Even within the truth movement, there is one thing that NOBODY is talking about and that is total global food implementation becoming international law on December 31, 2009 :
Obviously people decided to chase the silly global-warming circus side show instead that WE KNOW IS HOAX instead of focusing on a more sinister plot like using food as a weapon in order to further the Illuminati de-population agenda (and here) which is nicely stamped in stone on the highest hilltop in Elberton County, Georgia. More here.
Even though, all this Killuminati-crazyness is going on right under our nose; all this evil is prophcied, and those who believe and call upon Yehovah-YHVH, with a "pure heart" will be saved!!!
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...