Greetings from the West Texas Center For Jingoistic Anti-Socialist Hate Spreading Conspiratorial Smear Merchants. That should just about cover it all, at least for the Socialist vermin who are presently running our national government.


For the past several weeks we have been subjected to far left Democrat hacks tell us about the "Obscene Profits" being raked in by the health insurance industry. According to Barack Hussein Obama and the snapping mongrels who follow him around, the federal government is the only thing which stands between the average American citizen and total chaos.

Funny thing though, I listened to reports on several radio programs this week which reported that the Associated Press, who up until this time have pretty much been in the tank for the world's most intelligent and articulate human and the Democrat Party, and their report was directed at the profit margin of a number of industries in the United States. According to the reports the Health Insurance Industry was presently operating at a 2% margin of profit. The report conducted by a PRO-OBAMA organization had the Health Insurance Industry rated somewhere around 35th place in the nations top 50 Fortune 500 rated industries.

In comparison the Rail Road Industry operated at a 13% margin of profit. Let's see now, 2% is less than 12%, right? So, where do the reports of "Obscene Profits" come from. Oh, yeah. They come from the same government who tries to make us believe that this administration has either created or saved a certain number of jobs. So, for those of you residing in the "People's Republic of San Francisco" I am saying that they simply MAKE THE FIGURES UP. Or if you really want to call a spade a spade, they are LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Also one must keep this in mind, the Rail Road Industry has not shown a profit in something like 40 years WITHOUT FEDERAL FUNDS IN THE FORM OF SUBSIDIES. After all, one can't expect the Rail Road industry to do something like make it on its own, can we? That would mean that we also expect this wind turbine stuff to actually make it without government funds.

In the long run, I trust my private physicians AND my health insurance provider way, way, way ahead of this federal government.


Most of my adult life, I spent working for the public for either a city or county government. I never fooled myself into believing that my pay came from any place other than tax dollars. I realized from the start that my pay would probably not equal that of a similar position in the private sector. But what made up for the lower pay was, pretty good benefits in the form of insurance, sick leave, vacation time, and a better than average retirement package.

I realize that tax dollars from the public are used by governments at every level to provide police and fire protection; water; education; infrastructure, etc.... I also realize that the pay of public employees is in many locations controlled by elected officials and on some occasions by a vote by the public. These are all acceptable.

What is NOT ACCEPTABLE to me, and to many others, is having some government hack, such as a PAY CZAR, decide on the salary and benefits of people in the private sector. Now while I will freely admit that the salaries of many top executives is pretty much over the top on the high side, the idea of some appointed hack having ANYTHING AT ALL to say about the compensation of executives in private industry is just plain WRONG. While I do not believe that some CEO of one of the large corporations deserves some year end bonus of 40 or 50 million dollars, and I also believe that the pay scale of professional athletes and entertainers is pretty much out of line, I DO NOT believe that some government appointee should have any say at all in the matter. This type of government interference allows the federal government to get their foot into the door. They then will tell us that this is just a temporary situation and that it will all cease just as soon as matters smooth out. The initial reports are that this Pay Czar is prepared to cut the pay of certain executives between 50 and 90 percent, and much of their pay will be in stock.

I would like a show of hands of all those who believe that these government mutts will be willing to give up this power without a huge battle. Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So if you feel comfortable in letting some mob mentality Chicago varmint control your lives, so be it. I choose not to sit idly by and let this happen.

Also, if they get away with this, when and where does it cease?


In this morning's edition of the (Sub) Standard Times, one of the sections had a chart showing the comparison in the three primary health care bills. These three were: Senate Health Care; Senate Finance Health Care; and House Health Care.

Now my first question is, why does the Senate have TWO (2) Dos, health care packages while the House only has ONE (1) Uno? Seems to me like the House with 435 members should be allowed at least an equal number of health care bills as the Senate with 100 members. Is it that Harry Reid is smarter than Nancy Pelosi? No, Harry Reid isn't smarter than anyone I can think of. Is it that Harry Reid is a bigger liar than Nancy Pelosi? Nope, impossible. Perhaps this is all done to simply confuse us. Yep, I think that's it. Now just to show you what I am talking about, here are some partial explanations from various descriptions of the three bills and I am sure after reading these we will all be clear on what we need to know:

SENATE - Requires individuals to get health coverage - Requires employers to cover or pay fee; SENATE FINANCE - Requires most citizens and legal residents to get coverage - Employers cover OR pay fee. HOUSE - Requires individuals to be covered - Employers cover or pay fee to a trust fund, with some small firms left out.

QUESTION: What happens if you are unemployed, retired, or do contract labor?

SENATE - Estimate cost - $615 Billion; SENATE FINANCE -$829 Billion; HOUSE -1.5 TRILLION.

Does one notice a bit of disparity in the cost of these three proposals? WHY?


SENATE: All health plans would have to offer at least the benefits ordered by MEDICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL. Three benefit tiers cover 76 -93 percent of costs.

SENATE FINANCE: All plans cover basic benefits - primary care, hospitalization and primary care. There would be 4 levels of coverage covering 65 - 90 percent of costs.

HOUSE: Experts recommend a basic package that would cover about 70 percent of costs; out of pocket limit of $5,000/$10,000 individual/family; no annual or lifetime limits; 4 levels of benefits.

The main thing that concerns me with these three descriptions is that none of them are explained well AND just please tell me what is this MEDICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL?

And keep this in mind; For months we have all heard about the infamous PUBLIC OPTION. Then they started calling it the SINGLE PAYER plan. Then in the past few days we have heard from those two masters of persuasion, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi these two terms: COMPETITIVE OPTION and CONSUMER OPTION. All either one of these rocket scientists have done is substitute the words Competitive and Consumer for Public. It is all the same!

So we are not to trust the people in the health care insurance industry BUT we are to put faith in legislation so pitifully explained by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi? I'd rather be bitten by a mad cow than put any faith in any plan endorsed by these two mutts.

Last evening I received a call from a good friend who is the brother of a man with whom I worked at the Houston Police Department from 1958 - 1970. His name was Donald Williams. Donald passed away yesterday in a San Antonio hospital. I knew that he was in the hospital and I was getting ready to add him to our prayer list but did not get the opportunity. My sympathy goes out to the Williams family.

I also received a call that Pat Murphy who has been on our prayer list also passed away yesterday. Her husband James passed away earlier this year. They were no blood relation to me but we do share some common grand children and great grand children.


Tony Knott, Ann Fraley, Tony Aguilar, Julio Mirales - HOBBS,NM; Rosa Villareal - LOVINGTON,NM; Ella Dunlop, Frank Connolly, Thomas W Hughes - SAN ANTONIO,TX; Craig Dickson - HOUSTON,TX; George Brogdon - MIDWAY,TX; Irma & L.T. Drennan - ADA,OK; Susan O'Brien - VACAVILLE,CA; Dan Higdon - FLORENCE,OR; Paul and Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak - ORLANDO,FL; Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban, Bill Meyers, Paul Bassford - MD; Kate Powell - LOS ANGELES,CA; Janet Smith - OR; Lanelle Kittlestad - PLANT CITY,FL; Bob Love - ABILENE,TX; Alan Miller - PENSACOLA,FL; John Bowcutt -WA; Donna & Bart Mabry - VA; Rudy Bates, MSgt. Randy Morrow, Cpl. Brandon Robinson, SSgt. Eric Harmon, SSgt. Matthew Ross, Alex Boyd, Capt. Bjorn Thoreen - USMC; Jason Plilar, Kenneth Thomas - US COAST GUARD; SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, Elizabeth Chaffon, Col. Phil Samples, SSgt. Aaron - USAF; Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG; Lt. William Jourdan, CDR Robert McLay, LTJG Tommy Brown, Lt. Michael Brown, Ensign Russell Brown - US NAVY; Levi English, Ethan English - US NAVAL ACADEMY; SSgt. Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, PFC Richard Lee Bishop, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Sgt. Mark Goodwin - US ARMY; SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES; Fr. Joseph M. Peek; John Mallory - DEA

This week we have two very special children who need our prayers. They are: Ashtyn Wages (8 months old), ICU Children's Hospital - DALLAS,TX. Ashtyn is suffering from a rare illness and is having to undergo treatment in a very weakened condition; John -Paul Tupaz (6 weeks old) ICU Texas Christian Hospital - HOUSTON,TX. John-Paul will undergo open heart surgery to repair damage. These two young ones really do need all of our prayers as do their families.

I can remember over 25 years ago when our oldest grandson who was born in Gunnison,CO had to be airlifted to a hospital in Denver. He was spared and has grown up to be a very strong young man. But I will never forget how I felt when our daughter called us up to notify us of his birth and the emergency problem facing him. Prayer helped us and him through those times. Let us really keep these two young ones in our thoughts and prayers, as well as their families.


"President Obama has already floated the idea of a national police force, something we have done without for more than two centuries........ We already have local police forces all across the country and military forces for national defense, as well as the FBI for federal crimes and the National Guard for local emergencies. What would be the role of a national police force created by Barack Obama, with all its leaders appointed by him? It would seem more like the brown shirts of dictators than like anything American."................. THOMAS SOWELL

Regarding the Obama Czar appointees: "Those who say that the Obama administration should have investigated those people more thoroughly before appointing them are missing the point completely. Why should we assume that Barack Obama didn't know what such people were like, when he has been associating with precisely those kinds of people for decades before he reached the White House?"......................... THOMAS SOWELL

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."... THOMAS JEFFERSON

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."........... THOMAS JEFFERSON


President Barack Hussein Obama; Nancy Pelosi (D-CA0; Harry Reid (D-NV); Diane Feinstein (D-CA); Barbara Boxer (D-CA); Maxine Waters (D-CA); Barney Frank (D-MA); Chris Dodd (D-CT); Arlen Specter (D-PA); Attorney General Eric Holder; Olympia Snowe (R-ME); Henry Waxman (D-CA); Vice President Joe Biden; Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); "Fat Jack" Murtha (D-PA); Former President Jimmy Carter (D-GA); George Soros; Keith Olberman (MSNBC); Rachel Maddow (MSNBC); Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano; White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; Ezekiel Emanuel; Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Chuck Schumer (D-NY); New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin; Richard Durbin (D-IL); John Kerry (D-MA); Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR/NY); White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs; Patrick Leahy (D-VT); Bobby Rush (D-IL); Colin Powell; Reverend Al Sharpton; Reverend Jesse Jackson; Richard Lugar (R-IN); Lindsey Graham (R-SC); Jay Rockefeller (D-WV); Max Baucus (D-MT); Susan Estrich; Al Gore; Charles Rangel (D-NY); John Conyers (D-MI); Steny Hoyer (D-MD); Al Franken (D-MN); Justice Sonia Sotomayor; Linda Sanchez (D-CA); Geraldo Rivera - (FOX News); Chris Matthews (MSNBC); Markos Zuniga (Daily KOS); Whoopi Goldberg (THE VIEW); Bill Maher (HBO); Shepard Smith (FOX News); New York Governor Da vid Paterson; Michael Moore; ACLU; THE UNITED NATIONS; ACORN; CODE PINK; LULAC; PETA; LA RAZA; AARP; N.Y. TIMES; L.A. TIMES; SOUTHER POVERTY LAW CENTER; MOVEON.ORG;


A few of weeks back I was watching a college in which Oklahoma State was one of the teams playing. The announcers said that prior to the game, Oklahoma State wide receiver and kick return specialist, Des Bryant, went over to the opposing team's sideline and approached the opponent's defensive coordinator and said, "Coach, I'm your worst nightmare. I'm Des Bryant." Evidently the announcers found this to be cute and acceptable behavior. It sounded to me as if perhaps the defensive coordinator should either have told Des Bryant that his team had cut better receivers than him or should maybe have just said, "Des who?"

The point is, arrogance is not funny, nor cute. Merely obnoxious. Funny thing is, that a couple of weeks ago, Des Bryant was SUSPENDED from the Oklahoma State football game for evidently lying to NCAA Investigators regarding a possible rules violation. So apparently THE TRUTH appears to be the "Worst Nightmare" for Des Bryant.
I watched a news clip of Utah Senator Orin Hatch calling for President Barack Hussein Obama to get the government involved in the BCS rankings. (For those of you residing in the Freedom Loving Worker's Province of Massachusetts, that is the Bowl Championship Series). For some who may not remember, the University of Utah went undefeated last year and did NOT get into the BCS Championship game. Two teams (Florida and Oklahoma) each with one loss played in the championship game. Well one of them did anyhow.

My opinion is that the BCS rankings are screwed up enough already. Why on God's green earth would we want Barack Obama or Congress or any federal official involved in something which is already imperfect and will remain so until they figure out a way to have a playoff system.
Still in the sports arena, Marcus Jordan, son of basketball star Michael Jordan, has REFUSED to wear Adidas shoes. He plays for the University of Central Florida and even though the UCF has a CONTRACT with Adidas that their shoes will be worn by UCF athletes in ALL SPORTS. Sounds to me as if perhaps Marcus should perhaps join Des Bryant in sitting out this basketball season. Looks to me as if the coach might consider him NOT PLAYING for UCF.

Obama vs FOX News. Has the world's most articulate and intelligent human been bitten by a rabid monkey? Let me see if I have this straight:

FOX News is the #1 ranked cable news channel
FOX News opinion shows are also ranked #1

One must wonder just exactly which one of the Obama brain surgeons advised him to go to war with FOX. Probably the same ones who convinced him that he and the First Lady should go to Europe and make a personal plea for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Actually all he has succeeded in doing was to piss off the other news agencies who have been a bit less kind to him than they were prior to the battle with FOX News.

Even some of the networks have sided with FOX.

Way to go Barack. Keep listening to Rahm and those other incompetent hacks. They will yes you right out of office. Exceptional strategy.

All right, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I know this will really have a negative effect on your day.

RAPPER, Li'l Wayne is facing jail time on a weapons charge. I am just not sure that those of us in the RAP Community are going to be able to function at our normal high level with Li'l Wayne in the pound.

Thank God we have not received any negative reports on Li'l Kim or Li'l Bow Wow. And I am sure that the residents of Hobbs, New Mexico are relieved that "Big Baby" was not named in any negative report.

Just when you thought that you had heard it all, something pops up which convinces me beyond all doubt that many governments and organizations possess the collective I.Q.s of an intoxicated marmot.

I read an article stating that in 2005, the British Medical Journal called for a BAN on "Pointed Kitchen Knives" throughout the country.

The latest absurd item to be addressed is the "Pint Glass". The move is to replace the traditional "Pint Glass" which officials say can be used as a weapon. The proposed new design will incorporate shatterproof plastics which would change the feel and experience the pub customers currently desire.

All I can say is "Beam Me Up Scotty".
Let me leave you with this final observation. Every day we are hearing more news of members of our brave military losing their lives in Afghanistan. The military leaders have made a request for more troops and equipment in that country.

President Barack Hussein Obama evidently feels that bickering with FOX News and Talk Radio and fund raising and campaigning for Democrat candidates is more important than the needs of our military. I don't know what strategy is right as I have never been to Afghanistan, but I'll wager that it would differ considerably from the observations of John Kerry who is suddenly an expert in this field.

I strongly imagine that the "Rules of Engagement" currently imposed on our military would leave much to be desired.

Let us keep these heroic men and women and their families in our daily prayers.

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