Sheriff Richard Mack Interview - Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Ed & Ethan Show

Sheriff Richard Mack speech after Bundy Ranch VICTORY

Sheriff Mack travels with other CSPOA members to stand with Nevada rancher against the BLM   

Many of you have called or emailed regarding the storm brewing between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM.  We all know how we feel about the all-too-frequent bullying of individual citizens by various Feds with their usurped, unconstitutional powers.  It’s an epidemic that must be stopped.Well, we want you to know we ARE doing something about it, and thankfully this time we’re not alone.  Sheriff Mack is leaving early Saturday morning for an emergency trip to Bunkerville, Nevada, along with other members of the CSPOA posse (hopefully that’s some of you!) to stand vigil and find a peaceful resolution to this conflict (i.e., the feds going home).

AND this late-breaking news as per Lyle Rapacki today:

State Senate President Andy Biggs and House of Reps Speaker Dave Livingston have both agreed that Arizona should be involved in supporting CSPOA and Oath Keepers in going to Bunkerville, NV to support the movement for freedom there with the Cliven Bundy family. State Senators Al Melvin, Chester Crandall, and Kelly Ward along with State Reps Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe, Kelly Townsend and Warren Peterson are all planning to be at the Bundy ranch by Sunday morning. Furthermore, they all plan to attend the Press Conference Monday afternoon with the CSPOA and Oath Keepers along with the Bundys and other sheriffs and public officials from across the country.


We hope you understand how HUGE this is, that state senators and reps are supporting the CSPOA and the Oath Keepers!  We are not alone!

We want to see YOU at this event.  The more support we show in numbers, the more seriously they will take us.  If you are not able to attend, please consider donating to a special fund we have set up for this cause.  We have dozens, possibly hundreds to help pay for and feed. For those of you who can’t make it and would like to help CSPOA and Oath Keepers pay for this huge undertaking, please contribute whatever you can.

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Comment by truth on April 21, 2014 at 11:31pm

Flashback: Sheriffs Across U.S. Rise Up Against Obama Regime

Monday, April 21, 2014 9:57 PM

Feb 2013 - The following is a list of sheriffs and state sheriff's associations
Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against unconstitutional gun control

Comment by truth on April 16, 2014 at 4:45pm

Security-Constitutional Sheriffs Association Nevada Resolution w/D. Callahan, Sheriff Christopher

Comment by truth on April 16, 2014 at 4:45pm

Comment by Terry Bain on April 13, 2014 at 10:52am
Bottom line - support your local sheriff , if he won't uphold the oath to the constitution he is sworn to, elect one who will. We can end this nightmare, one county at a time!
Comment by Terry Bain on April 13, 2014 at 10:41am
The posse, when deputized could have included every legally armed citizen in the county (corporate media, of course, calls them "right wing extremists." Mack makes it clear as a bell the Feds would have been legally wrong and subject to arrest, legally, by armed deputized citizens. Posse means power of the county.
Comment by Terry Bain on April 13, 2014 at 10:36am
I don't know if Quayle is legit or not, but information here rings true. Leaves out that the county sheriff could legally arrest the Feds that didn't leave - with a deputized posse.
Comment by truth on April 13, 2014 at 8:25am

It appears the local sheriff succumbed to pressure, and kicked OUT the BLM !!!!!

Comment by truth on April 13, 2014 at 7:40am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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