This video (especially the beginning) is quite disturbing and is not for the faint of heart (you've been warned). It is however very powerful in making it's point - that we've all been programmed, lied to and bamboozled throughout our lives - programmed to be ignorant of the real issues that matter; to think like a herd of sheep and wrap our lives around materialism and debt - to feed the commercialistic profit making mechanisms (the industries, corporations and banks) who own and control our government through their puppet master strings.
We as humans basically just want to be happy - but we wrongly believe it can be achieved through materialistic purchases - thinking: "if I only had that new car or big house I would be happy and fulfilled, like all those smiling people in the commercial"; "if only I had that three karat ring I would be the talk of the office, the girls would be jealous and I would look accomplished"; "that new 650 quad runner certainly would make me content and I'd be a man's-man to boot" (as it sits in the garage quickly depreciating after a couple months of use).
Face it people: Materialism doesn't bring long-term happiness and buyer's remorse is typically the end result after the novelty wears off. Are the many years of debt service and a stretched family budget really worth the purchase? Are you really any happier now that you live in a big house? Are you really any more successful or smarter because you now drive a Mercedes? Is that $1,500 brand-name suit really any better than a $300 suit.
We as a society have been programmed to chase each other through an impossible dream of material happiness, yet we're blind to the fact that the "everyone else" that we aspire to be are merely just sheeple - brainwashed people not in control of their thoughts or lives and mindlessly following each other (like sheep) to a debt-slaved destiny and slaughter - think about it!
Please don't immediately discredit this information without trying to think outside the box for a few minutes. Allow yourself to ponder the message and if you have any inkling that it's factual, make an attempt to free yourself from the mainstream thought controlling tentacles of our corporate owned programming medium - television (turn the damned thing off) - and try to then think outside the box regarding other issues and areas of your life. Know that your mind is free - question everything, think for yourself, read daily and nourish your head with truth - do not be nor follow the sheeple to a debt slave prison!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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