"Intelligence" Communityphoto"Intelligence" Community2 Favoriteshappy workers dayphotohappy workers day2 Favoritesbarr-lawyer-upphotobarr-lawyer-up3 Favoriteskatie-hillphotokatie-hill2 FavoritesTho InthenthtitiffphotoTho Inthenthtitiff1 Favoritecnn-sux-tagphotocnn-sux-tag3 FavoritesAdvancesphotoAdvances3 FavoritesFind The TrannyphotoFind The Tranny6 Favoritespolice liesphotopolice lies3 Favoriteselectoral-collegephotoelectoral-college3 Favoritestransgender-childrenphototransgender-children5 FavoritesThe "suicide" lynchingphotoThe "suicide" lynching4 FavoritesToday In History: The anniversary of the bill that eviscerated American civil liberties "The Most Unpatriotic Act"
The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties
BlogToday In History: The anniversary of the bill that eviscerated American civil liberties "The Most Unpatriotic Act"3 FavoritesShe's Really Lost ItphotoShe's Really Lost It3 Favoritestransmigrantphototransmigrant4 FavoritesFound by Gold Miners in EcuadorphotoFound by Gold Miners in Ecuador4 FavoritesPortrait On Epstein's WallphotoPortrait On Epstein's Wall5 FavoritesDid Jew Know?photoDid Jew Know?3 FavoritesLovin ItphotoLovin It1 Favoriternc-surveyphotornc-survey2 FavoritesPutin is No HerophotoPutin is No Hero2 Favorites
Neil Oliver reacts after a top Dutch government official has admitted 'Covid' was a military operation.#gbnews #uknews #covid #coronavirus #covid19 Keep up t...
DW Description: Chris Langan is known to have the highest IQ in the world, somewhere between 195 and 210. To give you an idea of what this means, the average...