Your future according to Rockefeller

Your future according to Rockefeller
Would you like to know the future the Rockefeller group plans for you? Check out this excerpted quote, from a 50-year old book about the family:

“Rockefeller by no means neglected their program of converting our government into a totalitarian device for looting. The basic plan was published in 1930 by his intimate friend Hoffman Nickerson in his book, the American Rich. Nickerson’s scheme is to nullify the Constitution by converting our Government into an absolute monarchy. He concludes, the only perfect form of government is hereditary absolute monarchy, but it might be wiser at the start not to violate American sentiment by undertaking to impose it openly. The conversion of President to absolute monarch merely requires the elimination of checks and balances on the power of the President that the framers of the Constitution “unwisely” incorporated into it, to convert his role to that of absolute dictator.”

“The key to converting Congress into a mere “rubber stamp’ is the budget plan. If the Presidential elective monarch presents to Congress, year after year, budgets so huge and complex that members could not possibly find the time to read it, and so richly provided with graft and pork barrel for each member of Congress that none of them would dare to sincerely attack it for fear of losing their shares – Congress would eschew the powers granted it by the Constitution. The presidential monarch would easily rob Congress of its Constitutional power to initial any legislation under the pretense of contrived “emergencies” and “crises”…”

Does this sound like something we have today? Exxon (ex-Standard Oil) Bechtel and Halliburton, the top profiteers of Iraq are all major Rockefeller outfits. So why in the Democrats’ media where denunciations of PNAC, Perle, Wolfowitz and Cheney fly thick and fast there is not a peep about Rockefeller? Apparently there’s another 1913-style treason in the making. Remember how in 1913 Rockefeller & Co. pushed for tax and central banking laws so crooked even the Republicans bailed from the effort? (This says a lot.) Rockefeller then simply had the Democrats parade in as “saviors of justice” and complete the crime. Today I can see only once conceivable reason why the Democratic Party doesn’t shout on the top of its lungs about the scandalous Rockefeller monarchical plan while it is taking body (actually, 655,000+ bodies) in front of our eyes. As in 1913, they are preparing to parade in as “saviors of justice” to complete the coup.

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Comment by Maria De Wind on February 7, 2014 at 9:32am
Comment by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 11:57pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on August 18, 2010 at 12:01pm
American Rich. Nickerson’s

"Destroying the New World Order"



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