Flashback -Alex Jones goes bat sh-t crazy on BBC Sunday Politics show

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on himself on TV.

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on
himself on TV. On Sunday morning he appeared on the BBC’s Sunday
Politics to talk about the Bilderberg Group – as you can see in the
video above. It starts fairly quietly enough but, over the length of the
interview, Jones gets wound up and up and finally explodes. It comes at
4.40, after Andrew Neil politely requests that his guest “shut it” for
the umpteenth time. That’s Jones’ cue to throw a bananas rant about how
the Euro is a Nazi plot, the government is killing us with water and
“You will not stop freedom!”

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

The frustrating thing about Jones is that his clowning around makes
it harder to take the questions he raises seriously. And some of those
questions are important. We’re currently going through the biggest big
government scandal since Watergate, with revelation after revelation of
mass surveillance and political harassment. It’s actually not
unreasonable to ask if government is out of control and whose interests
it really serves. The problem is that Jones takes reasonable questions
and provides bat sh*t crazy answers that then discredit the questions.

more @ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk

David Icke Addresses Thousands at Bilderberg protest

'This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is the order of the day. But that’s not all…
Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’.


Bilderberg 2013 -Live Streams - News

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But thats Alex...I think his convictions to expose and wake people up are so strong that he just kicks it into overdrive....thats who he is....he is a protester.....a fighter for the truth...and well...Alex is always "on" like an ADHD kid..hahaha..his defenses are up 24/7.....but again, thats just Alex..The Texas Tornado

You know who the Jews are enemies with not so much the government. The KKK or any right wing group can have a permit to hold a rally or a meeting hall and it can be cancelled for numerous reasons. But Alex Jones doesn't have the government on his arse. When Hal Turner just said what the government was doing it was fine, but as soon as he made threats then they went after him. So these dissidents can tell us what they are doing, but can't utter one word about what to do. If they tell the people to do anything, then they will go after them. So if the government regulates the Internet, then people like Alex Jones is out of a job.

Alex Jones is already a nut job !! I know firsthand!!

Did you know Alex is Jewish or married to a Jew? That is why EVERYTHING is a Nazi Conspiracy!!!

Fucking Alex Jones!!!

Alex is so RUDE!!  Alex WANTS to be a Martyr? BE A MARTYR ALEX !!! PLEASE !!!

Alex doesn't get it!!!

He is married to a Jewish person and his kids are half Jewish.  I do believe that is why he lightens up on Israel and the zionists.   Add to that, the fact that the BBC would ask him a question and when he tried to answer it, they interrupted him right in the middle of it.  The King of England or the prince consort to the queen is an avowed nazi and always has been.  So is Rothschild and the international bankers.  I won't go into it here since its a side issue, but BBC has sold out.  No question about it.  They used to break stories on the horrors the British and the royalty were doing, and now they cover for them as we just saw on here.   Yes, Alex is rude, but then its time to stop pussy footing around.   What I like about this is England is suppose to be our ally just like Israel who has killed enormous number of Americans, and this puts a breach between us, which is good. Its going to be interesting to see how they get around that breach. 

God get his greatest victories out of seeming defeats.

God get his greatest victories out of seeming defeats and causes the wrath of man to praise Him.

Mr. Carman gets it ;)

This exchange  proves there is, as we predicted, a huge split and fight going on at the top of the cabal NWO, between Rothschilds Israel, and the nazi contingent of this conspiracy.  This is even bigger than I thought.

BBC Cunts.

Good for Alax Jones. He has the guts to stand up to these one-world F----R's. No one else is except Michael Savage. The one and only good thing I can say about the Bilderberg Group is ,as far as I could tell ,there were no Chinese or Islam people from the middle east there.

Yeah, that means we can finally eliminate the chinese and Muslims as the problem.  They are as much patsies as we are and are used, abused, and played by the NWO perverts in order to get their third world war.  Thats what this is all about.  They are running out of money for their overthrow of the globe and need those profits and deaths from a third world war.  BBC doesn't want to hear it.  Well, good for Alex, someone needed to say it right in their faces.  

The Jews gave the Chinese Communism. One more thing that would not have occurred if the Germans won WWII. So that war what came out of it were way on more bloody than the war. The Russians if they weren't loaded with nukes they wouldn't be included, either. The Chinese they think of them as Mongoloid garbage. These Bilderbergers are primarily white men and Jews.


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