On November 12, 2013, this writer found himself accidently watching "The View". Within 15 minutes, this writer was enraged by some the the comments being made by Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg & alleged Repubican Joe Scarsborough. This writer was so angered, he felt it prudent to wait at least a day to respond.
In the meantime, President Obama decided to give a press conference today, November 14,2013. Before we address correcting "The View's" perspective of reality, let us give appropriate time to President Obama's Press
Conference. President Obama has admitted he lied about keeping your current insurance and your current Doctor.
At the same time, it is illegal for us rank and file Americans to make fraudulent
misrepresentations to induce another to enter into a contract. Any
contract which a rank and file Americans fraudulently induces another to
sign is null and void and unenforceable. America's Foundation provides
that "All People are created eaual". Another Foundation of America is
the Principle of the "Rule of Law". Ergo, All People being created equal
are to be ruled by the same set of laws and legal standard. Further,
the Natural Law upon which this country is founded, provides that "Truth
is established by the Individual using their own observations and
reasoning". (Proof Country Founded on Natural Law
http://t.co/rZswNupbeO )
margin of passage of Obamacare was so narrow that Obama's admitted lies
likely affected the outcome. Being fully informed, the overwhelming
majority of Americans have established truth for themselves and and
reject Obamacare. Ergo, in a nation predicated on "All People created
equal" the just, honorable and only course of action is to rehash the
debate with WE THE PEOPLE fully informed and recast the votes. But,
alas, Obama is not only a liar, but he is a Progressive.
Does The View's perspective of reality match yours?
those unaware, the philosophy of Progressive Government Doctrine is that
masses do not know what is good for them and, therefore, the
Progressive Educated Elite are authorized to lie to the masses to get
them to do what the Progressive Educated Elite proclaim is in their best
interests.(You just can't make this stuff up, research it yourself).
With the forgoing introduction, all that is left to be said that
President Obama is a liar. He subscribes to a Goverance Doctrine of
Progressivism which specifically authorizes lying to the masses. To
wit, at today's Press Conference President Obama just made some more
misrepresentations and told some more lies to advance the Progressive
Agenda. And further, telling WE THE PEOPLE we can keep our present
original healthcare insurance for another year does not make the promise
we could keep your health insurance "period" any less of a lie.
It just seems to this writer that before WE THE PEOPLE turn over 1/6 of
the economy to the government, there should be an intellectually honest
debate and vote to do so. Just call me crazy and unreasonable.(sarcasm)
That having been said, even now, this writer feels he has devoted too
many words to today's Obama Press Conference.
brings us to "The View". Ladies and Gentleman of November 12, 2013
program, today I will address you with respect as a fellow American,
presuming you have the best interests of rank and file Americans at
heart. This courtesy is only extended to you because at this point
because this writer doesn't know whether representations and statements
you made that offended this writer and fellow Americans were made as a
result of lack of knowledge or with intent to allign yourself against
the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. (President Obama recieved no such
courtesy as he is full aware of his duplicitous agenda) This writer
would ask you to "strike your colors" after reading this article so that
this writer and WE THE PEOPLE may know whether you are freind or foe to
the best interests of rank and file Americans. [On this episode of The
View, Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Sherri Shepherd and Jenny
McCarthy were the cohosts and Joe Scarsborough ,alleged Republican and
author of "The Right Play", was the guest host)
That having been said,
it angers this writer to the core to hear others assert what his or
anyone else's alleged perspective of reality is. Barbara Walters
barking "They need to stop...
To continue to read for free, please click here:
Those were my thoughts.
In Closing:
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.
If what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact
your local elected officials and let them know. If you are afraid of
repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond in the
local paper or their own monthly/quarterly internet newsletter. Even if
this article refers to something outside you geographic area, it still
likely applies to your location. Remember all those taxpayer training
junkets we taxpayers send the bureaucrats on? They all learn the same
“livestock management” techniques to use on WE THE PEOPLE.
And that leaves WE THE PEOPLE with this conundrum: While our
#Government works full time with compensation and funded with our money
for the cause of #Tyranny; WE THE PEOPLE are forced to work part time
without compensation for the cause of #liberty with what is left over of
our time, money and energy.
Finally, this article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine
http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense”
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Don Mashak Google Plus
End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETF
http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis
Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Lawless America #LawlessAmerica
Term Limits #TermLimit
Justice in Minnesota #JIM
Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (
in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not
passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this
author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust
and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate
you to the contrary of your perspective.