Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

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Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on July 20, 2012 at 1:04am

@ troy....hahahahahaha ! seen that Guy before .... he sound like he knows his things.... but I must confess that I fear a white block of hardcore Christians as much as I fear The Zionist, The Satanist, the black panthers, the Muslims brotherhood so la raza and every single nationalistic movement base on race that unite a group against another. By the way how interesting is to see white Christians worshiping a Jew as Jesus and hating or fearing so much the other races....Hoooo I forgot....Jesus was a blue eye blond, more white than bread .... is that right???..To tell you the truth is because of stupid arguments as this one here that i fear religions so the end regardless of all the good intentions of their believers all that religion do is divide people and build more wars and conflicts...that is why I keep my self away from it !

Comment by suzie on July 20, 2012 at 1:01am

Lmao ..  this thread is becoming as entertaining as the Alex Jones show ..  have we made a record yet?  933 views ..  ~~thanks John ~  your as entertaining as your 'Nemesis' ...   just kidding  ~~  i for one appreciate your passion ~~ i think you mean well and really care ~~ don't worry too much, there are a lot of preppers here they may not advertise it but i think we are all aware of that need ..  Alex Jones , you, not even Jesus will be here when i need food, clothes, fire, med supplies and a plan A, B and C ..   my motto is   "WHO HAS YOUR BACK!"   ~~ we all care here or we wouldn't be here ~ welcome to true free speech ..  that's why i love it here ~~  it is the only place i have found where people can agree or  disagree agreeably we can talk passionately and argue, but at the end of the day ~~ we kiss and make up because were all in the same sinking ship .. 

Comment by John Hammell on July 20, 2012 at 12:45am

Unemployed Storm Trooper- the only reason you worship Jones as if he were a demigod is that you have never had the occassion to nail him point blank in a lie the way I have. So you trust him. I don't. Why don't I? Simple- he put a well known controlled opposition group on his show, not once, but SEVERAL times, despite NUMEROUS EFFORTS by myself and several other highly respected people in the health freedom movement such as Paul Taylor, Kevin Milller, and many others to warn him against this group, the National Solutions Foundation, which has been very skillfully exposed via this article by Paul Taylor who is now the Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation  Ed Griffin of Feedom Force International attempted to warn Jones against Laibow/Stubblebine to no avail. He put them on at least 6 times, and in the process, Jones made it that much harder for my organization, IAHF, to get congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico which is how Codex is being ushered into the USA,Canada and Mexico. Jones would look very good swinging from the end of a rope, IMHO.

Comment by John Hammell on July 20, 2012 at 12:38am

Troy- I just responded to your cynical comments on the other post, and have suggested a course of action that you might engage in if you should be able to find it within yourself to rise above your pathetic current hand wringing, and I sense in your question below a cynical attempt to do spin against my message which is that Alex Jones is a shill for the Zionists. Well he is Troy, this is the inconvenient truth before us, and until hand wringing groveling lap dogs of the Banksters such as yourself start growing the balls necessary to address the truth about Jones, far more coolaid drinkers will, unfortunately, continue to be sucked in by his evil manipulations which must be opposed at every turn. He never got inside Bohemian Grove as he said he did, he was LET inside. Why? So that lemmings would line up behind him and follow him drooling over the cliff... If you have anything whatsoever to say about Brother Nathaniel, do us a favor and confine your comments to the specific matter at hand, because we need your weak attempts at spin about like we need a hole in the head:Here is part Brother Nathaniel's analysis of Alex Jones

Here is another part of Brother Nathaniel's analysis that I find even more interesting

Comment by John Hammell on July 20, 2012 at 12:00am

Silverrocket- Your mindless sarcasm serves no useful purpose here. We have a serious and very thorny problem on our hands that has been solidly identified by Brother Nathaniel in a highly specific way, so if you want to do something useful in this exchange, please speak to the specifics of his messg- the problem here is unescapable: Here is part Brother Nathaniel's analysis of Alex Jones

Here is another part of Brother Nathaniel's analysis that I find even more interesting

"These are the Times that Try Men's Souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from service to their country, but he that stands it now, deserves the love of man and woman." (Thomas Paine)   [] Paine, Thomas

Source: THOMAS PAINE, The Crisis, no. 1, The Writings of Thomas Paine, ed. Moncure D. Conway, vol. 1, p. 170 .The first Crisis is of especial historical interest. It was written during the retreat of Washington across the Delaware, and by order of the Commander was read to groups of his dispirited and suffering soldiers. Its opening sentence [above] was adopted as the watchword of the movement on Trenton, a few days after its publication, and is believed to have inspired much of the courage which won that victory, which, though not imposing in extent, was of great moral effect on Washingtons little army . · This quote is about uncategorised · Search on Google Books to find all references and sources for this quotation.

A bit about Paine, Thomas ...

Thomas Paine (Thetford, England, 29 January 1737 - 8 June 1809, New York City, USA) was a pamphleteer, revolutionary, radical intellectual, and deist. Born in Great Britain, he lived in America, having migrated to the American colonies just in time to take part in the American Revolution, mainly as the author of the powerful, widely-read pamphlet, Common Sense (1776), advocating independence for the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain. ·

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on July 19, 2012 at 9:55pm

Ok John...You are right and I am wrong....No big deal...I don't feel like getting in argument nor come here looking for you are right ....Alex Jones is evil and all that....OK....i GET IT.......but I do listen at Alex Jones and will keep checking his show among many other alternative ones that I enjoy visiting...and so far, I have no reason to believe he is a Zionist agent, he may be  eccentric and sometimes very emotional, and sometimes he may act arrogant and he as me and as all humans is not perfect. he will make mistakes like everyone else...I just hope he learn from them.... I do see the fact that for him been a public figure, he will pay the price of been openly expose to the criticism of the public like all public figures are...But for me ALex Jones character weaknesses and the mistakes he make  are not as important as his intentions ....he have make an open stand against the globalist and I believe his intentions to be good so far , as yours are so many other people here in 12160..and to me that's what count I also find him entertaining and I enjoy to listen to his show s much as I enjoy to come here and check all the videos that everyone post and read the info that many of you share and take a look at what others have to say....and AS Info wars I find 12160 very educational , inspiring and entertaining and That is what keep me coming her so to Alex Jones page among many others . 

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:58pm

Oh shit, forgot to post Brother Nathaniels' stuff mentioned in previous mssg, well here is is again for the benefit of the blind, the myopic, the drunk, the stoned, and the cerebrally challenged:

Here is part Brother Nathaniel's analysis of Alex Jones

Here is another part of Brother Nathaniel's analysis that I find even more interesting

Unless and until we properly address this thorny issue of controlled opposition groups in our midst, posing as pro second amendment, while engaging in this kind of unacceptable behavior , we're screwed.

If anyone disagrees with that obviously correct assertion, speak now, or foreever hold your peace. When I started this discussion within this thread, I told ya'll I would be defending my views against "all comers" and so I am...... Having said that, please get the hell away from your damn computer, go around your block knocking on doors, get the email addresses of all your neighbors and tell them you are gonna email This to them and you need them to ACT, and I mean NOW damnit! 

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:52pm

Unemployed Storm Trooper: My concerns about AJ are hardly confined solely to the fact that he is married to a Jewish woman, and I resent this ludicrous assertion. You continue to fail to address the substance of what I have been saying about this matter, and you continue to assert that I am somehow "speaking in generalities" when in fact any honest reflection on this matter clearly shows that I am not. I have a lot of Jewish friends, and many of them SHARE my concerns about AJ, and as I have stated here, one of these Jewish friends is Brother Nathaniel, a fellow Christian, actually, a Jew who CONVERTED to Christianity. When any of you AJ coolaid drinkers is ready to address the substance of Brother's Nathaniel's very carefully considered message about AJ as expressed here and here, please let me know. My offer to come up here and take shots at beer bottles with AJ's image silk screened onto them still stands along with my offer to partake of some good BC bud and to AJ if you or one of your minions in Jerusalem are monitoring this- Do me a favor man, come here to my doorstep the way those Federal Marshal buddies of yours recently did only with your freakin' bullhorn, the very same one you disrupted the TAG rally in Austin with because I want to shove that bullhorn very far up your obviously diseased rectum and give you a badly needed dose of lead poisonin, capiche amigo? Now for all of you, even the AJ Coolaid Drinkers, Kindly join me in telling more people, I mean a TON more people, to flood Con-gress with this form letter in opposition to the UN Small Arms treaty, because unless we get all of our friends, relatives, neighbors, coworkers, people we meet on the street, in public places, anywhere we happen to be, to floood the whores of Con-Gress with this, then we really WILL find ourselves in VERY deep shit soon:  Now parden me while I go worship the porcelain god, eh?

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:25pm

Open Invitation: I'd like to extend an open invitation to any of you AJ Coolaid drinkers to come up to Point Roberts anytime to go hunting sometime. We can also take shots at beer bottles with Jones photo silkscreened onto them and we can smoke some good ol' BC Bud

Seriously---- While we're on this topic of the dog assed UN effort to ban our access to firearms, how many of you have been to the GOA website to send this form letter in to your Senators? I not only did, but I asked thousands of people on the IAHF double opt in email distribution list to do the same, please see it here and send it in yourself and ask all your friends and neighbors to do the same, otherwise we're all gonna be up shit creek: S.2205 only had 11 cosponsors last time I checked, we damn well better get MORE onto it, so please join me in telling more people about this:

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on July 19, 2012 at 6:23pm

I am not judging anyone...I just say what I thought about comments that I understand as generalizations....I don't approve what Israel is doing nor The US government with the Palestinians , I don't like neither what I seen some Muslims do to their women I don't like neither what the Nazis did to the Jews or The Americans do to the Muslims or the  Inquisitions to the pagans so the Protestant to the Catholics  in England and I can keep mentioning many other examples of injustices around the world but we can't not say something bad about some guy just because he is marry to a Jew like in the case of Alex Jones...The guy was cool till everyone found out that he was marry to a Jew.....and so from now on we all have to call him a Zionist and hate the guy....That don't sound fare to all are entitle to your believes and to blame or hate whoever you want ... but me at a personal level don't roll that way....I have friends from all races and cultures and seen and have meet good Jews, good Muslims, good blacks, good whites, good Latinos, good orientals, good Europeans ... people from all races and nationalities...and yes some are bad...but to me the ones that count are the good ones no mater what race, country or religion they come from , but that's I say before you are all entitle to your own opinions and believes....I will not judge anyone nor force my believes on anyone, share them maybe ...but force them....NOT ! iT WAS NOT MY INTENTION TO MAKE YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE John....sorry if I did anything that made you feel that way or anyone here at 12160.....may the force be with you brother....Peace !                            

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