This Pizzagate story has brought out strong emotions in people.
The New York Times and Michael Rivero of What Really Happened Says that the Pizzagate story is fake news.

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Comment by Maas on November 28, 2016 at 11:12am

Mike Rivero is probably right that the Pizzagate story will be used to censor social media and independent journalists, but it is not because it is a fake news story. Although there's no slam dunk to prove any criminal activity, Pizzagate is so obviously not a fake news story.

Comment by Darrell Rowlands on November 27, 2016 at 6:10pm

Mike was also wrong about the Pentagon.  He insists that there must have been a plane at the Pentagon.   Even though that is impossible, and all the evidence gathered in the past 15 years shows there could not have been a plane there and that the hole was much too small for a Boeing to fit into.   His obsession with "poisoning of the well" has hindered his usually brilliant investigative analysis.   He says things like, "They needed to get rid of Flight 77 anyway so why NOT crash it into the Pentagon?" which doesn't take into account that there were many other ways they could have gotten rid of Flight 77.   NTSB data revealed its Flight Deck Door was never opened in flight.  It is physically impossible for a Boeing to have made a 270 degree turn at 800 km/h and hit such a precise target without breaking apart and without leaving marks on the lawn.   The only thing that could possibly have hit the Pentagon would be a missile.   This has been acknowledged by the 9/11 truth community at large for at least 7 years!  Nonetheless, Mike still insists -- to this day! --- that anyone who suggests it was anything other than a plane is "poisoning the well." 

Comment by Darrell Rowlands on November 27, 2016 at 1:53pm

HERE is what I wrote to Michael Rivero about Pizzagate 

RE: "This Pizzeria Is Not a Child-Trafficking Site"

Of COURSE the NYTimes is going to say that.

Of COURSE they're going to lie and cover up for their masters.

Of COURSE they're going to make James Alefantis look like an innocent victim.
But does that really make it false, or a trap, or a poisoning of the well?

How convenient, that the NYTimes doesn't mention Marina Abramovic, spirit cooking, or  their connections with the Podestas!  No mention at all of the marks on Podesta's hand, which shows he "cut deeply and ate the pain" as per the spirit cooking ritual based on Aleister Crowley's teachings.
The mainstream media put out the same sort of "debunking" articles, like this one,

when two children, Alisa and Gabriel Dearman, exposed a pedophile ring in Hampstead, England.

I'm sure you must have heard the quote from William Colby to John DeCamp:

"What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face."

Sigh.  So I guess there just are some things that, even though they really did in fact happen, and really are continuing to happen, you just can't discuss or expose, unless you want to be called a kook, or a discreditor of truth, or a poisoner of the well.   This will sadly be the limitation of anyone who hasn't been researching the long history of Satanic and pedophile rituals among the powerful elite.   If you only stick with the political aspect, and not the occult aspect, you're not going to get the whole story, and you're going to immediately reject important information and evidence.

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