stuck this up on Bitchute yessterday after seeing this here.... There's something really fuctup with this.... I've been trying to come up with anything rational that would justify this huge slip up
Possibly.. Could this "Hollyw00d Jewery trick" be reversed here? Let's say Slo-Mo-Jo WAS actually there, walking up by a field,in real time....but the lazy ass, broke ass MSM are the ones pulling this green screen fakeryinstead..... and not for some fuct nefarious reasons, but because this technology can save them 1000's in $$, not sending news/camera crews on location/ boarding/per diem's/ expenses when all they have to do is have 1 remote camera/mic on location for ALL press, border off a section of the camera's view area for chromakey, add the fake hands holding fake mics in th CK area... and start drilling press questions via headsets
This....is CNN.... and we're NOT here live!!!
Is just a weak theory of mine that is probably so far off the mark, it's highly improbable... but would explain how these loser ass fake-nooze-networks can still be on air wih no viewership and sponsors dropping/dropped
Still can't see how CommieNuzeNetworse is STILL alive & functioning after 6 years of continuous ratings slashes, sponsor drops, internal squabbles and continually reducing salaries
somethings going on for sure, I don't believe they are in the white house, so they are faking everything, Fake President plane, fake marine one, now Bidens blue eyes and dark brown or black ? He goes to his private home on the weekends...could be a Biden look alike ? maybe hes dead.
If Trump bankrupted the U.S. corporation, there is something about the fence, it is said, once it comes down the corporation is done. they can't keep pretending it is still up and running for very long. this is a confusing clusterfuck trying to connect the dots
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