America is facing a new religious horizon in which atheism is becoming a formidable foe. Though the majority of Americans continue to claim to be Christians, a Gallup poll discovered 45 percent of us would support an atheist for president. Such a survey is a clear indication that the secularization of society is alive and well.
Though the U.S. Constitution outlaws religious discrimination, these organizations and individuals would love nothing more than to help society look with distain upon Christianity and, ultimately, make its components illegal. In fact, right now, they are coalescing and rallying at least 5 million of their troops to mount counter offensives to Christianity.
For that reason I believe the masses need to be wise to atheists' overt and covert schemes, exposing their agenda and fighting to lay waste to their plans. For these liberal groups to win the war of ideological dominance, they know they must minimize the effects of Christianity, which many are doing (unbeknownst to others) behind the scenes through lobbying and legislation.
Outlawing Christianity
1. By causing a goof-up at the mint, resulting in "In God We Trust" being accidentally left off some new dollar coins.
2. Joining the Freedom From Religion Foundation and ensuring that correctly apply the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
3. By discovering the existence of a non-believing Congressman
4. By forcing Congress to pass a hate-crime bill.
Targeting Children
1. By daring to raise them without religion.
2. By offering a non-religious summer camp for freethinking kids.
3. By providing an online forum to allow teenagers to question faith.
4. By offering unholy Richard Dawkins link buttons for My-Space pages.
Promoting Atheism
1. By purchasing Richard Dawkins' "atheist bible."
2. By allowing Sam Harris to write letters.
3. By ignoring the science that proves God.
While you think your kids are innocently surfing the Web, secular progressives are intentionally preying on their innocence and naïveté. What's preposterous is that atheists are now advertising and soliciting on websites particularly created for teens.
Presenting atheism as scientific fact might be secularists' greatest plan and others point of greatest gullibility, in hope of winning the battle for the ultimate view of reality. ...So what credentials does a man like Dawkins have to discuss the presence or absence of God? Answer: He's "a scientist."
Dawkins condemns Christians for being narrow minded and non-adaptive to other cultures which believed in Thor or Zeus, yet he is unwavering in disrespecting any other creation authority except Western science. What about the wisdom of African, Middle-Eastern or Far-Eastern sages, shamans, or religious figures? Just because science can explain many things in the natural realm, does that mean it owns the corner market on metaphysics and God?
No, I don’t think so. The Bible is like a history book. The only difference is it is all facts; other history books back up everything the Bible states. You can’t find not even one mistake in it. It is truly the Holy Word Of God. For that reason they are trying to get all Bibles pulled from any public location. They are starting with hotels for now, but this is only the beginning.
We are seeing things change at high speed. Sometimes it almost makes my head swirl. If one is in the bible, they know this is expected to happen according to Gods Word. Is this the start of the End? It could be. Most of the signs are there. Changes all around the world. Calling for new world order, a new money system, we could go on and on.
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