9/11 Person of Interest Joe Allbaugh (FEMA) Get's Served on C-span 's Washington Journal

Washington Journal for Friday, August 31 Joe Allbaugh
Joe Allbaugh former FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh will discuss the current conditions and resources for hurricane relief from the local and federal levels (in general and Isaac specifically). Allbaugh will discuss the Stafford Act and the region currently affected by Isaac 7 years after Katrina. Disaster relief in America and the role of the National Guard will also be topics of conversation.

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on March 24, 2013 at 10:05am

notice what that flat top neocon prick says @ the end and how he says it @ 1:50

"Sept 11 was not...uhhh... a created crisis by THIS government"

he didn't say "the" government as one would normally say

Comment by apeman2502 on September 3, 2012 at 10:23pm

  9-11 not a government created crisis? general Albert Stubblebine was U.S./ Army Intelligence director of all photographic analysis for many years. His report on what hit the pentagon on 9-11-2001 includes an impressive pile of Hassalblad top quality photographs of the debris inside the Pentagon. these images include several of the remains of a Global hawk cruise missle, and an A-3 Skywarrior military commuter jet painted up as an American Airlines jet. Other sources of on the scenes photographs feature pieces of fuselage skin where logo/rivet locations do not match those of 767 or 757 airliners. Logos, license numbers and other markings are located on the fuselages and wings by their relation to specific rivets, thus maintaining uniformity of appearance in the fleet's jets. The A-3 has a 66 foot wingspan and is less than 15 feet from the tip of the tail to the bottom of the fuselage. Commercial jets hang the engines low for fuel economy. The A-3 was built for speed and strength. An A-3 performed that tight circle drop in to hit the pentagon. Two A-3 engines, one destroyed, were found in the wreckage.

  Allbaugh's job was to provide defective reporting on ground ZERO radiation at the WTCs and otherwise manage the scene of the crime. Hundreds have died and thousands have contracted lung cancer because of this guy following his orders. See Jeff Prager's report and WTC dust analysis at this website, or other reports from other laboratories.

Inside job. No doubt. Obama is a shill and an accessory after the fact. Joe Biden is extremely dangerous. Hillary is insane. Grab Allbaugh and hold him for questioning.

Comment by apeman2502 on September 2, 2012 at 1:59am

  Is this the cu__ who said there was no radiation at ground ZERO at the WTCs on 9-11-2001? Grab him at hold him for questioning.

Comment by MAC on September 2, 2012 at 12:18am

that caller did a good job & they did not cut him off LMAO

Comment by guest_blog on September 1, 2012 at 11:20pm

The Tripod II Biowarfare Exercise

FEMA had deployed to New York City on September 10 to set up a command post at Pier 29, supposedly in preparation for a biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 11

Comment by guest_blog on September 1, 2012 at 11:00pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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