Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, Admitted In A Video Interview That Unelected Private Interests, Think Tanks And Power Brokers Circumvent The System And Write Policy
Brzezinski admits that these non-elected, exclusively private and elite organizations that pretend to be "think tanks" actually write, manipulate and influence policy when he was asked about his relationship with such examples of these institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, Annual Bilderberg meeting and the notorious Trilateral Commission.
Brzezinski is the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, a private group of powerful interests, mainly industry tycoons, international bankers and trans-national corporations. The Trilateral Commission lobbies for and writes policy for politicians around the world to make sure whatever decisions are made, they always benefit the interests of the 'think tank's members'. This circumvents "transparent" political systems such as a republic or a democracy. The whole point of a representative government like the democratic-republic of the United States is to prevent this very thing from happening.
The documentary film, The Mad Divide, which is written and directed by New World Order Report's Jonathan Elinoff who also wrote and directed the film series, Core of Corruption, will detail a more in depth investigation into the Trilateral Commission. The Mad Divide is currently available for pre-sale if you wish to secure your copy on the release date.
Why isn't anyone saying anything about his candid remarks about such a treasonous circumstance? Probably because the public is largely unaware it is even taking place, seeing as how many of the members of these powerful groups like the Bilderbergs or Trilateral Commission include the owners and CEO's of major media companies that own the majority of what you hear, read or watch. Only a few reports on the Trilateral Commission have ever made it to the public and never aired again.
Here is a detailed report about the Trialteral Commission from 1981:
Here is another detailed report on the Trilateral Commisison from 1995:
In the interview on C-SPAN, Brzezinski also described how the administration officials in the White House (the cabinet members) such as the National Security Advisor, overshadow the Secretary of State when it comes to Foreign Affairs. Bare in mind this is the position in which Brzezinski himself held during the Carter Administration.
Brzezinski claims that he would walk into the White House anytime he wanted to and influence the president on any decision he wanted. Brzezinski describes how the National Security Advisor can manipulate the system to eliminate dissident or alternative strategic policy in the White House where he said in the interview, "If you want to serve, create a situation in which you also have some upper hand on policy issues, it helps if you can have the opportunity say to the president, 'you know its about time the Secretary of State went on a trip to Latin America, we've been neglecting that region; And a nice ten day trip is really what's needed..."
Here is the clip from the interview where Zbigniew describes this:
Brezinski is not just the former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, he was the man who created the Mujahideen and designed the Afghan-Soviet war as a means of drawing the Soviets into their own Vietnam style war, which ended up being the instrumental key to toppling the Soviets in the Cold War. Brzezinski served as the lead political advisor on foreign affairs to President Barack Obama during his campaign and Brezezinski remains a figure "unofficially" advising the President today. http://drkatesview.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/obama-and-zbig.jpg” align=”center”>
This is a picture that has circulated the internet for a long time and it has been examined by many scholars and researchers who claim that is shows National Security Advisor at the time of the photo the man in question, Zbigniew Brzezinski (left), visiting Osama Bin Laden (right) and training with the Mujahideen Army, 1981
"Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention."
Interview with Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur (France), Jan 15-2... The funding of the Mujahideen was and still remains the CIA's largest "on the books" operation in the agency's history to date, in terms of funding. It is the most expensive operation in history for any intelligence agency. The Mujahideen were well equipped by the CIA through the CIA's counterpart in Pakistan, the ISI. The ISI was setup by the CIA to perform this function. The ISI also received aid and organizing from the British Intelligence apparatus.
Israel provided the majority of the arms in the operation, which is very typical during the cold war. In fact, this kind of setup was common throughout the world during the cold war where the CIA would enter into a country and back the anti-communist interests, even if they were brutal dictators or terrorists, and it would obtain training and equipment (military weapons) from Israel, one of the CIA's oldest ally in the "War on Communism." The documentary film, Core of Corruption: In the Shadows, by New World Order Report's creator, Jonathan Elinoff, investigated the relationship that this network which setup Al-Qaeda back in the early 1980's under its then known name "Mujahideen" and how the ties between the ISI, CIA and Mossad (Israel's Intelligence Agency) were not severed after the Al-Qaeda group was established. In fact, in the follow up documentary, Core of Corruption: Echoes of Treason, the film will explore the relationship between Al-Qaeda and Western Intelligence Agencies and how "false flag terrorism" is not uncommon for this network. To view the documentary, Core of Corruption, visit the website at CoreOfCorruption.com or you can watch it for free in our archives section located here at NewWorldOrderReport.com.
But here is when the story gets interesting.
Many people are aware of the Project for the New American Century and this "think tank's" calling for a new "pearl harbor like event" that would be the emotional pre-requisite to a massive military offensive and strategic expansion in the middle east. What most people are unaware of is that Zbigniew Brzezinski himself wrote a book in the 1990s that called for this event as well and in his book he describe America's need to engage in conflict in the middle east to maintain superiority in the next century.
"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."
Many scholars describe Brzezinski as the Democratic Party's equivalent to Henry Kissinger. For a more detailed breakdown of Brzezinski's book which outlines the military strategy to go into the middle east and Eurasia as a whole in the 21st century, http://www.wanttoknow.info/brzezinskigrandchessboard
What a coincidence that this National Security Advisor "creates" Bin Laden for the CIA and gives Bin Laden his CIA status as an asset under the name we all now know was "Tim Osman" because of declassified and publicly disclosed documents. This very same advisor ends up writing books bragging about using Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda as a destabilizing force in the middle east to which the United States provides the order to the perceived chaos. Now Brzezinski is one of the key top advisors to President Barack Obama.
He is an Associate of Henry Kissinger and has been in Washington D.C. playing musical chairs for decades. Under Ronald Reagan, he was a member of NSC-Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy and a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. He is a Past member, Board of Directors, The Council on Foreign Relations. In 1988, he was the Co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force.
As a prominent member of the think tank known as the Council on Foreign Relations, Brzezinski has played more than just a role advising out government. He has actively worked in CIA operations and this should sound alarm bells that he is with the CFR. The Council on Foreign Relations claims to be just a think tank, but it has done a lot more than that, according to Professor Carroll Quigley the noted historian, polymath, and theorist on the evolution of civilizations. Carroll Quigley was Former President Bill Clinton's Mentor at Georgetown University. Quigley wrote a book, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Or Time, one of the most famous books to discuss the global agenda for the western establishment.
The book was banned for over 20 years before it was allowed to resurface again. One distinctive feature of Quigley’s historical writings was his assertion that secret societies have played a significant role in recent world history. Seeing as how he was from the elite and taught them, he gave a credible background to the issue long raised by activists and free lance journalists.
Quigley exposed the origins of the Council on Foreign Relations as coming from a group called "The Round Table." HG Wells was a member of the group. The Council on Foreign Relations came out of a group of powerful interests who sought to destroy the monarchies of Europe and bring about the League of Nations.
“The same crowd which manipulated the passage of the income tax and the Federal Reserve System wanted America in the war. J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, "Colonel" House, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg and the rest of the JekyllIsland conspirators were all deeply involved in getting us involved. Many of these financiers had loaned England large sums of money. In fact, J. P. Morgan & Co. served as British financial agents in this country during World War I.”
-Gary Allen, None Dare Call it Conspiracy World War I officially began on June 28th, 1914 when members of the Illuminati Black Hand secret society assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Europe quickly polarized and warred for nearly a year before Americans were given their false flag reason to join. On May 1st, 1915 the British Naval cruiser “Lusitania” was scheduled for Liverpool, taking off from New York harbor loaded with 600 tons of explosives, 6 million pounds of ammunition, 1,248 cases of shrapnel shells, other war materials, and last but not least, American passengers.
The German embassy in D.C. was fully aware of the war materials being shipped into England on the Lusitania and tried to warn American travelers.
German embassy officials attempted to place full-page ads in 50 U.S. newspapers. Luckily, some papers were able to print the add against the wishes of this powerful interest group which later became the Council on Foreign Relations. This is a scan of that advertisement warning Americans not to board the ship. http://s3.hubimg.com/u/183138_f260.jpg” align=”center”>
Due to actions taken by the U.S. State Department and the private monopolies which bought up the media, 49 of those 50 newspapers never ran the ad. .”
“The German government took out large ads in all the New York papers warning potential passengers that the ship was carrying munitions and telling them not to cross the Atlantic on it … Yet the sinking of the Lusitania was used by clever propagandists to portray the Germans as inhuman slaughterers of innocents. Submarine warfare was manufactured into a cause célèbre to push us into war." .”
-Gary Allen, “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” Midday May 7th, off the coast of Ireland, the Lusitania was ordered to reduce speed, and “Juno,” its British military escort vessel, was ordered to withdraw.
The Round Table
British businessman Cecil Rhodes advocated the British Empire reannexing the United States of America and reforming itself into an "Imperial Federation" to bring about a hyper power and lasting world peace. In his first will, of 1877, written at the age of 23, he expressed his wish to fund a secret society (known as the Society of the Elect) that would advance this goal: .”
“To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.” .”
In his later wills, a more mature Rhodes abandoned the idea and instead concentrated on what became the Rhodes Scholarship, which had British statesman Alfred Milner as one of its trustees. Established in 1902, the original goal of the trust fund was to foster peace among the great powers by creating a sense of fraternity and a shared world view among future British, American, and German leaders by having enabled them to study for free at the University of Oxford. Milner and British official Lionel George Curtis were the architects of the Round Table movement, a network of organizations promoting closer union between Britain and its self-governing colonies. To this end, Curtis founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in June 1919 and, with his 1938 book The Commonwealth of God, began advocating for the creation of an imperial federation that eventually reannexes the U.S., which would be presented to Protestant churches as being the work of the Christian God to elicit their support. The Commonwealth of Nations was created in 1949 but it would only be a free association of independent states rather than the powerful imperial federation imagined by Rhodes, Milner and Curtis. The Council on Foreign Relations began in 1917 with a group of New York academics who were asked by President Woodrow Wilson to offer options for the foreign policy of the United States in the interwar period.
Originally envisioned as a British-American group of scholars and diplomats, some of whom belonging to the Round Table movement, it was a subsequent group of 108 New York financiers, manufacturers and international lawyers organized in June 1918 by Nobel Peace Prize recipient and U.S. secretary of state, Elihu Root, that became the Council on Foreign Relations on 29 July 1921. The first of the council’s projects was a quarterly journal launched in September 1922, called Foreign Affairs. Some believe that the Council on Foreign Relations is a front organization for the Round Table as a tool of the "Anglo-American Establishment", which they believe has been plotting from 1900 on to rule the world.
Professor Carroll Quigley also argued that, although the Round Table still exists today, its position in influencing the policies of world leaders has been much reduced from its heyday during World War I and slowly waned after the end of World War II and the Suez Crisis. Today it is largely a ginger group, designed to consider and gradually influence the policies of the Commonwealth of Nations, but faces strong opposition. Furthermore, in American society after 1965, the problem, according to Quigley, was that no elite was in charge and acting responsibly.
American banker David Rockefeller joined the Council on Foreign Relations as its youngest-ever director in 1949 and subsequently became chairman of the board from 1970 to 1985; today he serves as honorary chairman. In 2002, Rockefeller authored his autobiography Memoirs wherein, on page 405, he wrote:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents ... to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Barkun argues that this statement is partly facetious (the claim of "conspiracy" or "treason") and partly serious – the desire to encourage trilateral cooperation among the U.S., Europe, and Japan, for example – an ideal that used to be a hallmark of the internationalist wing of the Republican Party when there was an internationalist wing. However, the statement is taken at face value and widely cited by conspiracy theorists as proof that the Council on Foreign Relations (itself alleged to be a front for an "international banking cabal", as well as, it is claimed, the sponsor of many "globalist" think tanks such as the Trilateral Commission) uses its role as the brain trust of American presidents, senators and representatives to manipulate them into supporting a New World Order.
Conspiracy theorists fear that the international bankers of financial capitalism are planning to eventually subvert the independence of the U.S. by subordinating national sovereignty to a strengthened Bank for International Settlements with the intent to “create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole”. In a 13 November 2007 interview with Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford, Rockefeller countered:
“I don't think that I really feel that we need a world government. We need governments of the world that work together and collaborate. But, I can't imagine that there would be any likelihood or even that it would be desirable to have a single government elected by the people of the world ... There have been people, ever since I've had any kind of position in the world, who have accused me of being ruler of the world. I have to say that I think for the large part, I would have to decide to describe them as crackpots. It makes no sense whatsoever, and isn't true, and won't be true, and to raise it as a serious issue seems to me to be irresponsible.”
Some American social critics, such as Laurence H. Shoup, argue that the Council on Foreign Relations is an "imperial brain trust", which has, for decades, played a central behind-the-scenes role in shaping U.S. foreign policy choices for the post-WWII international order and the Cold War, by determining what options show up on the agenda and what options do not even make it to the table; while others, such as G. William Domhoff, argue that it is in fact a mere policy discussion forum, which provides the business input to U.S. foreign policy planning. The latter argue that it has nearly 3,000 members, far too many for secret plans to be kept within the group; all the council does is sponsor discussion groups, debates and speakers; and as far as being secretive, it issues annual reports and allows access to its historical archives. If you haven't watched Alex Jones’ documentary, "Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement," then now is the time.
**This video is a selected clip from the full-length film, "The Heavens and the Earth: The Final Card"*WATCH the Full Movie HERE!*The Heavens and the Earth: ...
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