Woman Shows Court Order to NYPD, Gets Punched in Face. #occuppywallstreet

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Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 8:17pm

@Curtis....analyze that one?   Well, lets see. This is a hard one.    :)   I don't know.   Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?  You mean the same ones that said "down with capitalism"; "Kill all the rich People"; or a self proclaimed communist, Plotted to overthrow the US Government in the day, or "I'm a marxist and anachrist, "I didn't bomb America enough, on September 11, 2001"?      Worked together with Obama for 7 years, were friendly and neightbors with Obama; Obama's political Party at Ayers Home?    Obama endorced his book?  Spoke together at Panels in the past with Obama?    You mean the same one?  lol.  Or, concerning the political party issues.   Well this quote comes to mind.


Norman Thomas, in his book What Is Our Destiny? (1944)

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.  I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party.  The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.”

Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist party. (1944)

[Two Worlds, Flick-Reedy Education Enterprises, Bensenville, IL 1966, p 90 & 152]


The republican party is no better.  Their tasking is to start the wars, enforce the wars and citizen behavior, fund the Military industrial complex, emcompass the religious and conservative wing bats in the Council on National Policy under the CFR. 

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 7:30pm

There are some interesting videos of Williams Ayers talking (coaching ) some of the G.A. kids in Chicago /watch?v=rqkOZyKEPBs Analyze this one 

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 7:26pm


Look at who is funding it.....and running it. 

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 7:25pm



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Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 7:19pm

@Thomas I dont think Gadaffi nor Saddam are dead either. Not unless the violate one of the Inner clubs directive and even then they would have been killed in a more ritualistic manner. Saddam had a neck protector on in the crappy phone video they did even if it was him ( why are all the bad guys sporting a beard? is that so they can shave and then blend in with the people on their new assignment down in south America?

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 7:13pm

@Thomas Ya i could sell my soul in about an hour but the after effects arent to my taste.

@Ape. Left buttcheeck? you know most mens attention is brought to the breast area of a woman but you seem infatuated with another body part ( that still not bleeding enough to soak her fkin dress) . Actually you know i watched it again and i dont even see where she was hit. It look like the OTHER ACTOR guy bumped into her i swear watch it again especially 1:40 to 1:50

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 7:11pm

Bin Laden has been dead since 2001 as you probably know.  Bhutto (former Pakistani president) confirmed this in 2007 in a David Frost interview.  She died two or so months later in a assassination.     


Gadaffi nor Saddam are dead since they are Masons and part of this agenda.    

Comment by apeman2502 on November 16, 2011 at 7:01pm

  The Butler material is vital. I go by what I have  witnessed and what I now witness is a desire to ignore the subject at hand and go to an issue where alternate impressions can be made as to the intent of prosecution of those attacking the U.S.. Butler is out of this. We can settle that after the task at hand. I'll see who his friends were. The crap that new recruits are told to turn them into 'killing machines' is not good. Were you likewise programmed? The acquaintence who got me off accusing bin Laden and Afghanistan for 9-11 was in military intelligence for his life's career. Two weeks after 9-11, he said insiders and Israelis. This was in 2001. Since then, he lies to me often when he finds it convenient. It goes with the territory. Focus on education. Must I humble myself for eternity because you claim inside information veracity over published works? I won't do it until I see it and I will look. Too many lies out of the Bush/Obama military for me to take what you say as the gospel, though I will DEFINITELY search since one way or the other, the more background on this mess, the better. Read 'Nutrition in the Age of Treason' to appreciate this view. I have known of the preset demolitions in the WTCs and Sears tower since 1968 through Skilling and Associates and have crap thrown in my face since then every time I have tried to tell anybody. So 'at ease'. You just gave me a big assignment.

Curtis; Left nostril.

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 16, 2011 at 7:00pm


@curtis, it goes up to at least 90 degrees that I know of.  It would be One that will be well entrenched and needed.  They can also make 33rd degree in one weekend.      Its an honorary degree.  However, you will be used extensively.

Comment by Curtis on November 16, 2011 at 6:55pm

FYI There are higher degrees than 33

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