We are being desensitised & it’s entirely deliberate. What a way for an advanced species to propel itself forward? It’s incredible humans have managed to sink this low & believe you me, there’s a reason. The trouble is, it couldn’t be more sinister. What worries me most are the wide-ranging implications & the fact the ordinary, uninitiated layman in the street is the one being targeted. I’m afraid it all ties in with the Zionist plan to create a New World Order. When they’re ready to eliminate all the opposition – in other words basically anyone who’s aware or of no use to them, they’ll be banking on people to turn a blind eye. This is why I feel we’re being desensitised.
In July last year I wrote the piece – “Media programming: Israel saying it feels threatened by the Palestinians is tantamount to the Russians saying they fear Luxembourg!” I thought I’d resurrect it after recently talking to a friend about how the TV had suddenly become inundated with programs of murder & death. 20 odd years ago such programs were few & far between; now they’re all the rage – Piers Morgan & Trevor McDonald on death row, Crime Stories, FBI Files, Killer Couples, Children that Kill & a host of programs glorifying gangsters like the Krays & worst of all, serial killers like Fred & Rose West & Jeffrey Dahmer, the latter even having a film made about his odiously wicked crimes. It’s relentless. Why are we being fed this non-stop barrage about the most repulsive, morally reprehensible human behaviour?
And it has to be said, the exact reverse is true. Do we have countless shows publicising the deeds of good folk? They’re nowhere to be seen! It’s like we’re being led to believe bad is okay, while good isn’t worth a toss! What perhaps people need to comprehend is these decisions aren’t made by those controlling the airwaves with the idea in mind – ‘Right. We’re going to start desensitising people by bombarding them with shows highlighting death & murder. No. It’s all part of a slow, ongoing process, rather like evolution. This is how subliminal brainwashing works. No one must even catch an inkling that all that appears on TV, does so for a specific reason. It’s imperative we believe we’re being fed precisely what we want.
Media programming: Israel saying it feels threatened by the Palesti...
Scarcely a day goes by without me cursing the media. That’s why I’m forever telling people – ‘if you’ve a yearning for the truth, whatever the media says, just imagine the exact opposite!’ I must admit when I first wrote that, it was a touch tongue-in-cheek but now I feel it’s more than appropriate. Apparently war is great. Whatever Israel … Continue readingMedia programming: Israel saying it feels threatened by the Palestinians is tantamount to the Russians saying they fear Luxembourg!
What better way to fool people further than to advertise so-called charities on TV. Look how the TV is SO concerned! No one ever bothers to ask how in the blazes can any genuine charity afford the prohibitive costs of TV adverts, yet it’s unequivocal – we have a plethora of charities advertising on TV. The thing is, when something doesn’t add up I can’t help myself. My mind goes into overdrive. I ask, what do we have here? Answer: a Zionist controlled media offering daily adverts to charities. Would they grant such favors to a charity run by Russians or Iranians? You’re having a laugh aren’t you? Would they perhaps cut a break for an Outer Mongolian or an Albanian run charity? No. Somehow, I just don’t think so. Oh but what if this charity was Zionist run & fraud was the first thing on the agenda?….
Okay, you may say this is mere speculation. I say no. Why in any case should I give any benefit of the doubt to the very people who are master specialists when it comes to fraud? This is precisely how they operate but what pours oil on the fire is the fact there have been several serious scream ups involving major BBC & ITV charities where those who were supposed to receive funds like Save the Children voiced grave misgivings. They basically said – WE KNOW YOU COLLECTED A SHITLOAD OF BREAD. WELL, WHERE THE HELL IS IT? At the time, I wrote, ‘the only children who benefited were in all likelihood Israeli!’
Another big giveaway, considering the British public were being well & truly fleeced, there was not one inquiry. I mean if ever one needed damning evidence here it is – major UK TV stations are involved in the worst kind of fraud. Moreover these stories literally died a death because the Zionist controlled media couldn’t wait to hush these allegations up. Then, adding insult to injury, yet another Zionist trait, those running Save the Children felt it appropriate to give war criminal Tony Blair a ‘Global Legacy Award.’ They positively love kicking their opponent when they’re down.
Do folk ever wonder what happens to their £3 a month that’s supposed to go to helping all those poor suffering Donkeys or Elephants, Tigers, Snow Leopards, Dogs, even starving Africans? I may not know for sure but very little of the money ever gets to where it’s supposed to. Why should it? We know only too well one of our major failings – if & when an opportunity presents itself where one can steal with impunity, more often than not, we succumb. Add to the fact Zionists know if ever their fraudulent activity is discovered, the media will cover their back. Remember, it was Hamas’s fault the IDF aimed their rifles at unarmed protesters. If they cover for that then tell me something the Israelis can do which would incur the wrath of the media?
Charities that advertise regularly on TV are Zionist scams!
If I was the big Gumba, I would go out of my way to eliminate fraud. Of course, eliminating crime altogether would be the ultimate goal. Is this a realistic goal? Probably not for how can one eradicate temptation? Evil thoughts inevitably will enter the mind. It’s human nature to search, indeed strive for easier routes. For me, the best … Continue reading
More here: http://gmmuk.com/why-are-we-being-desensitised-the-scam-of-tv-chari...
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