WTRH-AM - Mayfair Apartment Notice - Effective April 15, 2010

This document is not going to be released to googlers and people who want internet 2.


This is a notice to update you on the change that will be take place in the The Mayfair Apartments starting April 15, 2010


Jack's Towing will coming through more often to do random inspections on vehicles. Previously they have been checking on expired tags and license plates but due to overwhelming complaints we've had about unauthorized vehicles on the property. for your safety, we will have them check expiration dates the The Mayfair decals as well, If you do not have a current decal, your vehicle will be tagged and if you do not get this remedied, you will be towed.

If you are a current resident with a Mayfair decal, please be sure that it is up to date. Decals are only given to residents of the apartment. There are only two (2) decals per household, unless there is only one person on the lease and then there will be one (1) decal. If you are accidently towed, you will be held financially responsible.

Please check your decal and come to the office or give us a call if you have any questions.


The laundry room across the complex will now be closed between the hours of 8:00 PM and 8:30 AM. This is also due to the overwhelming complaints about activities in those facilities. We realize this is inconvenient, but it is for your safety.


Please do not over fill the dumpsters. There are multiple dumpsters on the property, if one is full - go to the next one that's the closest to your building. Do not sit trash bags or furniture on the sides of the dumpsters. There is a long dumpster specifically for large pieces and furniture behind the pool - use that one and only that for large pieces such as mattresses, couches, etc. When a dumpster is overflowing, if your trash is found outside the dumpster, the resident will incur a $20.00 tenant bill. That is for the first offense, the second time and thereafter will be a $20.00 fee per trash or object outside of the dumpster. You will receive a notice and this fee will be automatically added to your account. To avoid these fee, just walk a little bit further to the next dumpster.

Here locally we have our own tyranny here, and I will be letting everyone know about these updates and changes going on in the community and will be aired on WTRH-AM for more information.,

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