June 2015
George Carlin - It's a big club and you ain'…
George Carlin - It's a big club and you ain'…
10 Favorites
Knife-Thrower Bloopers & The NWO
Knife-Thrower Bloopers & The NWO
1 Favorite
7 Favorites
May 2015
Rock Star Admits He’s Been to Snuff Parties…
Rock Star Admits He’s Been to Snuff Parties…
1 Favorite
July 2014
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just me…
The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US, says whistleblower William Binney – that's a 'totalitar…
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just me…
5 Favorites
Cop lies his ass off
Cop lies his ass off
4 Favorites
June 2014
Researchers say recreation of Spanish flu st…
Scientists condemn 'crazy, dangerous' creation of deadly airborne flu virus
Researchers say recreation of Spanish flu strain highlights risk of pandemic, but critics say work puts global population a…
Researchers say recreation of Spanish flu st…
1 Favorite
May 2014
Nazi Germany-Night of the Long Knives
Nazi Germany-Night of the Long Knives
1 Favorite
BUSTED! Harry Reid Owns 93 Acres Next To Bun…
BUSTED! Harry Reid Owns 93 Acres Next To Bun…
7 Favorites
Lawsuit Claims That the NYPD Keeps Raiding a…
Karen Fennell is suing the NYPD because cops keep bursting into her family's Bed-Stuy apartment in search of her husband, James E. Jordan, who died from diabetes in 2006. "They tell me to be quiet or…
Lawsuit Claims That the NYPD Keeps Raiding a…
1 Favorite
BRICS creating parallel Monetary Fund disill…
source: <a href="http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/a-day-in-the-life-51-214/">http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/a-day-in-the-life-51-214/</a>
note: I was getting error 502 timeout trying link below. I found copy in "source" link.
<a href="http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_05">http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_05</a>…
BRICS creating parallel Monetary Fund disill…
1 Favorite
Rand Paul Trots King Maker, Rupert Murdoch A…
That Mr. Murdoch, no novice when it comes to matters of political imagery, allowed himself to be paraded for six hours around the boisterous and bourbon-drenched grounds like a prize horse behind…
Rand Paul Trots King Maker, Rupert Murdoch A…
1 Favorite
'Vampire Therapy' Could Reverse Ageing
'Vampire Therapy' Could Reverse Ageing
by Nick Hallett 5 May 2014, 3:32 AM PDT
Transfusions of blood from young people could reverse the ageing process and possibly even cure Alzheimer's dise…
'Vampire Therapy' Could Reverse Ageing
2 Favorites
U-2 Spy Plane Fries Air Traffic Control Comp…
Fries Air Traffic Control Computers, Shuts Down LAX
By Andrew Blankstein
A relic from the Cold War appears to have triggered a software glitch at a major air traffic control center in Califo…
U-2 Spy Plane Fries Air Traffic Control Comp…
1 Favorite
Breaking: Nuclear Alert
Stolen Nuclear Material Heading into US

Breaking: Nuclear Alert
4 Favorites
Immortal Technique on Conspiracy Facts, Mone…
Immortal Technique on Conspiracy Facts, Mone…
5 Favorites
Eric Holder 1995: "We Must Brainwash People"
Eric Holder 1995: "We Must Brainwash People"
3 Favorites
Is It On? Hostilities in Eastern Ukraine app…
Reports are spotty so far but it appears that the Ukrainian government has begun an operation against the pro-Russian forces in Slavyansk. Watch this situation closely overnight as things may evolve…
Is It On? Hostilities in Eastern Ukraine app…
1 Favorite
Pete Santilli Calls & Threatens Harry Reid W…
Pete Santilli Calls & Threatens Harry Reid W…
2 Favorites
April 2014
What is happening in the Western United Stat…
Flights Grounded at All Southern CA Airports Due to ‘Computer Issues’
AT&T outage map
Verizon Communications outage map
BREAKING NEWS: Air traffic control system in at least 3 western US states…
What is happening in the Western United Stat…
2 Favorites