2012 Psychics Predictions - From 32 Years Ago - OMG WTF !!

Psychics predictions for 2012 -- From 32 Years Ago 2012 Psychics Predictions This psychic predicted 9/11 years in advance. What he has for 2012 is unbelievab...

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Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 1:00am

Can you find out about him suzie???

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 12:59am

Once thing to notice is that the video don't show the name of the guy...that's strange !

I agree with you H0llyw00d ..WE NEED TO FIND INTEL ON WHO THIS GUY IS ! and as Vincent suggest if the guy is real, he may be remote viewer....French people are very sophisticated and educated so most Europeans , and they been doing stuff like this for centuries not only by using psychics abilities but by common Knowledge, social and technological observations, people in Europe have a better education system that what we have in America, and as Maria de Wind pint point to me , this guy may have been reading a lot of popular mechanics like magazines from that time and made all those predictions base on the Knowledge he got from them ..but what intrigue me is went he talk about America been under attack after the year 2000 and his references to a black man as president of the United States way  back in 1976 !!! How he knew this things??  

Does anyone speak French around here?? because we should start by searching web sites and youtube videos in french in order to find this guy ,I mean,  If this guy is for real, he must be someone important among French circles related to Psychics or self proclaim prophets and people like that...all nation of the world  have a few of those...and France  should not be an exception ....Michele de Notre dame or Nostradamus the famous prophet of 500 years ago was French, and in Fatima the suppose virgin Mary  gave a lot of amazing prophecies so in Fatima as well....does anyone speak or understand French around here?? We need to start looking by checking out French sites related to this prophecies themes I think !

Comment by suzie on April 19, 2012 at 12:50am

he said he didn't want to talk about it but he HAD to leave his country..   he must have really disturbed some people to have to leave his country...  i do not speak french but i understand some words and they seem to fit his speech .. :)

Comment by suzie on April 19, 2012 at 12:06am

I think truth is stranger than fiction and there are certain people who do have visions ...  is this a fake? maybe but maybe not..  Some people are not effected by all the destructive forces and are sensitive to the spiritual word we are trained to NOT USE  our mind from birth ..  some people slip through the cracks he might be one of them .. No one has ever seen past 2012 that is why it is so mysterious... some see doom and gloom ..  I would like to think we are on the precipice of something really great but it will not come without some disaster because of the people who have squandered knowledge that was meant to enhance the human soul..   Goodness has not even begun to shine! :)

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 12:05am
Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 12:03am
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 19, 2012 at 12:01am

this looks valid IMO, the furnishings, the clothing, hair, glasses are all 80's. What stands out the most is the vast LP collection, if this is fake then somebody went thru a lot of trouble to break out the 100 or so VINYL LP's there. I see faint traces of this being originally dubbed from a VHS tape as well (its what I do). NOW with that said, I only wish there was further intel on this guy, who he is, and whats become of him today if its real.

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 18, 2012 at 11:56pm

I don't know what to make of it suzie...what you think??

Comment by suzie on April 18, 2012 at 11:43pm
,but very interesting.. ;)
Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 18, 2012 at 11:31pm

I don't really Know if this guy in the video is real...I mean...anyone can dress as an 80's guy from Europe and pretend to be some kind of prophet from that time and post this on youtube to confuse people. As many of you Know during the lat years a lot of rumors about some Alien invasion been going around on the net, so many rumors about a huge false flag Alien invasion attack orchestrated  by the Elites or the New World Order masters in order to keep the people of the world confuse while they use nuclear rockets and space satellites to wipe out humanity and take over the world once 90 percent of the world population get wipe out...I think they call it Blue bean project...anyway..if any of you have any knowledge to share please feel welcome to do so...me personally don't know what to make of it yet...I do Know that recently the National geographic Chanel  been showing some documentaries about a possible alien invasion on earth ...here is the video for those of you that would like to see it....

"Destroying the New World Order"



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