Thousands of Gulf Oil Spill clean-up crew ar…videoThousands of Gulf Oil Spill clean-up crew ar…4 FavoritesPlanet Elenin - Nibiru - Brown Dwarf Star Is…videoPlanet Elenin - Nibiru - Brown Dwarf Star Is…4 FavoritesTimeline 4/11-2/12 Encoded in '2012' MovievideoTimeline 4/11-2/12 Encoded in '2012' Movie3 FavoritesEARTHQUAKE SWARM UPDATE - Feb 19, 2011 - acr…videoEARTHQUAKE SWARM UPDATE - Feb 19, 2011 - acr…2 FavoritesJapan is collapsing? hypothesis - animation…videoJapan is collapsing? hypothesis - animation…2 FavoritesJAPAN RADIATION ALERT! Thousands FLEE LEAK Z…videoJAPAN RADIATION ALERT! Thousands FLEE LEAK Z…2 FavoritesWarning For AmericavideoWarning For America4 FavoritesALERT! EARTHQUAKE has occured within yester…videoALERT! EARTHQUAKE has occured within yester…3 FavoritesFIRE WATER - CINEMATIC TRAILERvideoFIRE WATER - CINEMATIC TRAILER1 FavoriteChemtrails They Live, We SleepvideoChemtrails They Live, We Sleep1 Favorite
February 2011
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InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...
The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propag...