World Bank Insider: Western Power Structures Collapse – Video Report

This story from Investment Watch Blog is very telling. The insiders are now speaking out. Not much time remains before the collapse now. Take heed. The video interview with World Bank insider Karin Hudes is down below for you to hear yourselves to verify this information. She verifies not only a ‘bought off’ media but a ‘finance group’ which systematically engages in disinformation which “undermines the core of democracy.”

“Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with one of the most courageous and astute women in the western world: By Karin Hudes, Ex Senior Advisor at the World Bank – which now appears as a whistleblower. It was a very important debate, because Karin Hudes worked 20 years at the World Bank as an economist and lawyer before she reported on the internal fraud and corruption in World Bank and was “Gone”.

World Bank Whistleblower Karin said: “I am now struggling for years to make the Americans realize what is happening. I’m not penetrated, because this finance group has bought the press and systematically engaged in disinformation. This undermines the core of democracy. How citizens can vote without informed opinion without the information to which they are entitled? And so this stranglehold to offer the information is ending very soon.”

We had our discussion with the shocking centralized power structures started they witness was at the World Bank and Karin had declared that “a study of three Swiss system analysts using mathematical models have shown how the 43,000 transantionalen Konzeren the world intertwined on the Group’s business guides are. There is a group of 147 companies, most of them from the financial sector who control 40% of the net assets of 43,000 companies through these links and also 60% of the revenue …… so this group chaired by the World Bank as a kind of puppet post for the domination of the world took advantage … which is [now] to end. ”


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