What Your Trusted Mainstream Media Wont Show You About Gaza

Israeli hawks justify their aggression on the Palestinians on grounds of self-defense. But Israel is a country of 7.5 million people with tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, helicopter gunships and F-16s and F-18s, plus 400 nuclear warheads. Gaza is a small occupied territory of 1.7 million which has no heavy weaponry, just some old guns and some largely ineffectual rockets. (Israelis cite hundreds of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza in 2012; but until Israel’s recent attack they had killed not a single Israeli, though they did wound a few last March when fighting between Palestinians and Israelis escalated.) Gaza is a threat to Israel the way the Transkei Bantustan was a threat to Apartheid South Africa. As for genuine asymmetrical threats from Gaza to Israel, they could be dealt with by giving the Palestinians a state and ceasing the blockade imposed on them, or in the worst case scenario counter-terrorism targeted at terrorists rather than indiscriminate bombing campaigns.

Israeli hawks maintain that they were provoked into the attack. But actually Ahmad Jabari, the Hamas leader the Israelis assassinated earlier this week, had been engaged in talks with the Israelis about a truce. Assassinations achieved by the ruse of openness to peace talks are guarantees of no further peace talks.

Although most American media is a cheering section for the Likud Party, in fact the world is increasingly done out with Israel’s aggressiveness. Boycotts and sanctions will likely grow over time, leaving Israeli hawks with a deficit…

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Comment by suzie on November 23, 2012 at 12:54pm
I actually heard while driving in my car listening to a financial program by Larry Kudlow say "Israel needs to blow Gaza off the earth!" before he started his radio show.. I was dismayed and disgusted and turned off the radio .. Doreen Dolan seems a bit hesitant and dismayed to admit her precious Israel may not be ordained by God! She has yet to fully realize her leaders are nothing more than TERRORIST ~ responsible for the woes of the supposed "war on terror" when i hear her denounce her criminal government maybe i'll listen to her ravings of genetics and religion ~ does she think they really care about who they kill? i think she is at best confused and has not yet opened her eyes fully'~ AMERICA SEE YOUR FUTURE! What your country allows in Gaza it will allow to happen to you!
Comment by Ria on November 23, 2012 at 12:14am

Even if centuries ago, those that we know as Palestinian Arab Muslims today were converted from Judaism or any other religion, it does not become their passport to safety and security of life. A human life is just that, a human life. How does it really matter what faith one follows? Is it fair to say that the value of an individual's life is decided by the faith he/she follows?

Comment by Ria on November 22, 2012 at 11:19pm
  • You're very welcome, Troy. Trust me, I know this was a difficult video to watch but, being in Gaza and seeing all this happening with your own eyes, all around you, is many times worse. It numbs you inside out and you can't help but question "why?" and "what for?" The physical pain and agony is one part of it but, the mental, psychological and emotional impact is one that has no superficial scars to reveal but, remains embedded in the heart, mind and soul for a lifetime. No words can explain or sufficiently express the torment and anguish. No human being should ever be put through such an ordeal but, think of Gaza and you have little children there that were born in this conflict and they have grown up from infancy hearing the deafening sounds of the F-16s, Bombings, Missile attacks, Bulldozers, guns and the voices of people crying and wailing, every other day, at the death of one of their family members or friends or neighbors or relatives or foreign activists. Their childhood too has been killed, destroyed.

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