The Grugq - OPSEC, when you want real anonymity


Drawing on lessons gleaned from recent hacker indictments, research on surveillance, espionage and counter-intelligence, this talk focuses on practical operational security (OPSEC) measures to avoid detection and prevent arrest by Law Enforcement Officials. The target audience for this talk are hacktivists whose primary mission requires strong online anonymity in the face of intense scrutiny from well funded antagonists.
Starting with a review of OPSEC goals and moving onto methodologies, techniques and technologies, this presentation will enable the target audience to devise and implement robust OPSEC measures.

Effective OPSEC requires combining strong technology solutions with disciplined cautious actions to minimize the exposure of "protected information". The talk will enumerate OPSEC principles and techniques to deny protected information to LEO, and equip hacktivists with the tools necessary to successfully conduct online operations while avoiding capture.


A licensed manicurist by trade, the grugq rose from the ranks of the PLA's gold farming division to become one of the lead clicky-clicky technologists within the offensive cyber sphere. Currently under the patronage of the Asian Godfather of Hacking, living an austere existence as a practicing Buddhist monk in the mountains of Bangkok, The Grugq continues to advance the art of hiding things from the authorities.

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Comment by Old Hobo John Rabbi Bernays on March 30, 2013 at 12:11pm

Saw This At DefCom last year. Really Nice Thingie!!!! If You Are Into This Shit, Your Love This Device.

Comment by Old Hobo John Rabbi Bernays on March 30, 2013 at 12:00pm

This is Known to All Original Gansters/ Convicts of the GP sort- This is, simply, the CONVICT CODE!

As a Old School Convict doing time in Level IV San Quentin, the Keep your Eyes Open, You mouth Closed, and Never Talk to the Enemy. Enemies are Guards, Members of Other Races, Preachers, Convicts-4-Christ (Born Again To Snitch!) Social Workers (They don't Work for YOU! Duhh? They get PAID by the CDC!) And, if you learn of a Snitch, Eliminate It! Your Best Defense, for you and All Your Brothers, is KEEP SNITCHES OUT OF THE LOOP. Dead Corpses are NOT in the Loop. WAR MEANS CASUALTIES. We are in a WAR for our MINDS and SOULS! If we only want to peck on a Laptop, you are PART OF THE ENEMY'S SUPPORT. Right. Brother Man, WAR MEANS DEAD ENEMIES CORPSES. We are NOT going to be SAVED BY A WHITE HAT QUEER with a INDIAN SIDEKICK. Duhh? I HAVE PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE; Hippies & the Peace Movement DID NOT END THE VIET NAM WAR! DUDE! We Grunts Were Schooled by Black Panthers Drafted in "FRAGGING." The ARMY & MARINE CORPS were LOSING OFFICERS DAILY, I FORGET EXACT NUMBERS, but it was TOTALLY AWESOME! There would have been no OFFICERS CORPS LEFT in another year! THIS IS WHAT WAR IS, WE LIVE IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST! Now, Listen to this dude, He Is Great!

Comment by Zen Shaman on March 30, 2013 at 6:09am
Hehe. Trouble making Buddhists.

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