Bill Maher: There is a big double standard about Israel and nuclear weapons, lets get real!

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Comment by JoJo on April 18, 2010 at 11:25am
Out of all the group ,only the lady has the smarts. I'd bet,she will never be asked on any panel TV show again.
What's with the crap--size of a grapefruit nuke? Guys is fullofsh!t. Radition just pocket carrying it--would kill Osama Bin Ladinsky.
Stupid is always spelt with U and I
I just came across this article,which only is published outside of this Kosher controlled USi. Bill Maher was not funny :^/
"October 30th 1938, just another evening in New York where city life was streaming along nicely and people were busy in their lives fulfilling their social requirements with nothing unusual whatsoever when mercury network, a radio station in New York interrupts the music of Ramon Rachello and his Orchestra from the Park Plaza Hotel for a special news bulletin. This was the beginning of an infamous War of the Worlds broadcast with its terrifying real description on an alien invasion from Planet Mars. Within few hours of the broadcast, a million people were out in the streets, panic and scared of fact that a profound phenomenon of alien existence and invasion is coming out of comic books and becoming a part of their everyday reality which might change their lives forever or even end it. The state of panic was so much so that later that night and next morning media personnel from mercury radio had to come on the network to cover the story where they failed to explain the reason for this interruption and clarify the real agenda behind this false propaganda of an alien invasion. Those who lived their lives in disarray till today still don’t know the real reason behind this falsehood that it was a part of a complex psychological warfare test for analyzing the possibilities of human mind control and getting desirable behavioral outcome for future remunerations. The test was conducted by C.D Jackson under the umbrella of the Rockefeller Foundation a name which requires no introduction whatsoever.

When the results were compiled two years later, they were been released to an elite group whose name most men will not speak up in public or private. Among these groups are the names like The BuilderBerg Group, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve Bank. Under the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, C.D Jackson was equivalent to the head of national security and also he was the chief of psychological warfare. His breakthrough discovery of the war of the worlds broadcast was nothing but a mind control test stunt to understand the human psychology and how they can possibly use it to pull the strings of these people and implement a control system over them."

"Destroying the New World Order"



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