Zoophilia - Sex with a goat for Pledges! - David Cameron et al...

The pigs identity has been protected. 

 According to the new book ‘Call Me Dave’, written by Lord Michael Ashcroft, he reveals Zoophilia initiation practices taking place at the notorious Oxford Piers Gaveston dining society, in which the Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, took part in.

Piers Gaveston, is named after the gay lover of Edward II, which specialises in bizarre rituals, sexual excess and drug taking.

A distinguished Oxford contemporary, claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a pig.  His extraordinary suggestion, is that the then future PM inserted his penis into the animal’s mouth.File:MuseoArchNapoliGSpancapra3122.jpg

Pan quite clearly having sex with a goat, statue from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum.

We all know that at least three of the most powerful men in British politics, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Cameron and the Mayor of London Boris Johnson were/are members of another dining society club known as the Bullingdon.  It’s quite possible they too were/are members of Piers Gaveston and may have also undertaken such similar depraved initiations.

It makes one wonder; what the initiation process involves to become a member of the Bullingdon club and that perhaps all members of such elitist society clubs may have too participated in similar Zoophilic rituals and when pigs, donkeys and goats are a regular feature at such events – including defecating on one another.  This is fully explained in a chapter titled; “Zoophilia - Sex with a goat for Pledges!” in the controversial book Trapped in a Masonic World.

We must thank people like Lord Ashcroft for exposing this, as otherwise ordinary members of public wouldn’t know of these degenerated practices that regularly take place and throughout the year.

It’s also vital to understand that you have the most corrupt and debauched of beings in such high places and running our countries at that - as this is a worldwide problem including most world leaders and members of the EU, UN and the Church and other religions.

It’s why paedophilia is so rife and “the norm” to many of them.  They appear to know no better and why it’s perhaps time these people are exposed for what they really are and thrown out of their positions of power and straight into jail or a mental asylum.  

The following is an extract from Trapped in a Masonic World;

     I have already covered some sick forms of initiations and raised the issue of people who have sex with animals.  Well, police officers found more than they expected at a Western Kentucky University fraternity house.  Officers found a goat in the fraternity’s basement during the party early of the 16th February 2006, as according to the police report, the goat had no food or water and was found in a storage room where it had no room to walk around.  Police cited Trenton Jackson, 19, with second degree cruelty to animals. 

     Police spokesman Barry Pruitt said it’s unclear how long the goat had been there, but police were told it was to be used in a ‘hazing ritual’.  Pruitt said.  The fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho [AGR] at Western Kentucky University, was suspended as a result of this incident.   The university spokesman Bob Skipper said; the university defines hazing as harmful activities that are part of being initiated or affiliated with any organisation; “...This is something the university takes very seriously.”

     Trenton Jackson entered an “Alford plea” the 15th March 2006, after being charged for animal cruelty in the second degree.  By giving an ‘Alford plea’, Jackson did not admit guilt but believed there was enough evidence to convict him.  He said he opted for the ‘Alford plea’ to put the incident behind him, and because it would have been expensive and time-consuming to fight the charges. Jackson received a 12 month probated sentence and 120 hours of community service by Warren County Circuit Court.

     Police found a goat in a small basement storage room of the AGR house at 1225 Chestnut St., Jackson had said; “...new initiates-‘Pledges’ were going to be made to think they would have sex with the goat as a part of the initiation process.” Now considering what we know some sick people get up to, this bloke could hardly stand up in the court house and boldly proclaim; “Pledges have to have sex with a goat as part of our initiation”, now is he.  He had to say; “...new initiates-‘Pledges’ were going to be made to ‘think’ they would have sex with the goat as a part of the initiation process.”

     And this court case leaves us with some probing unanswered questions, as what Jackson seems to have unintentional done, is that he seems to confirm what those other’s such and the Thai student named Chanarong, who left university early through being ‘hazed-bullied’ on his campus in New York, - and who mentioned - that as an initiate he was asked; “Would you dare ever spit, urinate or even contemplate defecating on a copy or page of the Bible during initiation, if it meant you’d be revered and rewarded, - are you prepared to do this for the honour of your fraternity, or would you dare not in fear of bringing our good name into ill repute?”  And as I’ve said before, here’s the quandary for the initiate, does he take up the offer and chose one of the three options to be revered and rewarded, or not to, for the other said reason?

     And in the case of the Alpha Gamma Rho initiation involving the goat, what would the ‘pledge’ have been asked?  Would it have been along the similar lines “Would you dare ever have sex with ‘our’ god Pan [a goat] - which isn’t so odd for Greek fraternities – Pan the god of shepherds that has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat -, during initiation, if it meant you’d be revered and rewarded, - are you prepared to do this for the honour of your fraternity, or would you dare not...”  One thing is for sure, in all circumstances, whatever would have happened, - would have happened, and again, those who wouldn’t have dared contemplated doing such sordid things, which I should imagine is the majority, always leaves the door wide open for those slightly more crazed than the rest of us, and who would indeed, spit, urinate, defecate or even have sex with “Pan”, and would indirectly, - and without them realising it, have gone straight onto the list of ‘special candidates’ for further indoctrination on all things ‘Illuminati’. [1]

The Pet Goat - 9/11 Casting of Spells Ritual - "Plane - Must - Hit - Steel"  

    Zoophilia, from the Greek zion, “animal” and philia, “friendship” or “love”, is also known as zoosexuality, and is the practice of sex between humans and non-human animals [bestiality], or a preference or fixation on such practice.  A person who practices zoophilia is known as a zoophile. [2] In the act with a goat, it’s usually performed by a male human upon a goat of either sex.

     Human–goat sexual intercourse is one of the more common types of bestiality.  Of male zoophiles, 28% admitted sexual attraction to goats, ranking fourth. [2]

     In Ancient Egypt, at the temple in Mendes, the goat was viewed as the incarnation of the god of procreation.  As a ritual of worship, the male priests would use female goats for sex, and the female priests would do likewise with male goats [3].  Similar activity was also witnessed in Ancient Greece.[4]  In the Middle-Ages, the goat was associated with the Devil as one of his preferred forms, often in connection with sexual deviance.  There’s a famous statue of the mythological satyr Pan using a goat for sex, which was found in Pompeii. [5]

     Until 2005, as no one knows for sure how long it had been operating prior to this incident, which was on a farm near Enumclaw, Washington, there was an “animal brothel”, where people paid to have sex with animals.  However following an incident on the 2nd July 2005, and exactly the same kind of thing I’ve already spoken about, though in that case it was a woman, and I’ve witnessed the film footage myself, - whereas in the instance it was a man who was pronounced dead in the emergency room of the Enumclaw community hospital after having been sodomised by a horse.  Enumclaw authorities reviewed hundreds of hours of videotapes seized from the farm that police say was frequented by men who engage in sex acts with animals. 

The videotapes police had viewed depicted men having sex with horses, including one that shows a Seattle man shortly before he died on the 2nd July 2005, said Enumclaw police Cmdr. Eric Sortland.  Police were at that time reviewing the tapes to make sure no laws have been broken, because just as odd, the state legislature of the State of Washington, which had been one of 17 states in the United States without a law against bestiality, - that within six months of this being made public, passed a bill making bestiality illegal, and I’ll bet your ass they were gutted having to take that vote! [6][7][8]

     In 2006 a Sudanese man was caught using his neighbour’s goat for sex.  Incredibly, as punishment the village elders forced the man to marry ‘Rose the goat’ because “he used it as his wife”, which is both a mockery of the law, and hardly a punishment being forced to marry the very same goat he was more than happy to copulate with anyway.[9] 

Original article written in December 2011 - Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World 

[1]: "Pet-Abuse.Com - Animal Abuse Case Details: Goat a href="http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/7421/KY/US/%3E">http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/7421/KY/US/>;.

[2]"Zoophilia," Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2009.

[3]Andrea M. Beetz. "Human sexual contact with animals".

[4] Havelock Ellis (2004). "Studies in the Psychology of Sex, volume 5". ISBN 1554458315. Page 33.                                        

[5] Atiyah, Jeremy. (July 2, 2000) The Independent Where love and anchovies are in the air. For an image, see not child safe image.

[6] Johnston, Lynda and Longhurst, Robyn Space, Place, and Sex Lanham, Maryland:2010 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Page 110

[7] Man dies after sex with horse http://www.news24.com/World/News/Police-review-horse-death-20050719

[8]  http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002384648_farm16m....  [This is best source about ‘animal brothel’].

[9] "Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat". BBC News. February 24, 2006. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4748292.stm?ls.

     Trapped in a Masonic World contains numerous expletives, derogatory terms and insults aimed at many groups, organisations and people in which you could quite likely find yourself being among one or more of those categories. Don't try and judge the book by its cover or should I say title - as some already have and therefore have assumed there is some kind of... undercurrent racist agenda here within its contents, when in fact you'll see it's quite the opposite.

Though if you are devout in your religious beliefs, whether you're an alleged Christian, Muslim or Jewish or from any other faith it might not be your cup of tea. - If you're a member of a secret society, a corrupt world leader, MP, policeman, civil servant - a paedophile or child abuser in general, - then I'm afraid it's highly likely you will find this book extremely abhorrent, very insulting and bad for your blood pressure! 

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Comment by Exposure on March 11, 2012 at 9:20pm

To tell you the truth, I've not looked into the UK bestiality laws, - but have a feeling it's not illegal here either...gives a new meaning to being a ''nation of animal lovers"...;-P

Comment by Ragnarok on February 24, 2012 at 2:11pm

just wanted to say that shit isnt illegal here in Denmark............. wonder why

Comment by Exposure on February 24, 2012 at 1:51pm

Lifted the ban!! Fack, who the hell petitioned for that, the Camel brigade? Like I point out, just as odd, the state legislature of the State of Washington, which had been one of 17 states in the United States without a law against bestiality, - that within six months of this being made public, passed a bill making bestiality illegal, and I’ll bet your abus they were gutted having to take that vote! That still leaves 16 others riding them goats!! Perhaps your sister see a picture of Pan above, when a child, which is enough to turn any an innocent child into a veggie!!!

Comment by suzie on February 24, 2012 at 1:08pm

I have been saying for years sex with animals will be the next "right" the military just lifted the ban of bestiality not that long ago .. why did we have the ban to begin with? musta been a reason, my question is why lift the ban now? pre-planning for the future?  I dk all i know is my sister has always had a strange fear of Pan   lol

Comment by Exposure on December 19, 2011 at 4:08pm

I wouldn't be suprised TommyD, though appreciate the conformation, this is a little bit more common than one would like to admit, - as ain't we all in favour of a nice female butt, but animals, fuck!  These are sick puppies - as it's those "school officials" whom you'll find are the most affected, psychologically speaking that is!  As you can bet your goat's ass, these sorts of indoctrinated ex-frat's, ex-hazed kind of people, from the Alpha, Delta, Kappa brigade of Greek Letter Fraternites, have all been psychologically fucked up due to the experiences of their own initiations, which involves blood curdling oaths to be sworn and pledge making rituals they have all had to go through, - that in turn permits to go forth and ascend the rungs of Jacobs Ladder... - Baaaaaaad - you joker!!

Comment by TommyD on December 19, 2011 at 1:21pm

I remember an incident back when I was in high school about an FFA student that got caught having sex with a goat that he was raising for his class. He was ostracized and ridiculed by the majority of the student body but received no punishment whatsoever by the school officials. The same year, a boy and girl were caught having sex in a janitors closet and the school district DEMANDED that they have psychological screenings before they were allowed to return to school.

Comment by TommyD on December 19, 2011 at 1:15pm

this is getting baaaaaaaaaaaad

Comment by Exposure on December 17, 2011 at 11:57pm

@ Ariessun; "What the hell" - indeed; true and hard to stomach!!

Comment by Exposure on December 14, 2011 at 7:07am

Sorry fellow, it is deep, - in more ways than one! Makes me shiver just thinking about it, - thought it was a wind-up, until I done some extensive research on the subject, - have'nt been able to sit down in weeks! - Only kidding, - though it proved to be more common than I was led to believe, - and worldwide!

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