Open Letter To The Revolutionaries By Anonymous Amaterasu

We don't have to accept the status quo. We deserve better, and to get there we need to MAKE it happen for ourselves via our votes, our resources and our bene...

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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on August 30, 2013 at 11:57pm

You are thinking in terms of scarcity. In abundance, if We want to do a job, We may, but We don't HAVE to to live richly, ALL of Us. The robots are just to fill in on necessary jobs no One WANTS to do.  Then all Humans are freed to develop Their gifts, follow Their bliss.

The abundance of this planet will flow to ALL of Us unimpeded by accounting for energy.

Comment by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 30, 2013 at 11:22pm

Sounds like bullsh** if you ask me. Robots take away jobs and good paying jobs.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on July 30, 2013 at 8:40pm

suzie, Human are, for the most part, honest and ethical - if We were not, society could not function.  And most of the time, when We go against this basic nature, it is motivated by money/power.  And ANY system of money promotes the psychopaths to the top of the heap, who do awful things - from polluting to inciting war - and then They blame "Human nature." 

Four percent MAX for the number of Us who are psychopathic.  If power over Self and no Others, 96% of Us will behave well.  And the 4% We can watch, and if They break the three Laws, We confine Them.

And yes, greed - which is a function of a (energy) scarcity paradigm - is an added problem We can solve with abundance.

Comment by suzie on July 30, 2013 at 8:24pm
I've always loved your philosophy .. We must work toward something better for sure, getting rid of the need for money is a revolutionary idea .. Of course what you suggest would take people who were moral and honest. . With out that nothing works, I think its why our present form of government and fractional reserve debt based system is thriving for a few and killing the rest of us .. It is a big lie masquerading as a constitutional republic which was supposed to have an honest system of weights and measures as prescribed in our American constitution, which as well would not work in a debased dishonest society .. I know there is free energy and cures for a multitude of diseases which has been held back because of greed ...
Comment by JustHere999 on June 13, 2013 at 9:37pm

Well said.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on June 12, 2013 at 11:08pm

Merci. [smile]

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 12, 2013 at 3:23pm

I'll buy that for a Dollar.  Beautiful lanai :)!

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