if this makes sense to you, consider the value of utilizing our far greater numbers, in UNITY and SOLIDARITY, in PEACEFUL NON-COMPLIANCE as we empower ourselves, and move into Morality.

Don't Buy, Don't Comply, Ask Why......????

Don't Buy the lie of Authority! Think for yourself! Follow the money, the destruction, look up into the sky, look at your children, and the domination and force used all around to control us and make us "obey", instead of determine right from wrong for ourselves.

Don't Comply by abdicating your own morality, MURDER IS WRONG! Don't Comply by allowing them to use YOUR money to fund wars. Don't Comply by believing ANYONE has the RIGHT to RULE ANOTHER, OR FORCE OBEDIENCE!

Ask Why our government is manipulating our weather, causing droughts, famine, flooding, and all sorts of problems for the People, because they're more concerned with betting in the background and profiteering from insurance and war.

This weekend, "Labor Day Weekend", we have a chance to make our voices heard. Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is advocating a 4 day STRIKE, a withholding of our money from the multinational corporate system. She is encouraging us to take time with our families, and unplug from the system long enough to connect with those we love and plan for the future.

The greatest gift we as individuals can give to our world and our families, is to uncover our own Morality, and begin to live our lives under "Natural Law", by Doing NO Harm. When enough of US understand this principle, our world will change.

Dr. Perlingieri's article is posted on http://www.unitedwewin.me


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