Patriots all over the country were arrested today. Be principled, be bold. America is fallen.

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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 21, 2016 at 10:34pm

chris, thank You for that vid.  Yes, I am not surprised.

Owl, though that could be, Consciousness surpasses blood, and if enough of Us on this planet know We CAN create better here, Ethically respecting ALL Consciousness, We WILL.  Regardless of what We call Them, by Their behavior They are psychopaths, and I suggest the inbreeding is to retain the psychopathic gene.

Comment by ShamanicOwl on March 21, 2016 at 10:16pm

A "bloody war" is mentioned, when in fact, I think it's always been about the WAR going on 'in the blood' from the beginning.

Comment by chris dorsey on March 21, 2016 at 9:06pm

Gavin Seim  is a Fed crisis actor

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 21, 2016 at 5:31pm

DTOM, if You expect the severely indoctrinated to change first, nothing will change.  And I ponder forcing People to "learn new skills."

The majority "choose" to spend Their time, what little They have left between work and sleep, pursuing as much happiness as They can afford.  Because They are indoctrinated, Many believe that They have enough information...  And when One has build a quality world - One's view if how everything fits together - and data come in that suggest the view is wrong, Most will discard the data.  Because it is a disruptive process to integrate the data and rebuild the quality world accordingly.  This is why so Many could not accept clear data that shows 9/11 was an inside job, or that Sandy Hook was BS, and so on.  (You are WAY too hard on the Ones so deeply indoctrinated...)

List the questions again, and I will address them in the order asked.

And dropping the masses into "a Star Trek technological society" eliminates poverty & privilege, oppression, wage/debt slavery, intrusion, and profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering).

It also removes psychopaths - the Ones who would manufacture "reality" for Us, and NOT solve for poverty (which, with the trillions upon trillions They control, They could EASILY do) - from power.

Let Me ask You:  what is it to You what Others choose to do with Their lives?  And to be sure, as I said, expecting the People, so deeply controlled and manipulated, to change first, with psychopaths in control, You're right if the systems are not changed and the power of the useless eliters removed.

Comment by DTOM on March 21, 2016 at 11:34am

It's time people learned to help themselves - to open their mind and learn new skills.

Apparently there are these buildings where you can go to learn for free - full of books!!!

Not to mention these magical machines that give you access to the sum of human porn and consumerism - apparently the latter is preferred among most users.

But no, the majority CHOOSE to remain ignorant. 

However, once again you do not answer my questions and come out with the same childish 'disclose free energy' response.

Dropping the masses into a Star Trek technological society is going to neither improve or solve anything -  just as giving mobile phones to third worlders does nothing to improve their situation - the inherent problem is the majority of people themselves - until they get a clue, nothing will change.

Comment by DTOM on March 21, 2016 at 11:32am

Well, I don't know about You, but I know TONS of People who love to create robots - or would if They had the chance...  And maybe We should start with mining robots.  No, there is no way to snap the fingers and it will all be perfect.  BUT, if We get free energy out there, the cost of everything will drop (as long as it is common knowledge that free energy means no need for money) as the cost of energy is removed.  In the end, as 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy, free energy removes 100% of the costs.

To stand there and point to problems We have because few (statistically none) know about a better way and so therefore are not motivated to help move it in that direction as a reason to not TRY is...  Defeatist.

Share awareness to the tipping point, and THEN We will see MANY willing to get the ball rolling.

Oh you are talking to someone that designs and builds things and makes use of up and coming technologies.

My time and that of others has value - you only have to look around to see that the braindead masses place no value on anything that's given to them gratis.

That's why so many supported Obama and why so many support Sanders and will quite happily initiate violence against anyone who doesn't tow the line, because they will get 'free stuff' or the opportunity to take the property of others.

It's not about cost, it's about respect and placing value on the efforts of those who actually make and do things.

You can lead others to information, but you cannot share awareness - it is a personal revelation - even on dissemination of information, there is no guarantee that an individual will begin to awaken - and once again I say, that if people cannot see that there is something wrong now, they never will.

The Awakening is key - because humanity needs to grow the fuck up and learn mutual respect and empathy.

I say this as I have lived by the principles you espouse -  and what did I learn?

That the more you do for people for free - especially the unawakened - the less they value you AND the fruits of your labors...

That is not defeatist, that is REALIST!

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 20, 2016 at 9:41pm

Pulling out of the system is a good step, but having a better place to go is priceless.

Comment by Ragnarok on March 20, 2016 at 4:13pm

Want the card house to fall.... stop feeding the machine economically stand up against Prince John and his minions and it will fall automatically within weeks.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 20, 2016 at 3:12pm

Deep Space, I ponder how many People will "stay at home, fucking their sex robots without any motivation to do anything meaningful & productive."  First, given that at most We need about 10% keeping things running, 90% could do just that and it would not be an issue.  Second, in a world that does not NEED everyOne to be doing anything meaningful and productive, who cares?  The Ones who will solve problems will be the Ones for whom there is a problem.  As it stands now, money creates the illusion of "useless eaters" and demands everyOne add energy just to survive on this planet that belongs to ALL of Us but has been stolen from Us through "trusts" and deceit.  Profit is "king," not Humanity.

As for humor...  You bet!  Sorry I am not an extremely funny Individual, but I do appreciate the humor Others (such as Yourself) add to the enjoyment of this life.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 20, 2016 at 2:50pm

And lastly, yes We CAN get rid of money, the only use for which is constructive is to get work done that no One WANTS to do.  We now have robots for that.  And though the soil, money, is not the root of all evil (the love of money/power is), when You remove the soil, the root dies.

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