Grand Jury Investigates Breath Test Accuracy – THROWS D.A. OUT! That's right. Perfectly Legal! R 10-29-2011
There are new questions about just what a grand jury is investigating after prosecutors were thrown out of the grand jury room.....In an incredibly rare move this week, the foreperson of a Harris County Grand Jury asked a bailiff to remove prosecutors so jurors could hear from a witness on their own about potentially faulty DWI tests......When Mayr walked in to testify before the grand jury on Tuesday, the foreperson told prosecutors to get out. They wanted to hear from Mayr and Culbertson without a DA in the room. "They obviously believe that the DA’s Office played a role in this case and that they can’t be independent," said KTRK Legal Analyst Joel Androphy.
While it is rare — and legal — the DA’s Office threw a fit. Court records show top assistants to the elected DA refused to leave the room until a bailiff threatened to arrest them. The DA tried to force a judge to let them back in, but it was denied. An appeals court said the same thing.
Permalink Reply by Sean on October 31, 2011 at 12:09am
This should happen a much more regular basis, the DA should only be there to testify. They shouldn't be able to sway any of the withness's. The grand jury doesn't have to listen to anything that a judge, D A or any other law enforcement has to tell them in search for the truth. This is like the forth branch of government, the peoples branch. We need more grand jury's help to clean up all the corruption that is so rampant in our so called representative government.
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