The Counter Intelligence Operations Ongoing in 2024 Election

Image result for CIA KGB


If you think today’s swirling mass of fake news, political propaganda, and biased polling data weren’t enough, there’s even more. Counter intelligence operations have been in force whether we’re in war time or peace time. Misleading the enemy, over throwing societies using propaganda and staged insurrections are CIA and KGB specialties. Even election interference can now be a product of foreign intervention. Now that we know our very own mainstream media is an example of foreign investor pressure on the board of directors as well as the integrity of the content being under fire by all sources.

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One way or another

In the current presidential election we have reverse psychology being used. Either the polls will be filtering out anything but a message to steer public opinion rather than sample it is afoot or another approach will be used. We know that even making your opponent look desperate as a last resort could potentially have an effect upon voter turnout. This could influence voters into thinking that the odds of their side winning hands down seem to be the assured so they can just stay home since their vote won’t be needed with a seeming win guaranteed.

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The mind of the public

The erosion of morale is important in any military conflict when the opponent loses faith in his army, his country, or his support by his own citizens. The same is true in the voting game, a year around chessboard of strategy and anticipation that never ends. The mind of the voter is constantly up for exploitation. It’s a mental battle ground where defamation, liable, distortion of the truth, and character assassination are all fair game, whereas under normal civil circumstance fraud might lead to criminal charges.

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The voter is expected to behave like Pavlov’s Dog’s salivating every time free giveaways are mentioned by a candidate such as free government cell phones, welfare, food stamps, tax breaks, and government stimulus checks will adorn those who vote for this candidate or that one. Hunting season is opened on truth and exaggeration as the only motive now is to get the front runner across the finish line no matter how many lies have been told and who really is behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings of that candidate. For it seems no one will be held accountable, and no one will answer for the unfulfilled promises that helped get the public office holder elected.


Reverse psychology is a powerful tool for the modern day election campaign strategy. Sympathy for past personal tragedies, desperation, over confidence, the perception of the voter is easily manipulated in this emotional state. Like going to a school pep rally before a football game, the masses will show up in hopes that their wishes will be upheld by the candidate they adore. Put the facts aside. The intellectually lazy American voter is likely to vote based upon likeability rather than past congressional voting record or policy accomplishments. The media weighs heavily in this equation. They will tell their audience who to love and who to hate and the resulting impact can be idiots out burning down their own towns in protest or donors who pay to have cities burned down to they can blame the other side for it.

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Crafting the image

How is it that money is such a big factor. Election coffers pay for the manipulative advertisements that accuse and use half-truths to get people stirred up enough to vote for the candidate who raised all that money from the vested interests of whatever corporations are involved who need the political support from a president or Congressman they need on their side. The very worse aspect of politics and the psychological warfare that goes with it is the conniving PR consultants who sell the public image of their candidate to the voters, not policy, character, or future intent, not even the dark forces lurking behind the candidate that will ultimately influence his actions once in office, it’s the psyop that counts, that human nature will submit to. That the fools will end up wondering what caused such crisis in their country as a result of their poor psychologically manipulated voting choices will sadly pass and the cycle repeat itself again.

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How incompetence is tolerated

How did politicians like Ted Kennedy after Chappaquiddick manage to get elected for years to come? How Bill Clinton manage to weather lying to a Grand Jury over his affair with Monica Lewinsky and carry on in bullet proof fashion? How did Barack Obama conduct a full court siege against America stirring racial tension, utilizing unequaled deficit spending and government expansion to where once billions astounded the imagination trillions in national debt became common place and under Biden Harris out of control spending has become routinely accepted like throwing the US dollar into a fire pit? Only the psychological aspect of combined methods of false presentation can convince the fools that their leaders, despite their lies and despicable failures are the lesser of the two evils, the other being the untried opponent whom the media commanded you to hate.

Image result for A prick named Obama

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