In 'every' case, a psychopath is a 3 year old, mental~handicap, gene~spliced with a Rhesus monkey. So, to 'get' for {what you'd expect of such a 'primitive' mind,} the monkey learns tricks, I.e. how to 'con' the human brain, for the thrills it seeks in it's otherwise 'meaningless' life.
I hope you appreciate the links below. Which 'expose' 1 of the most 'deadly' and long~lastingly 'evil' techniques which you're subjected to, relentlessly. I.e. Psycho~paths are preying~on your moral~conscience, which they don't have, neuro~anatomically. I.e. They prey~on your ‘fear’ of being thought~of as being a ‘bad’ person, by a genocide~addicted, semi~simian, sex~offender trying to kill you and 'hoping' you don’t wake~up and ‘realise’ that it’s a pathological~liar ‘needing’ strung~up, who’s fake~opinion of you shouldn’t deter you from executing it. {As 'all' your ancestors routinely did, until you were 'groomed' out of doing~so any longer, due to your moral~conscience, 'for' your executioner.}
E.g. You're being 'conned out of' REALISING what's happening to you, by 'your' murderer, who atypically 'points' at you and says, “Oooooh, that’s VIOLENCE,” to get closer~still to killing you, which they 'pride' themselves on and it also allows the magical~thinking 'lunatic' to believe it's somehow gone~superior.
Malcolm~X said, “When it’s self~defence, I don’t call it violence, I call it INTELLIGENCE *!*” ~ They ‘assassinated’ him for saying that, which seems pretty violent and hypocritical, huh *?*
The average person’s fast~asleep and ‘deserves’ to be 'extreminated' for the myopic~state they’ve allowed themselves to sink down into becoming ‘and’ for preying~on HUMANE beings who try to wake them up, so that they can ‘live up’ to what they say they believe, {E.g. Saying they love their family, whilst sitting and watching them being poisoned by chemtrails, irradiated, 'oppressed,' robbed, murdered, Etc.}
'Predominately' the state~groomed sheeple are their~own worst enemy, as 'most' so~called adults are selfish, devil~may~care, tiny~minded imbeciles, priding themselves on winning 'imaginary competitions' only they are in' against innocent HUMANE beings, who 'aren't' a hair~brained bestial lunatic, needing shot *!*
The same genetic~garbage who hen~peck and brow~beat anyone who tells the truth about the ZIONIST JEWS murdering you right now. Hoping you 'choose' to trigger your own amygdala when you 'witness' a hideously~ugly 'hell~bound' retard WISHING to cause you brain~damage, ‘precisely’ how they've been programmed to prey~on you, due to their state~groomed ‘narcissism,’ which when atypically foiled {as you 'correctly' won't see an inbred~imbecile as Elvis or Marilyn,} ergo you witness it's hate~consumed ‘emotional incontinence.’
So, 'remotely,' the Zionist Jews are relying on the forlorn great~expectation of their self~destructive unwitting 'plants' and drooling, 100% complicit 'rings' of fellow beasts, to oppress you into silence, {a.k.a. Willfully trying to cause you P.T.S.D., mainly through ambient~abuse. I.e. Due to the monkey relentlessly trying to get you to trigger your own 'fight or flight' mechanism.}
E.g. 'ALL' that the neuro~anatomically PROVABLY 'tiny~minded,' aforementioned walking~shite, would take from what I just HUMANELY wrote, is, that I spelled 'exterminated' incorrectly *!*
Upon being 'exposed' in this manner, when the LUNATIC feels bad, it's megalomaniacal obsession is to then see~if it can get you to 'choose' to feel bad, as then the self~deluded imbecile {I.e. psycho~path} who sees itself as a mastermind, can feel 'lighter' and that it's magically left it's SHIT with you. {The lizard can believe it's shed it's skin, but it still waddles off a lizard, inescapably.}
I.e They're completely cut~off from REALITY, due to their grossly mentally~handicapped Chicken~brain, which creates the phenomena of their delusions of 'transference.' E.g. The sex~offender, hopes you KNOW it 'needs shot' but has calculated that you 'won't' do~so and instead will simply CONTAIN the 'stress' and trauma, ie cause yourself brain damage, {P.T.S.D.} on~behalf of the pseudo~energy~vampire, due to your 'choice' to react and then to 'contain' your reaction.
I.e. Ignoring the URGENT prompt, coming from ALL your ancestors SURVIVAL stories and LOVE stories combined, to EXECUTE 'them.' You are GENUINELY being exterminated by pedophile~rings of sadomasochism~addicted talking~bonobos, obsessed with TRYING to cause you P.T.S.D., for existential PRETENGE against humans who afford talking~monkeys human rights *!* {That's the THANKS you get for NOT keeping them in a Zoo and for giving PEDOPHILES, 'HUMAN' rights.}
I learned everything about what’s going~on from 1 courageous man’s selfless fight against the organised ‘rings’ of Zionist Jews and their ‘rings’ of pedophiles and armies of complicit sex~offenders, {who’s wages you HAVE TO pay and ‘believe’ are AUTHORITAAAH, as otherwise you get dragged into a dungeon~system 'you' are ENORMOUSLY incorrectly PAYING to maintain,} who are all ‘void’ of self~awareness, depth and morality and most of whom are ‘either’ unaware they’re being culled 'too' or they simply don’t care, as alongside having no 'meaning' to their onanist perception of reality, they’ve no 'vision' for a better life, one where they weren’t complicit in their own execution.
This is the seat they want on the Titanic, even if the deck's at a 45 degree angle, I.e. for as~long~as the ANIMAL in human~form gets to bully you, for 'sexual pleasure.' Because to it's bestial perception, power {a.k.a. self~destruction amonst others,} is an aphrodisiac. The drooling beast's insatiable sexual~appetite is borne of their early childhood experiences, where it was 'thrust' into a concentration~camp {a.k.a. school, awash with ambient abuse and unruly bullies,} it grows up to want con~venient pretenge against YOU, who had NOTHING to do with the black~and~white thinker's past.
A sex~offender develops from it's 'ingrained' early alloplastic self~defence mechanism. I.e. The 'delusional' self~destruct mechanism which Zionist Jews deliberately programmed it to arrest itself into 'becoming.' Wherafter, the unbidden 'monkey with a calculator,' lacking a 'theory of mind,' {I.e. self awareness,} tends to attack those whom the ANIMAL sees as being weaker or vulnerable, especially the KIND, which is 'why' HUMANS are becoming extinct *!*
All that SHITE stand on the shoulders of the HUMANE giants who handed them everything the evil~incontinent vermin are DESTROYING as a 'thank you' for allowing shaven~bonobo into 'decision' making positions without 'brain scanning' them or even setting a 'basic' requirement for 'emotional intelligence' tests or BETTER still 'ORGANISING' your SELF into minding your own business and ORDERING your 'representatives' to mind their own COMPLETELY, as they're TAKING OUT their shit on you, as OTHERWISE they'll have to accept the life they FEAR being reduced to, when they can THRILLINGLY LIE us all out of existence for 'instead' *!*
But they still NEED you to remain duped and 'inactive' and preying~on those who try to wake you up and ALL their PLANTS need to do is DENY ALL of this 'ONCE,' I repeat, deny ALL of this 'only' ONCE and you'll go back to sleep. So they can continue getting their steady supply of 'forbidden' sex with children and getting off on abusing you and ejaculating {without touching their groin, as Hitler was famed for doing,} on the delusion of power.
Your ignorance allows all that SHITE to reach those perches, is Which is why the subspecies of myopic 3 year old handicapped monkey's tiny brain, {which has 'resufarced' in the gene pool and has OUTBRED the human brain EXPONENTIALLY,} will go on delaying suicide, whilst HUMAN beings kill themselves in their droves, who are being PERSECUTED to 'extinction.'
I could go on. Suffice as to say, if you want to be 'deprogrammed' for FREE, of the 'BILLIONS,' I repeat, 'BILLIONS' of dollars spent on what Zionist Jews have been at pains to 'ingrain' into your brain, then not~only can you 'learn everything' I have, from ’1' Christlike man alone, you’ll also LAUGH until your sides are splitting. 'EROL' is up there with Bill Hicks in my book and the ENORMOUS LIST of his great deeds knows no~end, on a planet of predominately 'high~functioning~retards,' who can’t see beyond the end of their own beak.
I love HUMANE beings, so for you own sake and the lives of those you love, who are GENUINELY being exterminated 'right now,' {so slowly you tend not to 'notice,'} think of how selfless I'm being in dedicating my life to waking you up, running the risk of publicising Erol's work, who's also risked his life countless times and OVERCOME seemingly insurmountable odds, to 'DO' what it 'takes' to stop Chicken~brained sex~offenders from killing YOU and yours'.
When watching the following, TEST your Zionist 'programming,' as the more 'REACTIONARY' you are to what Erol's profound mind says, the 'more' you should become AWARE of how programmed you truly 'are,' by Zionist media propaganda. {Switch off the T.V. and don't put it back on again, stop watching sports or reading newspapers, they're ALL run by the exact same mental~pygmies, trying to keep you under their spell.}
'Alternatively,' become more aware of the 'moral~law' of the divine Erol discovered, as Newton discovered gravity, before~whom people couldn't see it, as it's INVISIBLE to the narcissist. Who at one time, 'tellingly,' thought that the earth was 'flat' and that the universe revolved around them, like a 'spoiled' 3 year old perceives reality.
If you fall into that category then you're undoubtedly a jabbering, 'hell~bound' EVIL soul and that's what you've 'become' by being the same type of self~amazing moron who can only rise to your level of self~delusion just before Dresden is carpet bombed But, you're no~doubt 'determined' to continue to be as SHITE a person, {having BECOME worse than the ghosts you hate,} as you're NOW addicted to being a junkie~wanker, exactly as Zionists GROOMED you to be.
Self~deluded low~life VERMIN, who's idea of intelligence is pretending~to~believe what they're saying, which they 'hope offends you,' but who genuinely believe that 1 day they'll get their quota of sex~offending done, which will complete their life~long ambition for 'PRETENGE' against those ghosts from their 'past,' even~though they've now 'become' a hate~consumed, ever~vengeful trouble~maker, who's a disgusting sex~offender. In which case they should 'either' stop delaying~suicide or UNITE with HUMANS to overthrow the ORGANISED 'rings' of sex~offenders, killing YOU TOO *!*
Conversely, if you're 'HUMAN,' then KEEP an open mind and REJOICE:~
I try to inspire FREE men and women and also have exposed Alex JEWns on my website, who should change his site's name to 'IN~FOR~WARS,' but all you have to look~at is the 'fact' that he's 'exclusively' backed by Zionist Jews, as otherwise the fat pig would be stone dead. As to them VIOLENCE is intelligence, especially if it's done slowly and ALL they have to do is DENY it's happening 'ONCE':~
"Destroying the New World Order"
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