Woman Shows Court Order to NYPD, Gets Punched in Face. #occuppywallstreet

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Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 6:55pm


my radio show is finishing out this week on Thursday and Friday but will continue on Monday once again to Friday next week. 

5:00 to 8:00 AM normal hours.....EST.    Just this week I'm a Guest on the show at 11:00 AM on the same link; hosted by RJ Hender, (Morning Liberty) at 11:00 AM to 12:00 just on Thursday.   The theme will be what would one do if they had the power to correct this bad situation in the US if they had the power to do so.   My show is called "The Watchman Chronicles" will have basically a different theme.    My broadcasts are dedicated to Jesus Christ and the truth.  This is not about me nor do I sell anything, or any self serving agenda.   Just for the record and to establish my credentials only google Thomas Gambill + Kosovo.     My goal is to bring the truth to the public in whichever way I can until I can't any more.  


Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 6:52pm

@apeman, I will concede to the point that agreed we cannot fully access how "knowledgeable" or "aware" that the players on either side are of this world government agenda.   This is also a point I consider when evaluating so called truthers on radio, politics, TV, etc.....concerning just how far down the rabbit hole they go.  How much of the layers of the onion that they are placed.   32Degree Masons for example with the exception of special ones have no clue that The Freemasons at the Grand Inspector General level, 33rd degree actually worship Lucifer.  They must in ritual and ceremony Renounce Jesus Christ.   The blue lodge 1 - 3 degrees are intentionally lead astray and lied to as to the meanings of the rituals and symbols in Freemasonry.  Our entire history was prewritten before 1871 with Albert Pike planning in conceptional terms; two Russian revolutions, and three world wars.     All happened as planned except for WWIII which is brewing now.   There will be a FAKE Armaggeddon and/or Gog and Magog to fool Christians and the world; when in fact Gog and Magog doesn't happen until the 1,000 years are up and it isn't close yet.   



1871 - Albert Pike publishes his 861-page book "Morals and Dogma", intended only for Masonic eyes. He indicates that those in the lower ranks of Masonry are deliberately deceived by their superiors:


"The Blue degrees [the first three degrees of the 32] are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he shall understand them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."


[This is why about 95% of the men involved in Masonry don’t have a clue as to what the objectives of the organization actually are. They are under the delusion that it’s just a fine community organization doing good works.]


Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 6:50pm

@Thomas.  True.  Dont forget OTPOR and Gene sharp.  wow see how much this whole Occupy has derailed what we should be really arming against?

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 6:38pm

 "The demonstrator, though opposing three police misusing their powers as licensed manhandlers, did NOT let the flag touch the ground"


*****No, the demonstrator high on something or just dumb as a rock, was acting he was trained to act fell on his own.   The crowd of socialist was told to be there with Cameras ready, as were the specially chosen police officers trained by the ADL, (sub to the MI6 and Committee of the 300), to put on this drama for the cameras.   


 "and through patience with the mentally challanged officers, achieved appropriate capitulation to have the Americn flag planted on soil believed conquered by forces loyal to the English crown personified by traitorous freemasons through corruption and deceit and infiltration of local departments of law enforcement."


*****Wrong again.  You best go back to your research and then you will discover that the colonies which we are and so is Canada and Australia; do not have the right to revolt.   They don't have to because the Coronation Oath taken by the royality requires that the King Or Queen must abide by the wishes of the colonist.   We are USA, Inc. a Colony of England since the 1783 Paris Peace Treaty.  The president is the weakest man in the world due to the fact the US is not allowed to have any positions of royality.   The Freemasons/Jacobins lied to our so called founding fathers.    They sold them on rebellion and revolt justifying military response.   A petition would have solved the colonist's problems.    This is not negotiable as it is historical fact.   The US masons were sold a bill of Goods.   Adam Weishaupt wrote the Thesis finished on May 1 , 1776 to enslave the US and also the European countries; and July 4th, was the big lie or anti-thesis thus causing the synthesis revolutionary war and therefore a miltary response, defeat, and financial debt to the Jesuit controlled and Malta bankers starting in 1783; financial collsape requiring war reparations at a high rate and collateral was Washington, DC.   70 years later they had planned our Civil War by 1859, turning over the 13 states to the Bankers,  , Lincoln did a S. Butler on them, then 1929 preorchestrated Great Depression and then finally General Butler, and this time every American citizen with a "birth Certificate" and SSN, is property now. and traded on the stock market like slaves.   They are now revealing this fact; so that Americans will panic, feel helpless, and want to fight or be submissive to take the mark.   

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 6:36pm

ALL FREEMASONS CURTSY FOR THE QUEEN . BTW Whats your radio show Thomas?

Comment by apeman2502 on November 16, 2011 at 6:30pm

  Thanks for the heads up. I am on it. More references is good.

  I still think this event was authentic and believe the planting of the American flag by the activist to be contrary to freemasonic interests and illustrative of the basis of the enormous problem of the SEC, FTC and the rest of American federal law enforcement being completely deactivated, except for the 'fast and furious' show. Which is theater for the escape of Bush41 from the scene, leaving Obummer holding the bag. Skull and bones and freemasons messing the U.S. up for their European masters. Blackbeard the English pirate's ship was the "Queen Anne's Revenge". Henry Morgan's career as a pirate for England was so successful they made him governor of Hispaniola. Now Bush41, already knighted, plies the trade of coordinating self -destructing buildings, oil wells, nuclear plants, and economies and most likely HAARP attacks with the weather derivative fraud. Corrective shoes are indicated.




Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 6:20pm

"Neither your experience nor mine are admissible in court as to the veracity of either of our claims concerning who said what to who before either of us were born"

****@apeman, this is incorrect.   You can present as admissible in court if you are a good researcher and have well documented evidence from reliable researchers and a preponderence of the evidence.  The Bible for example is the inerrant word of God written by eyewitnesses; translated by men of God and many thousands died due to its factual account of our creator and Jesus Christ his son and God incarnated as human.   History cannot be substantiated due to the fact that when investigated using evidence from scholarily research, it is proven fabricated.    The Jesuits, Illuminati and Later Political Zionist resting in councils, committees and documented quotes have confirmed this fact.    

Now you can keep your fable about a pick up truck simply because this now is starting to appear to me that you just might be surfacing as a shill and insider using hyperbole to build your case many times over what you have in reality.     I have quality insight and references that doesn't require so many trees to be cut down to convince anyone that I'm shilling.    Sorry apeman, it doesn't wash.   Also, I see you are using that excuse that many radio broadcasters, shilling whistleblowers and controlled opposition truthers like Alex Jones, Qayle, Hawk, L. Williams, Blood, Ventura, and many others that are attacked or hacked, assassination attempts that they escaped like a mini-james bond but this also if for selling books, CD's or establishing fake credibility like Jones and the Bohemian Grove set up so the Jesuits/malta could give him fake credibilty.   Nope, it doesn't wash.  check out my broadcast tomorrow and Friday. That should boil your blood a little.   The Micro Effect; "Watchman Chronicles"  Monday to Friday, 0500 to 0800 AM, and later on RJ Hender's show same site 1100 to 1200 AM.....Thursday.     I figure its time to raise  the stakes a little.

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 6:17pm

@ape.  REALLY? REALLY? HEAD OF YOUR CLASS?  IM sayin gthe dress was worn in preparation, SHE WANTED TO TAKE AN ELBOW. im not saying she didnt catch one . IM SAYING SHE PROVOKED IT AND AMPLIFIED IT FOR EFFECT! 

Comment by apeman2502 on November 16, 2011 at 6:07pm

   The demonstrator, though opposing three police misusing their powers as licensed manhandlers, did NOT let the flag touch the ground and through patience with the mentally challanged officers, achieved appropriate capitulation to have the Americn flag planted on soil believed conquered by forces loyal to the English crown personified by traitorous freemasons through corruption and deceit and infiltration of local departments of law enforcement.

  Curtis; left nostril, dude.

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 5:52pm

@ apeman DUD THOSE ARE BLOOD SPLOTCHES AND THERE IS WAAAAY TOO MUCH  ( look down by the bottom of the dress . I mean com on man I fight and ya i know how blood comes out of a nose. 2:01 look at all the red on her dress . blood does not stain like that sorry thats a dress print, this is a for show. PS no blood on the paper she holding if in fact she was bleeding

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