A troll is nothing but a provactuer that is trying to tame the user. Here are the list of names which are screen names that we must ignore and don't talk to for our own safety. This list is a bunch of people who could be spies, agent provactuers, snoopers. We need to do something about these Infowar users. They are not truthers, they are agents of the NWO and possibly ones that starts problems online. Tell you the truth my screen name is "D21" and I am not going to share that with no one except my friends, main reason why this article will not be shared with others online even others on infowars. Infowars has people who do and do not belong there. I have used the commentaries since 2008 with different screen names, but my main screen name is a very short name. Soon I will change it soon.
Here is an update :
Ronald McDonald - A Troll that is provoking and also likes Obama. Anti-disability, Anti-freedom loving. Ronald McDonald is a stupid jerk that is an Anti-American that should be punched in the face. I have talked to him and I am not going to respond to his posts anymore. People like him need to be banned off the Infowars site. Other people is getting tired of his stupid remarks. He needs to be talked to and he needs to be banned off the site.
Kim American - A Troll that is provoking and does not care about the disabled. Occasionally posts, but used to be another troll.
RANDY WILSON - A Troll talking about 2012 and the End Of The World. This person is promoting the end of the world and very delusional.
More to come.