4yo Ohio girl takes police bullet meant for dog

Published time: June 20, 2015 04:10

A police officer following up on a hit-and-run case in Columbus, Ohio, heard screams coming from a neighbor panicked by a medical emergency. On responding, he was accosted by the family dog and in the struggle accidentally shot a young girl in the leg.

The mishap occurred on Friday when a Columbus police officer missed the dog and hit the girl in the right leg.

They were carrying her, she had a blanket around her, there was some blood, she obviously was conscious, she wasn’t even crying,” Gary Parsley, who lives a few doors down, told WTTE Fox 28.

The police officer responsible, who remains unnamed, is receiving psychological counseling.


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The officer shoots a little girl in the leg and get's psychological counseling! When does he get his well earned paid leave?

my local  po-po, way to go!


WHITEHALL, Ohio (WCMH) – It has been almost two weeks since a Columbus police officer shot at a dog and hit a four-year-old girl in the leg.

Her parents, Brad and Andrea Ellis, say young Ava faces several more surgeries and are waiting to find out if she will have permanent injuries.

Officer Walked Away From Scene After Shooting 4-Year-Old, Family Claims

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An officer accidentally shot their 4-year-old daughter last month, and now, the parents of the child say the police account of what happened isn't accurate.

Andrea Ellis didn't know how to answer her 4-year-old daughter Ava as she stared through the gaping hole in her leg left by the bullet's track.  Her mom says the scared child asked several times if she was going to die during the frightening ordeal.

Recalling the incident, it all seems too unreal to Andrea and her husband Brad. 

She was at home with their four children when Ava got cut on a piece of glass.  Her sister ran outside to get the house address for 911, but then spotted an officer several doors down and asked him to call for help.

The Ellis' live in Whitehall, but the Columbus police officer was at their neighbor’s house regarding an unrelated issue that had occurred in Columbus. 

They say instead of calling an ambulance, the officer decided to walk over to the home to check things out.

Andrea says her sister went back in to corral the family dog, Patches, but the kids opened the door and the dog ran out.  As Patches was running in, the officer shot at the dog, but missed, and hit Ava.

The child was shot through her right leg and broke the bone.  She's now in a cast up to her ribs.

The officer says the dog charged at him, but Andrea disputes that and claims he just walked away, never spoke or offered help.  "Instead of checking on her, he decided it was best to leave,” Andrea recalls.  Columbus police tell 10TV the officer never left the scene, but Andrea says the whole ordeal is very vivid in her mind.

The Ellis' attorney says they're waiting to see what comes out of the police investigation into the shooting.  “This is a matter of public safety,” says Michael Wright.  “Police officers can't be discharging firearms where kids are in close proximity and shooting into houses.” http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2015/06/30/whitehall-ohio-offic...


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