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Comment by truth on June 17, 2012 at 7:37pm
Comment by paricia on December 28, 2010 at 11:04pm

freedomrox...very cool post...first hand info on bill cooper...yes, you were privilaged to have met him...thank you for the insight...tonight has been a bill cooper night for is an interesting site I came across ..Mystery school Series....bill cooper...shame we have lost his leadership..

Comment by Freedomrox on December 28, 2010 at 6:52pm

Bill was a friend of mine, although many miles apart. I met him in 1999 on a very hot summer's day. I was a long haul trucker who called into his show for years. Yes, we got into it many times, but it was his style. He wasn't crazy, but he was stressed to the max. When he discovered that the Project Majestik was just a conintelpro psyop that was purposely used on him, and he believed that he was being used as a patsy by US Naval Intel, of which I agreed...he almost did lose it.

He was a very strong man that did not want to believe that he could be taken for a ride, but finally admitted it, and took it like a man. He earned my respect.


During our meeting he was never hateful, nor spiteful, but truly a worried man. He had hit upon some cogent points and made several predictions that PTB did not expect exposed so soon, and many of us listener's took it to heart and helped to defeat much legislation intended to have ushered in the police state on a much faster time scale. It kinda pissed off the PTB. Local attacks then intensified and the pressure nearly drove him to despair. He drank quite a bit before he was murdered. He actually told me and then his listener's days later that he would not live much longer. He said he would be Gordon Kahl'd. Of course, his prediction was true.


As for AJ....what can you say? He is lying; just as he lied about so many things. I would give credit where credit was due if AJ hadn't tried to smear Bill in the only interview he ever did on AJ's show, of course, weeks after the fact. I listened to Bill call him out for the liar that he was. AJ ran and lied more. This clip here I haven't seen, but it is outlandish how after all this time, he revives and even adds onto the previous lies.


Milton William Cooper was a very complex and passionate man that I am honored to have met at least once in my life. We talked by phone off the show many times and i would send faxes to him every time I visited a Book Repository and everything i dug up at my visit to the Library of Congress. Being a long-haul trucker did have it's advantages. I will always remember him as a prime example of how even a military man can be duped by his own govt. while at the same time praise him for the many sacrifices he made to warn folks that there was a worldwide money conspiracy bent on destroying representative government and replacing it with a socialist democracy in this country. A brave man indeed.

Comment by luggnutz on December 28, 2010 at 11:36am

Was not aware you had posted this James. So now, after having listened to the original interview and taking notes of what was said and discussed, I would ask many and any here to watch this following video. Take note of some of some of the discrepancies in Alex's memory.

Had never heard of him ? Had never listened to his show ? Didn't know anything about him ? After having read 2 of his books and researching all of his audio claims, I'm still searching for those "Jesus was an alien" claims as well as all the other foolish ranting I hear AJ spew here. After I watched this video, I began to wonder if AJ is a programed clone. I know this video came out a few months after I chewed him out and he had to disappear for 3 days. But to hear a man rant and remember things that just did not transpire makes one wonder. I know that since that day of may 3rd 2009 I haven't had a need to listen very much to Mr Saviour of Man Jones and I STILL stay on top of the game regardless. This should really open some eyes as to what AJ is really here for.

He never could be and never will be anywhere near William Cooper. Mr Cooper layed it out plain in his 1st show, the show was not for popularity or money or fame, and that they would have to come stop him. While for the last 4 years I've had to listen to AJ whine on about how he has to watch his step and watch what he says or exposes, otherwise he and we the listeners will loose everything. I know what NO FEAR means, and this guy is still way too scared to convince me he's on the right side of things.



Comment by paricia on September 21, 2010 at 1:44am
just amazing...Bill Cooper had amazing insights...a damn shame he is not still around to lead...
Comment by Maas on January 29, 2009 at 10:13pm
Cool gives me something to listen to tomorrow.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on January 28, 2009 at 4:02am
"even if i have to die on my door step" - Bill
Comment by illuminated-dj on January 27, 2009 at 7:57pm
as he said over 10 years ago.we have 2 choices.revolt or total enslavement,seems like we've chosen the latter.thanks for this man.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on January 26, 2009 at 2:10pm
nice! great find 24yr old AJ

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