Deborah Tavares 5G Nightmare and Planned Genocide Report

Deborah Tavares,, 5G Rothchild Eugenic Nightmare, Global Genocide Numbers 2025, Dangers of Water Shortfalls Loss, Mass Popula...

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Comment by snoop 4 truth on March 7, 2020 at 10:14pm


HAWAII. MARCH, 2020: A federal jury in Hawaii has just found Anthony Williams guilty of all 32 counts of wire fraud and mail fraud against him. Williams targeted homeowners at risk of foreclosure and promised them that he would stop the foreclosure of their homes and cut their future mortgage payments in half. The catch? Williams required that the homeowners pay him an up-front fee of several thousands of dollars PLUS an amount equal to half of their mortgage payment every month thereafter. So, Williams simply replaced the homeowner's mortgage holder WITH HIMSELF on the receiving end of the homeowner's mortgage payment every month. Williams also gave every such homeowner a hand-signed, money-back guarantee promising them he would refund their money for any reason, no questions asked. Thereafter, Williams did nothing to stop the foreclosure of his victims' homes and instead diverted of the money he received to his own use. Williams sent the money he stole in Hawaii to his mother in Texas to hide it from his victims and from law enforcement authorities in Hawaii. Williams never honored a single, hand-signed, money-back guarantee. Williams' fraud in Hawaii involved over 200 properties or victims and netted Williams almost a quarter million dollars. Williams was previously convicted of an almost identical scam in Florida and was sentenced to 15 years plus 15 years of probation there. Williams will likely spend the rest of his fife behind bars.

This document reflects many of the actual fraudulent representations that Williams made to his victims. Unfortunately for Williams, he published this fraudulent sales pitch online and he used the telephone and the U.S. Mail to carry out his scheme. This made Williams' conduct a federal offense.;

This is the actual Superseding Indictment. This document reflects the actual charges that the jury found Williams guilty of. Note that this Indictment also charges Williams' co-conspirators. But, the co-conspirators later entered into plea deals and testified against Anthony Williams.

Comment by snoop 4 truth on September 15, 2019 at 4:24pm





Comment by snoop 4 truth on August 21, 2019 at 4:30pm



Comment by snoop 4 truth on May 15, 2019 at 2:31pm


Deborah Tavares supports her claims with documents.

But, there are things about these documents that you should know.

Deborah Tavares actually FORGES these documents to support her claims (Forged PG&E Email Hoax, Judge DALE Forgeries Hoax, etc.).

Other times, Deborah Tavares ALTERS and CHANGES the words of real documents to make them fit her claims (Court Registry Investment Systems Hoax, FAKE Jim Traficant Speech Hoax, All Governments Are Private, For-Profit Corporations Hoax, etc.).

Still other times, Deborah Tavares MISREPRESENTS what these documents actually say to make them appear to support her claims (Agenda 21
Document, NASA War Document, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars , Genocide Agreement).

Finally, Deborah Tavares takes documents of well-known POLITICAL FICTION and PASSES THEM OFF as "REAL", official documents to support her claims (Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, Report From Iron Mountain, etc.).

See proof below.

Comment by snoop 4 truth on April 3, 2019 at 4:43pm

Hello Chris of the family Masters.

Thank you for your interest and your timely comment. is not my website. (I don't have one.). I just post comments there.

And, it is certainly not a troll website.

Generally, is a conspiracy and alternate view website, much like which has a common ancestry. But, has a forum category entitled "Hoaxes And Other Bad Information". I have exposed a number of hoaxes on that forum.

I do not disprove the obvious. Instead, I disprove obvious hoaxes. If you had actually read some of my work, you would understand what I mean.

As it turns out, I am a conspiracy theorist myself. But, I do not buy into obvious hoaxes of the type I have exposed on

The sad reality is that there are serial liars on both sides of the conspiracy debate. I expose the charlatans who pretend to be one of us while simultaneously trying to defraud us with elaborate hoaxes of the type we might expect from the other side. 

I hope this helps.

Thank you again for your interest and your timely comment.

And listen, I you ever have a legal question, need legal research done or simply want a copy of a particular law, just ask.

I am always happy to help.

All The Best,


Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 2, 2019 at 5:32pm

Looks like the is a troll website disproving obvious.

Comment by snoop 4 truth on April 2, 2019 at 5:28pm
For details about all of these hoaxes (with PROOF), click here:

6. The Genocide Agreement Hoax". The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. The "Genocide Agreement" is actually the nickname of a proposed 1940's United Nations agreement BANNING GENOCIDE among signatory nations. The proposed "Genocide Agreement" DEFINED "GENOCIDE" BROADLY and also banned the displacement of people from their homes. Further, under the proposed "Genocide Agreement", the United Nations would have the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish individual CITIZENS of signatory nations who violated the terms of the agreement (like the Nuremberg Trials).  Regardless, in the 1980's the United States signed the "Genocide Agreement". So, the hoax is not the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares' OWN fraudulent claims that the Genocide Agreement ONLY BANS "NATIONS" FROM COMMITTING ACTS OF GENOCIDE and that THE UNITED STATES IS "NOT A NATION", BECAUSE "IT IS A CORPORATION" (which is not governed by the agreement or the ban) which permits the United States to commit genocide on a "Day-by-Day" basis, which is why "WE ARE BEING EXTERMINATED". But, the truth is that the United States is not really a "corporation" and the Genocide Agreement actually bans genocide and displacement in the United States and subjects those who commit genocide and displacement to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. The hoax is also Deborah Tavares' OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT) claims that the genocide agreement DOES APPLY IN THE UNITED STATES and that it "INVADES DOMESTIC LAWS" and "ALLOWS FOREIGNERS TO 'OVER-RIDE' U.S. laws". (Note that if the Genocide Agreement really "DID NOT APPLY" to the United States because it is a "CORPORATION" as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims above, it would be impossible for the Genocide Agreement to simultaneously apply in the United States which would make it impossible for the Genocide Agreement to "invade" or "over-ride" any law in the United States.). Regardless, the truth is that the Genocide Agreement applies in the United States, but only "over-rides" U.S. law as to the specific acts banned by the agreement, GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT. Nothing more. The United States may actually be killing us all in an act or acts of genocide in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind, but [u]THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF [/u](upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because this document applies in the United States and actually BANS GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT and subjects the violators to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations (like at Nuremberg).
Comment by snoop 4 truth on April 2, 2019 at 5:27pm
For details about all of these hoaxes (with PROOF), click here:

5. "The FAKE PG&E Email Hoax". THE DOCUMENTS ARE FORGERIES AND THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED IN THOSE FORGERIES ARE VERIFIABLY FALSE. PG&E is a California electrical utility company which collects and generates electricity in a variety of ways. But, PG&E's conventional solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future solar panels on satellites in space might collect energy from the Sun 24 hours a day, then beam it to earth in the form of lasers or radio frequencies and then convert it to electricity here on earth for its customers. When the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and this technology for starting those fires. But, the scientific literature indicated that this technology did not yet exist. SO, TO REBUT ALL THAT INFORMATION, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (some purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to start such fires. Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE "PROOF" that PG&E used this technology to ignite the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud. PG&E may actually be using lasers or radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
Comment by snoop 4 truth on April 2, 2019 at 5:21pm
For details about all of these hoaxes (with PROOF), click here:

3. "The Report From Iron Mountain Hoax". The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL SATIRE. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares' OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES "PROOF" that ALL "environmental calamities" (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) ARE FAKE ("engineered") and that they are created by the U.S. Government to justify "FAKE WARS" (described in the book) against these FAKE ("engineered") environmental calamities to prop up the U.S. economy and that the U.S. Government uses these FAKE ("engineered") environmental calamities as "weapons" to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL SATIRE and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT WHICH OPENLY MOCKS U.S. policy of engaging in perpetual wars to prop up the U.S. economy. The premise of the book is that if we ever run out of REAL enemies to justify our wars, we will have to make up FAKE enemies (like "FAKE environmental calamities" and "FAKE alien life forms") to justify our perpetual wars.

4. "The Agenda 21 Hoax". The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares' OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES "PROOF" that the United Nations is forcing us out or our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated "Kill Cities" or "Smart Cities" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. According to the "Agenda 21" document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim), its purpose is to SLOW DOWN the rate at which the environment is destroyed. It would have PROTECTED THE REMAINING FORESTS, REDUCED DROUGHT and INSURED AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER not contaminated by SEWAGE. Agenda 21 was first presented to the public at the "EARTH SUMMIT" (an environmental conference) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. It was only a SUGGESTION that member nations were permitted, BUT NOT REQUIRED TO ADOPT for themselves. Agenda 21 does not apply in the United States because it is not the law in the United States and therefore cannot be enforced anywhere in the United States. Contrary to Deborah Tavares' fraudulent claims, there is NOTHING in the Agenda 21 document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) which suggests we will be forced out of our rural or suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated "Kill Cities" or "Smart Cities" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. NOTHING!
Comment by snoop 4 truth on April 2, 2019 at 5:18pm
For details about all of these hoaxes (with PROOF), click here:

1. "The NASA War Document Hoax". The document is REAL, but has been "modified" to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE and misleading TITLE and COVER. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares' OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES "PROOF" that NASA is already killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. NASA actually created and used this very document to urge American defense contractors to develop countermeasures against the diabolical weapons described therein in an effort to prevent any planned extinction of mankind. NASA may actually be killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it was actually created and used in an effort TO PREVENT such an occurrence. 

2. "The Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Hoax". The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL FICTION. It has also been "modified" to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE, recently-added paragraph at the beginning which fraudulently indicates that it is the work of "The Bilderbergs". But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares' OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES "PROOF" that "The Bilderbergs" adopted a plan in 1954 to kill us all with diabolical "silent weapons" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL FICTION and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT about the treason and horrors suffered by U.S. soldiers when the U.S. government allegedly allowed them to be killed at Pearl Harbor in order to draw us into World War II. This 44 page booklet has NOTHING to do with the Bilderbergs. The Bilderbergs may actually be killing us all with diabolical "silent weapons" in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it is actually POLITICAL FICTION.

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