As tax time approaches, you may gain some perspective from this article from 1954. Of course, the amount of money involved now is quite different, but the sentiments stand the test of time.
The item was a copy of a letter sent to the Chicago Daily news by Burton Schindler.
Recently, I completed my income tax for 1952 and discovered it cost my wife and me about $4.00 a day to be a American that year. At first, I complained as usual, but on second thought it seemed that we had gotten quite a bargain.
For our $4.00 a day, we were entitled to free complaint about taxes, government bungling and the high cost of living…..
For $4.00 a day , we bought 24-hour protection at home and abroad, by an Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and FBI: thorough surveillance of the foods and drugs we bought: national parks to visit on our vacation; our mail delivered each day; the administration of our Social Security Fund: and daily weather forecasts.
The $4 a day helped pay a debt we owe to a lot of servicemen who died or were wounded to make sure we were safe. It helped pay the wages of the men overseas who are keeping us free.
It bought guns, shells, planes, ships, food and clothing to enable them to defend themselves. It bought turkey dinners for servicemen on Christmas and gave them movies at night.
Our $4.00 a day bought us the right to live and love and work every day of the year without fear… and most of all, it gave us 24 hours of hope in the future every day of the year.
That figure in 2002 for the average American was $21.92 a day and for that we got, The Patriot Act, warrentless wiretaps, massive job losses due to GATT and NAFTA, runaway debt that will never be paid, devaluation of the dollar by more that 600% since 1952, complete global takeover of our economy (bailouts), 3 wars that amount to nothing more that regime change just in the last two decades, a socialist in the White House, and corporate media that tells us every night how great our country is. We have come a long way!!!!! The good news is the people are waking up in mass.
I agree to a point. A lot still bow-down to this president because to them he is the savior. How said the left is. They are so blind they can't see anything but what they want.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future". JFK
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