Gordon Duff of Veterans Today Admits To Writing 40% False Information

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today in his own words. He admits To Writing 40% False Information and that at least 30% of the information on Veterans Today is false as well.


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Comment by Terry Bain on July 25, 2013 at 12:59pm
Here is Ryan's article that Fetzer mentioned. http://911truthnews.com/why-robert-parry-is-right-about-911-truth/
Comment by Terry Bain on July 25, 2013 at 9:50am
Kevin Ryan interview http://occupyamericasocialnetwork.com/podcast/?p=episode&name=2...

People - trust your gut!
Comment by Terry Bain on July 25, 2013 at 9:30am
Interesting article about Fetzer at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2011/02/misadventures-of-kevin-ryan...

We have talked to Kevin Ryan - I feel anything he has to say is worth paying attention to.
Comment by honeygirl on December 2, 2012 at 10:57am

just another disinfobullshit artist to toss in the rubbish can


Comment by James Henry Fetzer on November 25, 2012 at 8:36pm

As for Gordon and this 40% business, my understanding from my conversations with him is that what he meant is that, if he were to publish what he knows as well as he knows it, then his life expectancy would be dramatically diminished.  He is not the only one I am aware of who knows too much and cannot tell everything he knows, so I believe that this situation has been grossly misrepresented.  Kevin Barrett is one of the most dedicated and honest students of 9/11 I have ever known, so I am not taken in by the kinds of nonsense that often draw the most attention. 

The claims that have been made by Steve Jones, the Kevin Ryan, and others about nanothermite are so much rubbish.  I have published several articles about them.  When Gordon says "It doesn't exist!", he means that the kind of explosive nanothermite that they have claimed was responsible for destroying the Twin Towers is a myth.  And on that score, he is completely correct.  On nanothermite, try these:

“Has nanothermite been oversold to the 9/11 Truth community?”

"Is '9/11 Truth' based upon a false theory?"

“Nanothermite: If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!”

Comment by James Henry Fetzer on November 25, 2012 at 8:29pm

apeman2502 misrepresents my position:  "Go  to Veterans Today and check out the comments at '9-11:Illusions, Special Effects,and Other Magic Tricks.' Articles like this are necessary to draw out 9-11 'Shrinking Violets' whose statements of known fact are necessary to pin down 'Who?'and 'How? these crimes were committed. I could not resist Fetzer's inference that holograms travelling 500mph discharged huge electrical charges into the buildings to set off demolition charges and punch holes into and then drop the buildings. The diodes present in the demolition system installed during construction determined that the computerized controlled demolition could not be accidentally set off by an impacting jet." 

I have not said that.  There can be no doubt that we are dealing with holograms at both the North and the South Towers, but the "electrical discharge" is anomalous.  It may have to do with the ignition of a process to create the cut outs, but it most certainly did not come from holograms--and I resent that this guy, who is attacking me, does so by making up a position I do not maintain.  He may be willing to draw such an inference, but why pin that tale on me?  He is fully capable of making up his own BS, but nether Jack White nor I deserve this shallow form of abuse.  Here is the proof of 9/11 holograms:

"Were the 9/11 crash sites faked?" (13 June 2012):

Part 1:  http://archive.org/details/scm-75926-drjamesfetzerinseattlejune1320

Part 2:  http://archive.org/details/scm-75938-drjamesfetzerinseattlejune1320

If anyone thinks I have something wrong, let me know what I said and why I said it and then explain what I have wrong and how you know.  This guy's pulling stuff from where the Sun does not shine. I don't appreciate it.  And if I deleted some post of his, I have no doubt it was for a good reason, even if I have no recollection now of whatever he is talking about.  In my opinion, he is not a credible source.

Comment by truth on November 9, 2012 at 9:46pm

What a douche!

Comment by Maas on November 9, 2012 at 9:41pm

Hahahaha that one didn't last too long. Mike Harris from Republic Broadcasting, who interviewed this bullshit artist, got the video pulled.

Comment by Sweettina2 on November 8, 2012 at 5:29pm

Damn I'm mad.

Comment by Sweettina2 on November 8, 2012 at 5:28pm

I used to think Gordon hung the moon. He would come on the radio show for me anytime I asked him.  But then came the day he wrote an article and defended the CFR and Brzezinski (he worked for him).  I not only commented, sent an email and called him and he stuck to his guns that we were all listening to the Zionist media and misconstrued.  I knew he was disinfo at that moment.  But I would read another article that was worth posting....never again.  I'm going to go listen to the full interview and call him tonight, I have a feeling he's not gonna like it.  If anyone would like his personal phone number to do the same...pm me.  Or maybe I will just post the damn number all over the frikin internet!  I appreciate you posting this.  I still stand behind some at VT, they tell the truth on the Zionists...not many have the balls to do that.  Sharing.

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