Why are so many anti-gun mayors criminals?

Why are so many anti-gun mayors criminals?

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David Codrea

* Gun Rights Examiner

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Why are so many anti-gun mayors criminals?

* September 21st, 2010 8:54 am ET

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"A federal judge...postponed ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s status conference on 19 fraud and tax evasion charges, Freep.com informs us.

[D]efense lawyers argued they needed more time to comb through a mountain of evidence that the government has compiled.

A whole mountain?

Kilpatrick, of course, has already been convicted and sentenced on other criminal charges, including obstruction of justice and probation violation.
In addition to being a former mayor, he was also a member of anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's deceptively-named "Mayors Against Illegal Guns."
Deceptive? Well, yeah--with all the new edicts they're stumping for, it's clear their goal is to make more even guns "illegal," and control what you're "allowed" to own and under what conditions.
And Kilpatrick isn't the first lawbreaking coalition member wanting to impose disarmament laws on you. Not by a long shot.
And some of us have been documenting their criminal antics for some time.
For instance, there's the late Frank Melton of Jackson, MS, who, curiously, didn't think twice about violating "gun laws" himself. And more.
Then there was Larry Langford of Birmingham, sentenced to 15 years for bribery.

“I am sorry,” Langford said, “all this has occurred.”

Yeah, it just "occurred." Not "I'm sorry I did this"...

Or take Sheila Dixon of Baltimore--please! She put on a big media show "visiting the homes of gun offenders." She also helped herself to gift cards intended for the poor, and was convicted of embezzlement. Using terms like "badge of dishonor," the sentencing judge observed "“Simply put, Ms. Dixon leaves the office in total disgrace.” For her part, she complained about being "unjustly pursued for prosecution."

Anybody else noticing a pattern of self-entitlement and refusal to admit responsibility...? Isn't there a term for people like that?

Then there was Eddie Perez of Hartford, guilty of bribery. And Gary Becker of Racine, sentenced to three years for trying to have sex with with a minor.
Or Jeremiah Healey of Jersey City...let's see, obstructing justice, resisting arrest, nude and drinking on the porch, disorderly conduct...


“He seemed to feel very strongly that he was wronged. The judge felt differently.”

And let me not forget to give a special mention for my new pen pal, Portland Mayor Sam Adams...
So many control-challenged individuals with a compulsion to control the rest of us...it's hard to keep track of them all.
Until now.
Check out (and bookmark!) Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors, a website dedicated to chronicling the misadventures of the official criminals for gun control cabal. Hey, I even see a few names on there I haven't commented on!
Just remember to heed the warning from the website's slideshow, and don't try to apprehend one of these criminals yourself.
Chances are, the ones that haven't been caught yet have taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards.
We talked about it here.
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* Mayors Against Illegal Guns
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Kwame Kilpatrick
Michael R. Bloomberg
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Comments (4)

by Pat Ryder 6 hours ago
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Hi David - I linked to two of your articles yesterday in my piece about the local Long Island Firearms group. Will be happy to crosslink as applicable.
Pat Ryder
Long Island Events Examiner
by jons 5 hours ago
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the NRA used to have a big list of anti-gun mayors and their problems with the law. i haven't been able to find it again. i wonder why they don't publicize it more?
by Henry Bowman 3 hours ago
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And of course it's not just mayors. My favorite dirty anti-gun pol was Massachusetts' first black senator, Diane Wilkerson of Boston, who had the "political wisdom" to determine that vast swathes of the law-abiding citizenry should not be allowed to own guns, but had real difficulty understanding the more subtle ramifications of house arrest (like, not leaving her house) or the ethical issues inherent in stuffing $23K of bribes into an already overloaded bra.
by Anonymous 1 hour ago
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This is Robert- Political office often attracts the type of personality that thinks the law is intended for other poeple and that is why someone seeks office so they can live above the law. The idea of serving the public and presenting a proper image of what a good and law biding citizen should be never enters the equation or their mind at any time. Once again they are in office to control things and the only way a politician controls things is when they have all the weapons and make the laws and not the public. An armed public can say no and mean it.. A politician's worst nightmare.

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If you try, you'll probably get shot. They only want YOU not to have guns.
Photo: Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors
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