Will the truth about the Russia hoax finally emerge?

Will the truth about the Russia hoax finally emerge

We all understand why the federal government refuses to release documents that could implicate national security or put people's lives at risk.  However, it's different when agencies refuse to produce documents only because of the malfeasance that puts their employees' careers at risk.  The Russia hoax documents fall into the latter category, and, on Monday, Trump had enough.  While still in the hospital, he ordered that many more Russia hoax records must be declassified.
It's been clear for some time that the federal government is dragging its feet about releasing documents that would provide even more evidence showing that the Obama administration, from President Obama on down, was complicit in an attempted coup.  Agency personnel colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign and a Russian spy to create false allegations against Trump and then, relying on those allegations, spied on him.  That Americans are not more shocked is itself shocking.
What's also maddening is that, while the Trump administration (including the DOJ), the House (from 2017 through the end of 2018), and the Senate have all known about what happened, they have not been able to get federal agencies to declassify relevant documents.  Indeed, a few days ago, intelligence sources leaked that the current CIA director, Gina Haspel, is slow-walking any declassification because she's hoping Trump will lose.  If Biden wins, those documents get buried in the vault forever:
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification and release of key Russiagate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid, multiple senior U.S. officials told The Federalist. The officials said Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency's station chief in London in 2016 and 2017, is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.
"Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it's the only chance they have of keeping their jobs," one senior intelligence official told The Federalist. "They're banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are."
In simple terms: The head of the CIA refuses to make public documents showing criminal wrongdoing in the government because she's scared of losing her job or going to jail.  That's despicable, irrespective of whether she's a good administrator or has otherwise handled her job in exemplary fashion.  If you participate in an attempted coup, you pay the price.
It might be that this report about Haspel's despicable behavior is what motivated President Trump, while he was still in Walter Reed hospital, to order that more documents get declassified:
President Donald Trump has directed White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to begin the process of declassifying more documents tied to the Obama administration's investigation and spying on the Trump 2016 presidential campaign.
"He's already tasked me with getting some declassification rolling, in a follow up to some of the requests that Devin Nunes and others have made," Meadows told "Fox and Friends" on Oct. 5, referring to House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)
That's all well and good, but there are only 29 days left before the election.  Unless those documents get declassified immediately, there's a chance that the Deep State's gamble will pay off.  Therefore, it seems appropriate for Trump to call in whatever legal firepower he has and have his staff walk over to the FBI and the CIA, and clear out their files.  Otherwise, those files may vanish.  The Deep State will have dragged its feet long enough that it will have gotten away with the greatest crime in the history of our American government.
Image: Gina Haspel.  YouTube screen grab

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