Flashback -Alex Jones goes bat sh-t crazy on BBC Sunday Politics show

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on himself on TV.

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on
himself on TV. On Sunday morning he appeared on the BBC’s Sunday
Politics to talk about the Bilderberg Group – as you can see in the
video above. It starts fairly quietly enough but, over the length of the
interview, Jones gets wound up and up and finally explodes. It comes at
4.40, after Andrew Neil politely requests that his guest “shut it” for
the umpteenth time. That’s Jones’ cue to throw a bananas rant about how
the Euro is a Nazi plot, the government is killing us with water and
“You will not stop freedom!”

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

The frustrating thing about Jones is that his clowning around makes
it harder to take the questions he raises seriously. And some of those
questions are important. We’re currently going through the biggest big
government scandal since Watergate, with revelation after revelation of
mass surveillance and political harassment. It’s actually not
unreasonable to ask if government is out of control and whose interests
it really serves. The problem is that Jones takes reasonable questions
and provides bat sh*t crazy answers that then discredit the questions.

more @ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk

David Icke Addresses Thousands at Bilderberg protest

'This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is the order of the day. But that’s not all…
Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’.


Bilderberg 2013 -Live Streams - News

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LOL :)

After Jimmy Saville, the BBC deserves no respect at all. Fuck them.
After the BBC announced WTC 7 had already collapsed a half hour before it improbably did, they deserve the hatred of every decent person.

To the original poster...ALEX IS BAT SH*T CRAZY.

I have had more than my fair share of communications with Alex Jones in the past. I will admit that I used to listen to his radio shows, but when I started catching him in LIE after LIE I called him out on them. He kicked into SCREAM mode, refused to hear my side of the issue, which I had backed up with plenty of facts/documentaries/documents etc. It eventually reached a point where I found him repulsive to listen to, because he was adding his own spin to every issue. I learned later that he is a CIA asset and was and still is a part of Stratford, which is a arm of the CIA. He recently hired a woman named Molly Maroney who is also a Stratford employee. So when you hear Alex Jones talking about having "MOLES", "INSIDERS" etc in government, he is talking about his fellow companions like Molly who inform him of what is going on in government. Rest assured whatever he reveals on his show is INTENDED to be revealed, because I guarantee you , had he revealed anything the CIA/FBI/NSA etc did not want him to, he would be shot/poisoned or renditioned off to some place where the public would never hear from him again. Alex has openly admitted on his show just a couple of months ago that he is a part of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY and admitted he sees nothing wrong with their goals and agenda (REALLY ALEX? nothing wrong with their NWO plans?) He admitted to having no concerns about the Palestinians having their land taken and them being slaughtered by Israel. Alex also is being funded by the Bronfmans of Canada which is a enormously wealthy Jewish family that owns the SEAGRAM liquor/spirits company...one of if not the largest of its kind in the world. So Alex is definitely CONNECTED to the very same people he claims to be against.

Someone mentioned that Alex is Jewish and the answer to that is a resounding YES HE IS. He enters quickly into DENIAL about it when he is questioned about it. He then claims his last name is JONES and therefore he can not be Jewish. To all that have forgotten, as MANY Jews emigrated from Europe to America, they were not desired, so they changed their names to something more "acceptable" in order to hide their identity and Jones was/is one of the most popular "HIDE" names for Jews. He claimed his wife is named Violet Jones, when it really is Kelly Nichols (Jewish). When he was confronted on this, Alex claimed he had to hide his wife's identity because she was receiving DEATH THREATS.... why? Who is she that someone would threaten her life?

Alex Jones lives in a bazaar world. Playing both sides of the field and ultimately deceiving those who look up to him and see him as a person fighting for the causes of a nation. Just like Kokesh and Rand Paul pulled a switcharoo on the masses for their own gain, Alex is doing the same. These wild eyed outbursts only show that he is as controlled and manipulated as the very politicians he claims he speaks out against. Why else would he have these BERSERK moments while being interviewed by the media? He makes himself appear to the masses as CRAZY AND UNINTELLIGENT at the very time should be on his best.... the media says he is CRAZY, and he just proved the right. At moments like this Alex should have been speaking with the utmost of intelligence, making himself appear knowledgeable, honest and standing for the Constitution...what the viewing audience witnessed makes them wonder who is this guy and exactly what is he standing for and what is his agenda?

I hope we are not being deceived by a mass of personalities TV and Radio talk show hosts who claimed to be fighting the NWO in the name of the citizens...ONLY FOR US ALL TO FIND OUT THEY ARE THE NWO AS WELL....

*YAWN*... Me thinks too much time is spent praising or slaying AJ. He's just one human folks. He's not God nor is he the Devil incarnate. He's a bit too ego driven or should I say "too full of nut" for me, but I choose not to tune in, period.

It's time to look in the mirror, get right with ourselves first and then we can take other's inventories. We are the change we seek. We need to become leaders in our own lives. Once this happens... we will be true forces to be reckoned with.


yeah, there is a saying that its the "Crazy ones that change the world".   Its the rest that sit back and criticize and do nothing else.   I have been watching that truism play out for 11 years now, since 9-11.  No one is outraged that these NWO types killed 12,000 Americans for their political agenda.  That alone shows just how far down we have come.  I celebrate Alex's passion.  At least he is still human and alive.  Everyone else appears dead. 

Is the whole world crazy or am I?


Probably both....... lol

Yep, but the World is crazier.

If past meetings are any indicator, thousands of activists and protestors are already set to descend upon the British compound this upcoming week, from Thursday, June 6 to Sunday, June 9. - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/special-report-world-must-unite-agai...

After the many years that Alex has been in the media from radio to TV,making his documentaries writing books about an enemy that's about to clobber the whole world and the future generations,It's no wonder he just tries to blurt it all out.

 There's nothing wrong with Alex, but there is something wrong with those hosts that are trying to discredit the messenger talking about this subject of communist world takeover like they were talking about a shopping trip to Macy’s or  or a TV cooking show on how to make the best Chop Suey.Sure, Alex does have problems with being courteous, and abrupt but ...

"A Good tree brings forth good fruit, but a bad tree brings forth  bad fruit,A tree is known by it's fruit.  Matthew 7:20. Because of his detailed research of bringing out the facts Alex has exposed the N.W.O. for what it really is. I even thought the N.W.O. was going to be a good thing until I started seeing that it was only for a special group of elites and against small businesses and the majority of the people and Alex was the one to crack it wide open  not just because he cares about the world, but because he loves his family and wants them to have a future.

If everyone were to take this assault on our world by the small group of elites as seriously as Alex does, we may be acting a little quirky and crazy our selves and the News hosts would too if they would get up off their duffs and at least watch the documentaries he has produced respectfully and soberly .

The only thing he is doing is getting rich. He doesn't mention Jews. He doesn't really have real info on the government because they don't mess with him. He tells us about the Illuminati like who are they. They live in castles and they have billions. So what are the citizens supposed to do? Our politicians are supposed to do what we want. I hope Snowden makes it to Iceland and they give him immunity. So we have Assange giving us important info and now we have this guy. He didn't do it for money. He was just a decent white guy who probably with the terrorist attacks this government is committing against the people and then learns about the spying exposed it and put the spotlight on it and this is how you stop it. The politicians run like cockroaches from the light. You know at first it's damn dangerous to be a patriot and fight the government in a couple years it will mean nothing. The government is the only one who doesn't want their illegal secrets exposed. If they were planning on dropping a thousand nukes on Russia and someone exposed it. That would be illegal too. Look at how much stuff they have exposed on this government. The testing of diseases, radiation and experiments they conduct on people. The nuclear waste dumped in places, but none of them are arrested for this. They go after a select few. They act like if a congressman takes some money from someone is such a huge crime, but a company dumps nuclear waste into a river or lake and kills millions and millions are deformed it's like no  big deal


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