Fight VAT to the Death! (Value Added Tax)

12/14/2009 Glenn Beck and Bill OReilly call for more taxes on the American people. Beck and OReilly are shills for the Federal Reserve and the bankers. OReilly argues in favor of a national sales tax while Beck calls for a VAT or value added tax on all products.

Beck, who likes to call himself a libertarian, says the tax will go to pay off the national debt. He wants a constitutional amendment forcing his VAT on an already over-taxed people. OReilly says a constitutional amendment will never fly and he wants Congress to impose additional taxation. Beck sounds like Nancy Pelosi. She wants a VAT too.

If Beck and OReilly really want to get rid of the national debt theyd call for the elimination of the Federal Reserve. Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1914, government debt has increased from 2.9 billion dollars to a staggering and mind-numbing 8 trillion dollars.

All income taxes collected by the government go to the private banking cartel through the Federal Reserve just to pay interest on government loans. The Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air by entering numbers in a computer and loans it to the government at interest.

In addition to paying the bankers, your tax dollars go to build a world government. So-called transfer payments go right to the World Bank, the United Nations, and the International Monetary Fund. As I write this, the globalists gathered in Copenhagen are plotting to steal even more money through a global carbon tax.

Private bankers have fleeced the American people for decades. Beck and OReilly should be calling for the immediate end of the Federal Reserve. Instead, they sound like the so-called liberals over at MSNBC and CNN, calling for more and apparently never-ending burdensome taxation on the American people.

Beck and OReilly should call the U.S. Treasury to print its own money, as stated in the Constitution. It is illegal and criminal for the government to allow the Federal Reserve to print our money and loan it back to us at interest.

Beck and OReilly should demand the Fed not be allowed to dictate monetary policy and jack with the money supply. The Federal Reserve has engineered every recession and depression since its inception. The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one third from 1929 to 1933, said Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winning economist.

Instead they call for more taxation to be paid directly to the banksters.

Glenn Beck is not a libertarian. He is a shill for the Federal Reserve and the bankers. People who believe Glenn Beck is a patriot and follow his contrived political movement need to be aware of this. Glenn Beck is a Pied Piper leading the people in self-defeating circles. Becks task is to destroy the tea party movement and lead his hoodwinked followers back into the fold.

Becks VAT will not go to pay down the national debt. It will be used to pump even more wealth stolen from the American people into the coffers of the bankers.

Only an end of the Federal Reserve and the banker theft operation will free the people from never-ending and exponentially increasing government debt.

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Comment by afewloosescrews on December 17, 2009 at 3:41am
Great video. The egregious FEMA camp "debunking" was just a small taste of the Beckonian co-opting to come. I loved the pied piper analogy. Couldn't agree more.
It's hard to see would-be patriots so hypnotized by this man's dangerous tune.
Comment by Harry Thomas on December 15, 2009 at 5:08pm
The Following Is From

Benedict Arnold fake conservatives stab supporters in the back, call for massive VAT tax, federal sales tax, to siphon trillions out of US economy to pay off foreign bankers. The national debt is an illegitimate debt American's are not entitled to pay, the Federal Reserve bank is a privately run cartel which hijacked America in 1913 and has been looting us ever since. Kennedy ordered the fed to be abolished and a single coin to be minted to pay back all the debt in one swoop, he was murdered a month later. We owe the bankster criminals nothing. These fake conservatives want to steal trillions through new taxes and still pose as conservatives, they are CON-servatives and now their true agenda is out for everyone to see. Shill O'Liely has also called for a socialist public option in order to have the government take over 20% of the American economy, one of the only American industries which cannot be outsourced. Shill O'reilly and Glenn Beck are traitors to America and the opposite of conservatives.

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