i'm not going to say what my job is, it doesn't matter.

let's just say that part of the job is to get a piece of paper to transfer from a vacuum cylinder on to a flat table where pins catch the paper at the rite time. and the first part of that flat table is a plate. so the table is not just one piece. yet one section of that plate is warped. sticks up to high and the paper smacks right into it. answer to the problem! smack on it with a deadblow hammer (until you bust your knuckle open on the thingy 2 inch. above your hand.) only to fix the problem for 20 min. tops. if you don't hit it rite it doesn't work and waste more time. that's everyone's answer is to hit it with a hammer. or maybe we could fix the problem and stop having so much down time. this is just one of the ever retarded thing's i deal with at work on a daily basis. when you work with some machines you have the option of advancing or retarding.

science time with bryan.

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Comment by truth on April 2, 2012 at 9:00pm

I am working up to a good rant here soon. Hope you are doing alright Bro!

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 31, 2012 at 7:33pm

Most welcome!

Comment by bryan l on January 31, 2012 at 2:30pm

why thank you amaterasu solar!

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 31, 2012 at 8:39am

I am a big fan of science!  Are You aware of the work of Dr. Paul A. LaViolette (an interesting character, to say the least!) called subquantum kinetics (SQK)?  It is a better model than Einstein's relativity in that:

It doesn't have elements taken on faith (Einstein requires taking the "bending" of space-time by matter on faith - nowhere does He explain (or even try to) HOW or WHY this might occur)

It doesn't require "renormalization"

It predicts all the things Einstein predicts - like light lensing, apparent time dilation, and so on - while also predicting the Biefeld-Brown Effect (a gravity prediction)

It unifies gravity with EM (Einstein is said to have struggled to do that until He died)

Here is a very good book to learn about the Biefeld-Brown effect, SQK, and more, by Dr. LaViolette:


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