Witness Testimony + Video --- Reno Rally - People Screamed Gun - NUT holding REPUBLICANS AGAINST TRUMP Sign

Trump Rally Reno, NV - View from crowd after Austin Crytes causes massive disturbance - This is the view from just after Trump was swept off the stage and after many of us fell over. We were packed like sardines.

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Comment by Anti Everything on November 6, 2016 at 6:03am


The media is lying about this incident. What really happened, from people who were there:
 There was a Hillary heckler in the back of the crowd that got Trump’s attention. While this heckler had Trump distracted, a latino man in the front row pulled out a gun. The crowd was already suspicious of the latino man in front, and nailed him the instant the gun appeared. He never managed to get it pointed at Trump or even above waist level because he got nailed by the crowd so fast. At the exact same time, with instant response, the secret service bodyguarded Trump and got him off stage.

HERE’S THE KICKER, AND IT IS A GOOD ONE: Within five minutes of the incident, with the man detained (he had a handler, who accompanied him all the way out, this was a definite CIA patsy job) Anyway, within FIVE MINUTES Trump continued the rally. People are saying he’s got more than balls of steel and instead has balls of diamond.


Comment by truth on November 6, 2016 at 5:24am

I'm a bit shaken still, but I wanted to get this out there: the crazy guy had a REPUBLICANS AGAINST TRUMP sign. He started shoving his way towards the front of the crowd. I was 3 people back from the front row and about 6 feet from this guy. He started to jump up and down and almost acting like a mosh pit.

He was pushing and shoving people. He knocked people over, including elderly. Children were right there, too. You see trump shade his eyes twice as he watches what is happening and doesn't acknowledge it until the guy gets so violent that some men tackle him.

This is when Trump made the comment about him being paid and to get him out. Many people fell over in the process. About 6 or more men restrained him, and in the process, one of those men got up and yelled that he had a gun. It took about 5 or 6 shouts before secret service heard and reacted.

This is when Trump was taken off stage. People panicked, dropped to the ground, covered their heads... children were screaming, women crying, personal belongings stampeded and lost. Secret service then got on the guy, followed by police, followed by some sort of tactical swat/police team in helmets and bullet proof vests with rifles. Elderly and handicap people were down on the cement after being pushed over.

It was completely traumatizing, but because there were thousands of people in there, they blocked all of what was happening on the ground. I have a video from before the swat team came showing them coming in and taking the guy out from right where it happened. I'll upload tomorrow, but for now I just need to calm down.

For those of you making light of the fact there was no gun -- hindsight is 20/20, but I'm that insane moment things went in slow motion and dozens if not hundreds of us were in fear.

EDIT: Here is the video: https://youtu.be/u8-uVK0VN_Y but it's not that helpful because it's AFTER people have been pushed to the ground and AFTER people screamed gun. I wish I had filmed before, but I was trying to be curteous and not block those behind me. I actually only used my camera maybe 5 times total. Just tried to enjoy the experience, until this jerk happened.

EDIT 2: Thank you for everyone's kind words and advice. I just saw a post on another subreddit where people who weren't there are saying stuff like Trump instructed a peaceful guy to get beat up and also supposed FB posts from this asshole's family members saying he was attacked after Trump instructed the crowd. Trump didn't say anything until after he was down on the ground and it was because it qas totally out of hand. It's such an outright lie that these people are echo chambering to each other. It makes me feel sick. To actually witness the event and read the fake stories... I'm a whole new level of upset. Please, please, please vote for Trump on Tuesday!


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