For if you [the rulers] suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves [and outlaws] and then punish them.
Sir Thomas More (-1478-1535)
"Judge's" - the legal fraternity and all that comes with it - right through to the prison industry who dearly uphold this type of philosophy.
This very same logic and principle is still in existence today and too upheld by the “The State” = “Church” and all the world's other religions that too were contrived to hoodwink the masses - and to help keep the 1% always in power.
Let's put it this way, the majority of the people on the planet are pretty ignorant to many things that are quite common knowledge to the select, or those wanting to find out what's really going on around them.
They haven't the slightest idea that the headlines on their newspapers or TVs, are quite often fabricated and grossly exaggerated, this is what is term "Yellow Journalism refers too, - and we'll get to that further on. If you read on the front of a newspaper that a soldier had had their head hack-off, then you'd believe it to be true, yet you'll see that doesn't always have to be the case.
There is none!
How convenient is was for a “God” to be so compassionate to the “elite”, - that it was okay by “Him” to appoint Kings & Queens to be our rulers, - whilst at the very same time inflicting famine, malnutrition and disease on the poor, - that unfortunately his never given up and to this very day!
Back in ye-olde days and long before thy had police officers roaming thy streets and terrorising thy public, thee had priests and their wardens. That be why ye have a church built in every village, town and city, it was to keep you penned in.
These buildings are the “the fronts” of what it pretends to represent, built for the uneducated masses to hoodwink them into believing that’s the ‘same religion' their dear old rulers believe in.
But “Christianity” and “Islamism” and all the worlds other religions are for the working-class, "the plebs"; this is why your also find in every village, town or city an abundance of obelisks. Go checkout the gravestones in your local cemetery and you’ll see who really were the makers and shakers in your area.
Though saying that; the more modest of folks have been known to be content with just a natural uncut rock or stone such as the Ashlar, or simply a pile of rocks.
However, 'Obelisks' are the worlds dominant symbol that the average person overlooks; - yet admired by the millions who secretly know of their true significance.
They are repetitive throughout the world, meaning this is the 'true world belief' by your rulers, - though they let you fight over your 'own working-class' sheeple of religions.
For instance, if you were an alien and visited earth for the very first time and had flown around it and seen the towns, villages and cities, then you'd have seen obelisks in all the different countries and despite their "opposite main religions".
You would soon workout that the main constant symbolic monolith scattered all around the globe, is not the churches or mosques, but the Obelisks, that could found in "all" countries around the globe, and not just these religious buildings that are found in predominately Christian or Muslim countries.
The same could be said about Pyramids, they too can be found on different continents, though far to large to mount on your average street corner, town square or grave-yard, that's why the obelisk - also speaks for the pyramids.
People really do need to wake up an realise their religions are "invented" to control them and keep them in line. This is why the rich and the majority of the well educated and middle-classes scoff at you, they don't believe in the religion they publicly portray they believe in, - 'Life's a stage darling...'. They see Christianity and Islamism as fodder for uneducated fools, but keep up this 'act', so as you will then go and vote for them, buy their products and believe every word when they declare; "It was God that told me to do it..."
The real reason for "Confession"...
They had no police station or cells in early times, but every church had a crypt or some form of dungeon, as did most castles. It’s where they held and killed millions of innocent humans - throughout Europe, and especially during the “Inquisition/s”.
It’s believed that the real reason of “Confession” coming into play by the church, and what sounds so much nicer than; “Grassing”, for this was the only time you could be guaranteed anonymity and whilst taking to the priests, who relied on their congregation to be their eyes and ears and to inform them as to what was going on in the village.
If someone had a grudge against someone else, then “Confession” was the time to tell the priest that; ‘Joseph at no9, was rather partial to smoking some weed and that his wife Mary had a major problem with Gin.’
Then it got really nasty; “The State” = “The Church” - [religion in general] - decided to introduce even more draconian measures, - relating to Draco, 7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, also known for his code of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence possible.
The “rulers”, - ever wanting to get their hands on peoples’ money and assets, decided to conjuror-up new laws that permitted them to take every single thing from a accused person and their family.
This is the real reason they created the ‘belief’ that there were witches flying about all over the place. And why they came up with a punishment that was a win-win to “the state” and a no-win for the poor accused. Which was, if you were suspected of, or accused of being a witch, then you were thrown into the river – after being weighed down with heavy weights or strapped to a chair - so therefore making it impossible to resurface, - that “if” you did resurface, [or remained alive after being pulled back out], then you’d be burnt at the stake, as this indicated your guilt of being a witch!
However, if you didn’t resurface, you were innocent, which I think we can safely assume was the case in 99.99% of all those millions who suffered under this horrendous form of punishment and of all things, men proclaiming to be men of the cloth.
Though it was too late now, as in most cases the surviving families [if not also drowned] would still have been stripped of their assets, as costs had to be met to pay for such a charade in the first place. You can’t blame ‘the state’ for getting it wrong.
The outcome of all these unnecessary death’s, was that “the state” then inherited all the money, property and assets – and directly from those they had just tortured, killed and then disposed off.
Oddly enough, it could be argued this is what is happening today and that a new “Religious Crusade” is most certainly underway, alongside gaining even more control over all of us.
Edward Louis Bernays (1891 – 1995) was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations". Born in Vienna to Jewish parents, Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud. In his book Propaganda (1928), Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."
It’s then said that Bernays’ begin to realise the negativity the term “Propaganda” had, and especially following WWII and the Germans own mass use of it.
So this is where and why the term; “Public Relations” was born.
Public Relations with a new friendly image.
This reminds me of the term; “Human Resources” – “Resources”, the very same classification as that of wheat, oil or coal. The corporate companies have hardened, like that of our governments, the once termed; “Personnel Department”, that arguably had a human touch to it, was scrapped, they now view their employees as simply a ‘resource’ and not a person.
Yellow Jounalism Bullshit
In American Journalism [1941 - p. 539] by Frank Luther Mott he defines ‘Yellow Journalism’ in terms of five characteristics: 1. Scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news. 2. Lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings. 3. Use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudo-science, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts. 4. Emphasis on full-colour Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips [which is now normal in the US and now here in the UK and Europe]. [4]
Before believing the disinformation and misinformation these sorts of Alpha, Delta, Kappa like debunkers churn-out, let’s find out a little more about who is behind these kinds of publications. – New Scientist and Popular Mechanics are American magazine’s devoted to so called science and technology, and of what I’ve read of it, with rather a Masonic angle.
It was first published January 11, 1902 by H. H. Windsor, and has been owned since 1958 by the Hearst Corporation, [1] - with the most wonderful display of their pyramidal designs of the windows of their head office building, the Hearst Tower.
There are nine international editions of Popular Mechanics, including a Latin American version that has been published for decades and a newer South African edition.
The Hearst Corporation, also has an ownership stake in the History Channel, and is a privately - held American-based media conglomerate based in New York City, USA.
Founded by William Randolph Hearst [above] as an owner of newspapers, the company’s holdings now include a wide variety of media.
The Hearst family is involved in the ownership and management of the company.[2] Hearst described the Kristallnacht [The Night of the Broken Glass] in 1938 as; “Making the flag of National Socialism a symbol of national savagery” and advocated the creation of a “homeland for dispossessed or persecuted Jews.” [3]
Authors Martin Lee and Norman Solomon noted in their 1990 book Unreliable Sources. They say Hearst; “Routinely invented sensational stories, faked interviews, ran phoney pictures and distorted real events.”
This approach came to be known as ‘Yellow Journalism’, named after the ‘Yellow Kid’, a character in the New York Journal’s colour comic strip Hogan’s Alley.
‘Yellow Journalism’ or the ‘Yellow Press’ is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include [4] ‘exaggerations of news events’, scandal-mongering, or ‘sensationalism’. By extension ‘yellow journalism’ is used today as a derogatory decry to any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.
Then in the book Yellow Journalism: Puncturing the Myths, Defining the Legacies by Campbell, W. Joseph [2001], he defines Yellow Press newspapers as having daily multi-column front-page headlines covering a variety of topics, such as sports and scandal, using bold layouts [with large illustrations and perhaps colour], heavy reliance on unnamed sources, and unabashed self-promotion.
The term was extensively used to describe certain major New York City newspapers as they battled for circulation.
And now this in June 2013 Woolwich, London. It is due to this headline 'beheaded' - and others very much the same and now all circulated around the world, - that we thought it was important that this article about Yellow Journalism, first written some time ago, was updated and that more people can perhaps begin to understand when and where they encounter such Yellow Journalism, which unfortunately is unavoidable and every day at that!Is the reporting of this Woolwich incident just a matter of sensationalism gone mad, - where street talk - text messages, tweets and facebook posts have ruled the day? - That were obviously made-up, 'invented', that influenced the media to then report these completely unfounded injuries, - such as having his 'head hacked off', his 'body organs ripped out', - for if this is the real reason, then it really does need to be addressed, or are they going to just ignore the yellow journalism. It's paramount we get this right.
It's distorted everyones perspective as to what really has gone on here. People cannot let their hearts rule their heads in these types of circumstances. - They shouldn't take sides, especially if they are not being told the truth. They have to imagine they are members of a jury; - let the evidence speak for itself, - does it add up - then decide?
See the full article: Woolwich-London Killing - Compelling Evidence - False Flag?
So can you see where I’m coming from, or should I say the ‘Hearst conglomerate’ is, as this kind of yellow journalism permeates throughout all their publications, and the likes of Rupert Murdoch and all the worlds media has done just the same.
Yellow journalism and Hearst’s voice and opinions and thanks to the Hearst family who are still at the realms of the organisation is as alive today in 2011 as it was back in the early 20th century.
Hearst is one of the largest diversified communications companies in the world. Its major interests include 15 daily and 38 weekly newspapers, nearly 200 magazines around the world, including Cosmopolitan and O; The Oprah Magazine; 29 television stations through Hearst Television Inc. which reach a combined 18% of U.S. viewers; ownership in leading cable networks, including A&E Television Networks, and ESPN; as well as business publishing, Internet businesses, television production, newspaper features distribution and real estate. [2]
Under William Randolph Hearst’s rather odd will, it stipulates; a common board of 13 trustees [With its composition fixed at five family members and eight outsiders.] administers the Hearst Foundation, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, and the trust that owns the Hearst Corporation, and selects the 18-member board of that Corporation. [2]
One of the most influential films of all time was the 1942 Orson Welles film Citizen Kane,[5] where it examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane, played by Welles, a character based upon the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and Welles own life. Kane’s career in the publishing world is borne of idealistic social service, but gradually evolves into a ruthless pursuit of power. Hearst used all his resources and influence in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent the film’s release. Upon its release, Hearst prohibited the mention of the film in any of his newspapers.
Welles and the RKO studio resisted the pressure, but Hearst and his Hollywood friends succeeded in getting theatre chains to limit bookings of Kane, resulting in mediocre box-office numbers and harming Welles career.
Extracts [minus photos] from Trapped in a Masonic World -
[1] "Popular Mechanics facts a href="">>;.
[2] "Hearst Corporation at AllExperts." a href="">>;.
[3] "William Randolph Hearst a href="">>;.
[4] "Yellow Journalism." a href="">>;.
[5] "Citizen Kane a href="">>;.
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